Sample Mission Statements
County of San Diego, Dept. of Environmental Health, Mission Statement:
“Protecting the Environment and enhancing public health by preventing disease, promoting environmental reponsibility and, when necessary, enforcing environmental and public health laws. The Department of Environmental Health employs the use of a Geographic Information System to help staff better see "where" problems are - and how to best resolve these problems, and even avoid problems before they occur”.
Vision: Environmental and public health through leadership, partner and science.
State of Wisconsin, Dept. of Natural Resources
“The DNR GIS Program Mission is to develop and maintain the GIS technology, tools, databases, and applications which provide spatial data management, analysis, and mapping capabilities to support DNR policy evaluation, decision-making, and program operations.”
“Geographic Information System (GIS) technology is in use at the DNR to enable timely, efficient, and effective access to information about the state's land, water, and air resources. GIS tools are used to provide spatial data management, collection, analysis, and mapping capabilities to support DNR policy evaluation, decision-making, and program operations.”
Richland County, S.C., Mission Statement:
“The mission of the GIS Department is to establish a foundation of geographic information to support community decision-making. The GIS program will provide the technological vision and leadership to deploy appropriate spatial technologies that will contribute towards an enriched community. Hereby, we will reinvent, reengineer, and streamline government wherever spatial technology can contribute towards increased efficiencies, increased effectiveness, and reduced costs.”
EUROGI, the European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information
“Our mission is to maximise the effective use of geographic information for the benefit of the citizen, good governance and commerce in Europe and to represent the views of the geographic information community. EUROGI achieves this by promoting, stimulating, encouraging and supporting the development and use of geographic information and technology.”
Vision: “It is our vision that Geographic information, with all its aspects, should become a fully integrated component of the European knowledge-based society.”
City of Indianapolis and Marion County,Indiana, Geospatial Information Services
“Delivering professional services and decision support systems through robust and accurate spatial databases, innovative geographic information system applications, and strategic partnerships which support Indianapolis/Marion County government and improve the quality of life for all citizens."
Texas Natural Resource Information System (TNRIS):
“The Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS) is the gateway to geospatial data for the state of Texas. TNRIS' goal is to either make data available to users quickly, or to refer users to the appropriate data sources.”
State of Kentucky, Division of Geographic Information (DGI):
“As part of the Commonwealth Office of Technology, the Division of Geographic Information (DGI) is responsible for encouraging, coordinating, and implementing GIS programs within the Commonwealth of Kentucky. DGI works with both state and local government, and serves as a liaison to federal mapping agencies. Activities include strategic planning, project management, technical and administrative support, dissemination of spatial data, education and training, research, and policy development. DGI also works closely with the Kentucky Geospatial Board.”
The USGS mission statement:
"The USGS serves the Nation by providing reliable scientific information to describe and understand the Earth; minimize loss of life and property from natural disasters; manage water, biological, energy, and mineral resources; and enhance and protect our quality of life."
City of Phoenix, AZ, Information Technology Department:
“To provide world-class information technology and telecommunications services
to make Phoenix a better place to work and live.”
The mission of the Northern Sierra Nevada GIS is to assist, promote, and develop a shared geographic information system resource for local decision makers and the general public. In pursuing its mission, the Northern Sierra Nevada GIS must be designed to:
- provide user-friendly public access
- protect sensitive and/or proprietary information
- be compatible with existing GIS within the region
- help agencies avoid duplication, thus keeping costs down and saving tax dollars
- maximize data quality for system users
- provide systems for assembly and integration of spatial data such as physical,
biological, economic, demographic, and cultural resources - develop data structures, standards, and guidelines for area GIS users.
City of Suffolk, VA, Mission Statement
The mission of the City of Suffolk GIS staff is to support the activities of the City of Suffolk and its citizens by providing and maintaining accurate, current and complete geospatial data. This support will be provided through leveraging the knowledge contained in this information by using a set of procedures and techniques collectively referred to as a Geographic Information System. Using the Geographic Information System (GIS), the staff will enable the managers and citizens to make decisions impacting the future of the City of Suffolk in an informed and logical manner.
Western Michigan University Physical Plant, GIS Department, Mission Statement
The mission of the Western Michigan University Physical Plant Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Department is to provide updated accurate geographic information on utility infrastructure, landscape, and other University assets. The GIS Department provides data to the University and GIS communities.