Country: Afghanistan
Ministry: Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development
Name of Project: Component of the Central Asia-South Asia Transmission Line Project (CASA-1000)
Grant No: TF017012
Assignment Title: A Public Awareness Communication Campaign of the Community Support Program (CSP) for the Central Asia- South Asia Transmission Line (CASA-1000) Project
Reference No: MEW/MRRD/CASA-CSP/CS/Comm-1
Issue Date: 15th August 2017
Closing Date: 5th September 2017
The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has received funds from various donors (‘Donors’) under the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund ARTF financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the component of the Central Asia-South Asia Transmission Line Project (CASA-1000), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
I. Introduction to CASA-1000/ CSP Project:
The Central Asia South Asia Electricity Transmission and Trade Project (CASA-1000) is a transformational project with impact in two regions. The project offers an opportunity to alleviate poverty in some of the poorest parts of the world, boosting energy security and prosperity in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. CASA-1000 will facilitate the first electricity trade between four countries in Central Asia and South Asia, based on long-term commercial contracts for 1,300 megawatts (MW) of electricity transmission between the 4 neighboring countries. This would be the first step in the development of the Central Asia South Asia Regional Electricity Market (CASAREM), a phased plan for institutional arrangements and infrastructure that will bring Central Asia's surplus hydropower resources to help alleviate South Asia's energy shortages and growing demand for electricity. This economic interdependency and inter-regional cooperation can contribute to stability and security in the two regions.
In Afghanistan, the transmission line is expected to pass through seven provinces starting from Sher Khan Bandar to Torkham border along the corridor of influence (COI). The COI is determined as a radius of 4 km (2 km on either side) of the towers (“footprint”) of the transmission line. The provinces will include Kunduz, Baghlan, Panjshir, Kapisa, Kabul, Laghman and Nangarhar.
The design of the CASA 1000 project in Afghanistan includes a Community Support Program (CSP) for individuals and communities located within the 4 km wide and 562 km long (1,124 square km) transmission line corridor in Afghanistan who will be affected during the design, construction, and operation and maintenance of the transmission line. The CSP is designed in such a way as to provide among others community support activities and as feasible power projects from alternate sources to the communities in the COI that have no access to power as yet, and where the communities already have power supply, other development projects with a socio-economic impact. The CSP aims to generate support from these communities for the bigger CASA-1000 project and for their support in protecting it during and after its construction.
The Afghanistan Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW), the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) and the Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat– Power Utility (DABS) have acknowledged the need for and agreed on the necessity to establish within the Community Support Program of CASA-1000 – a Communication and Outreach Component. This component is strategically aimed at creating public opinion in Afghanistan and in particularly among communities along the corridor of influence for trans-boundary cooperation in energy sector in consideration of impact of such initiatives on long term economic prosperity and political stability in the region. This will be in addition to the objective of generating support for the project during its implementation. The Communication and Outreach Component in the CSP is expected to be in place as long as the CASA-1000 project construction is ongoing.
The more detailed ToR can be accessed on line at []
The request for the detailed ToRs and additional information on the CASA-1000 and CSP may be obtained at the email address provided below.
II. The consulting services (“the Services”)
- Conduct a comprehensive communications needs assessment on what messages need to be communicated to various audience groups (different communications layers) and what mediums could be used to effectively reach each of them for the CASA-1000. At a minimum the assessment should cover the following audience groups: Donors/ international community, ARTF committee members, Afghan ministries including MoEW, MRRD and MoF, and community representatives (CDCs) for communities along the CoI (minimum 10 communities spread across the length of the transmission line in the country.
- Work with the Client to develop a detailed communication strategy for the CSP and CASA, and plan activities based on this strategy
- Plan communications activities for the program’s audiences at the international, national and sub-national levels.
- Conceive and develop media products that can resonate with the target audiences by differentiation of mediums of communication to be used to disseminate these media products.
- Plan and produce multimedia products (print, radio, TV ads) for general awareness and place them on national media outlets.
- Set up a dedicated website and social media pages for the CASA-1000 Afghanistan. Publicize the same widely. Schedule and promote regular social media messages for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
- Prepare and timely submit an effective dissemination plan for print materials to the target audience.
- Put together a creative dissemination plan for general CASA-1000 awareness to help ensure countrywide support from the project (CASA project).
- Develop a mechanism and monitoring toll that can help monitor CASA-1000 communications campaigns/activities on a regular basis and pave the way for quarterly evaluations of CASA-1000 advocacy, awareness and behavior change activities.
- Establish a mechanism to ensure overall CASA-1000 communications performance on a regular basis.
- Work in close coordination Public Communications Departments/Divisions of the Client(s) and transfer knowledge to personnel of publications department.
- Do other task assigned related to stated objectives of the project.
The MRRD ("Client") now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
1. The following instructions need to be followed when submitting Expressions of Interest (EoI):
· EoIs can be submitted both in hard and/or soft copies within the stated deadline. If being send only in soft copy, all pages need to be signed and scanned when sending.
· An EoI must be a maximum of 20 pages. Any EoI submission over 20 pages will only be reviewed for the first 20 pages.
· The EoI must include the following:
o A cover letter expressing interest in the services and briefly stating name of the assignment. (Maximum 2 pages)
o Consultant's overall profile (Maximum 4 pages). This should also include:
ü Evidence for being in business for at least last three (3) years.
ü Evidence of having an annual turnover of a minimum of US$ 75,000 for any of the last 3 fiscal years
ü Evidence of past contract value history of a minimum of US$ 35,000/contract for at least 3 contracts in the last 5 fiscal years.
ü Consultant's overall organizational structure including very briefly information on key manpower with the technical and professional qualifications necessary for successful implementation of the assignment (Please do NOT submit CVs at this stage) (Maximum 4 pages)
o Experience of the firm/ firms submitting the EoI in a tabular form including country, client and donor, project title, project reference number, project contract amount in original currency and in US$ equivalent, # of international staff months, # of national staff months, project period, brief description of consultant's role in the project. List only the most important and relevant ones. (Maximum 7 pages) (Note: List the largest value and most relevant projects to this assignment first)
o List Consultant's direct experience in Afghanistan and/or other conflict/ immediate post conflict zones/ countries (Maximum 1 page)
o List Consultant's direct experience in projects related to similar public communications/ awareness raisingcampaigns (Maximum 1 page)
o Contact details in Afghanistan and registration details in Afghanistan of the firm or all the firms forming part of the joint venture. (Please do not include copies of registration certificates at this stage but mention date of registration, agency/organization registered with, validity of the registration, registration number, etc. Maximum 1 page)
The short-listing criteria are as follows (please do NOT submit individual experts’ bio data at this EOI stage):
· Demonstration of adequate overall profile and organizational structure to handle undertake this Consultancy.
· Past annual turnover of a minimum of US$ 75,000 for any of the last 3 fiscal years, and past contract value history of a minimum of US$ 35,000/contract for at least 3 contracts in the last 5 fiscal years.
· Past experience undertaking large scale communications campaigns/ awareness raising campaigns or similar projects for Government, development donor agencies/offices, think tanks and/or large NGOs.
· Direct experience in conflict/ post-conflict studies
· Direct experience in countries/regions/zones of conflict/ immediate post-conflict/ fragile states. Direct experience in Afghanistan would be a distinct advantage.
2. Guidance Note on Short listing:
· For converting the turnover and similar contract value from other currencies to USD, the exchange rate used will be that issued by the Da Afghanistan Bank 2 working days prior to the deadline for this EoI submission.
· Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. If consultants intend to associate with other firms, they are advised to clearly identify the lead partner and state the composition and nature of the association (JV/ sub-consultant) in their EOI.
· In case the EOI is submitted in the form of a joint venture (JV), each partner in the association shall meet the minimum requirements, under the short listing criteria. In the event that such an EOI is shortlisted for the Request-for-Proposal stage, no changes can be made in the JV composition of partners.
· In case the EOI is submitted in the form of a sub-consultancy (SC), the overall merits will be considered for such partnership, but the actual short listing criteria will apply only to the primary and not the sub-consultants.
· EOIs can be submitted by Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs), for-profit private consultancy firms, universities, think tanks etc that meet the requirements mentioned above.
· The type of contract resulting from this procurement will be Lump Sum and the contract duration will be 1 year.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to eligibility requirements in compliance with paragraphs 3.21, 3.22, & 3.23 of theWorld Bank's Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers, Procurement In investment Projects Financing, Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services July 2016,available at, hereinafter referred as “Regulations” and paragraph 3.16 and 3.17 of the Regulations, setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest. In addition, please refer to the following information on conflict of interest related to this assignment as per paragraph 3.16 and 3.17 of Regulations.
Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub consultancyto enhance their qualifications.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultant Qualification method set out in the Regulations. The type of contract resulting from this procurement will be Lump Sum and the contract duration is expected to be for a maximum of 1 year.
Further information can be obtained exclusively by email on working days from Saturday to Wednesday. Expressions of interest (EoIs) must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person or by e-mail) by 10:00 hours, Kabul local time, on 5th September 2017.
Attn: AmanullahFarahiHead, Procurement Division, Citizens’ Charter Afghanistan Project (CCAP),
Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD), Afghanistan
MRRD Compound, Tashkilat Street, DarulAman, Kabul, Afghanistan
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