<b> [GAG1]<center>[GAG2] Study Information and Participant Credit Page </b> [GAG3]<br>[GAG4]

Career Identity Development Scales Assessment </center>[GAG5] <br> <br>

My research team and I are interested in examining relationships among career exploration and career identity development. Our goal is to understand BSU students to help provide guidance on career exploration assignments for a departmentally required course. Results from the study that you have registered to participate in will help us to understand the relationships among several questionnaires that are used in research and career counseling with college students.[GAG6]

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Participation in this study involves completing a survey that will probably take about 1 hour and involves questions related to your background, career exploration, career identity, and motivation levels. If thinking about or answering these kinds of questions makes you feel uncomfortable, you should consider not participating in this particular study. If you do choose to participate, you are free to leave items blank that you do not feel comfortable answering and/or to discontinue your participation at any time by closing your web browser, thereby ending the survey.[GAG7]

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Participation in this study is confidential which means that, although you were asked to enter your BallState username to enter this Credit form, you will not enter this information to get into the actual survey. Your BSU ID number and your last name will be stored in this Credit form, only to ensure that you get credit for participating. More specifically, you will need to type in a 6-digit number below and use that number to enter the survey, to ensure that you receive credit for participating. The survey responses will be stored in a separate location on-line, ensuring the confidentiality of your responses. Your data will only be presented as part of group averages, without your name or other identifying information.[GAG8]

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Again, your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you are free to withdraw from the study now or at any time for any reason without penalty or prejudice from the investigator. You are also free to skip any items that make you feel uncomfortable.[GAG9]

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Before you begin the actual survey, please take a minute to come up with a unique 6-digit number that you would like to use for this study. Please do not use 123456 and please try to make it unique. You might consider using the last 4 digits of your phone number and the two digits for your birthyear (e.g., if my phone number is 285-1694 and I was born in 1976, I would consider using 169476), which will make it easy to remember.[GAG10]

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1. Please type in the 6-digit number that you will be using and then click on the Submit button below to go to the actual survey.[GAG11]

Essay rows=1 cols=8[GAG12]

trailer=[GAG13]"To participate in the study click on the link below to get started.<br> <br> By clicking below, you are declaring that you have read the description of this project and have had any questions answered to your satisfaction (you can email the Principle Investigator for the study at with questions before actually participating), and therefore give your consent to participate.[GAG14]

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For one’s rights as a research subject, please contact Research Compliance, Sponsored Programs Office, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306, (765) 285-5070, .[GAG15] <br> <br>

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<a href=" " target=""> [GAG16]Click Here to begin the survey[GAG17]</a>

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If you have already completed the survey once but still have not received credit, email the researchers – please do NOT complete the survey more than one time. Remember also that it can take up to 2 days before your credit appears.[GAG19]

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<br> <br>"[GAG20]


  1. This document must be saved as a “.txt” file for use in inQsit.
  1. This document should be saved in a separate inQsit folder than the survey. For example, I would save this in the inQsit folder: gaither/IRB. I would also create a “subarea” titled “Surveys” and place the survey there. This folder name would then be: gaither/IRB/Surveys.

[GAG1]Turn on Boldface

[GAG2]Turn on Centering to center Title

[GAG3]Turn off Boldface

[GAG4]Add Hard Return

[GAG5]Turn of Centering

[GAG6]Explanation of study purpose

[GAG7]Description of what participation entails and statement regarding voluntary participation

[GAG8]Assurance/explanation of Confidentiality

[GAG9]Voluntary Participation statement

[GAG10]Creation of ID number so researcher can give credit only to participants who also submit data in survey

[GAG11]There must be at least 1 question/item in inQsit.

[GAG12]inQsit code to create an “Essay” item – a textbook which is 1 row by 8 columns

[GAG13]This code is vital to providing a link to the survey AFTER the participant submits information for credit. Everything after this will appear only after the participant has clicked the “Submit” Button, which causes inQsit to store the response to the question.

[GAG14]Researcher contact information; final “consent” to participate.

[GAG15]Compliance contact information; this information should also appear in a Debrriefing Page which the participant should be instructed to print out upon completion of the survey.

[GAG16]Html code to create link to survey

[GAG17]Text that will appear for link to survey

[GAG18]Warning statement to reduce chance participant will not make it to survey

[GAG19]If you allow participants to enter the Information and Credit page more than one time, this statement is used to ensure they do not complete the survey twice since the credit is not updated automatically upon submission.

[GAG20]Must have “ before text of trailer (after trailer=) and at end of trailer information