April 23, 2010


c/o Northeast High School

2635 N. 63rd Street

Lincoln, NE 68507





Who doesn’t love a good cookie?

My civics class is organizing a bake sale during the week of April 26-30 in our community to raise money for Cookies for Kids’ Cancer (www.cookiesforkidscancer.org). Cookies for Kids’ Cancer is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity raising money for pediatric cancer research through local bake sales. It was founded by a very determined mother to help increase her young son’s odds in his fight against cancer. In late 2007, she had the idea to bake cookies to sell during the holidays. Her small idea became a huge movement with 96,000 cookies baked and sold during a three-week period with the help of more than 250 dedicated volunteers. Her bake sale raised more than $400,000. During that massive bake sale she realized people want to get involved and help, they just need a way to do so. So Cookies for Kids’ Cancer was created.

If you are wondering why there is a need to raise money for pediatric cancer research, it might come as a surprise that pediatric cancer is the number one disease killer in the U.S. of children under the age of 18. In fact, it kills more children than asthma, AIDS, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis combined. Unfortunately, pediatric cancer receives a very small percentage of the National Cancer Institute’s $4.8 billion annual budget and almost no research and development dollars from pharmaceutical companies.

Our goal is to raise $1000.00 through our bake sale, and fundraising letters. I hope you will help us reach our goal. If you are willing, I am asking for a check donation or for you to purchase cookies online at cookiesforkidscancer.org. Please make checks payable to “Cookies for Kid’s Cancer”. They may be mailed to the following address:

Lincoln Northeast High School

c/o Cheyenne Janssen

2635 N. 63rd Street

Lincoln, NE 68507

Every dollar counts and every dollar makes a difference. Research funding has made a direct and measurable impact on the survival rates of pediatric cancer. If children are our most precious resource, why wouldn’t we do everything in our power to keep them safe? It’s our responsibility and obligation to protect them and our future.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. As the mother whose idea it was to create Cookies for Kids’ Cancer says, “If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes the world to fight pediatric cancer.” We’re in this fight because every child battling cancer deserves a fighting chance. I hope you too will join our efforts and be a good cookie.


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