Intelligence / Time
1. Warm up and/or review
An activity that a) uses previously learned content to begin a new lesson, b) lasts 5-10 minutes and c) uses materials students are familiar with from previous lessons. / Review cooking vocabulary.
Tools and action words / Auditory / 5 – 10 minutes
2. Introduction
Focusing student attention on the lesson-asking questions, using visuals. Stating the objective, relating the objective to previous learning. / You will be able to follow the directions of a classmate to make their lunch for them. / Auditory / 5 min.
3. Presentation
Introduction of new information by a variety of strategies; visuals, realia, descriptions, explanation, or written text. Instructor checks for student comprehension through new vocabulary – grammar structure –life skill-pronunciation. / Demonstrate w/coworker-Coworker gives you the directions to make their “Kabob” to order.. ex. Wash, cut green pepper chicken, onions mushrooms and tomatoes. Then slide on a skewer in the order said: chicken, pepper, tomato, mushroom and repeat. Brush with Italian dressing. Grill 4 min. per side. / Produce
Skewers / Auditory
Tactile / 20
4. Practice
Opportunities to practice the new knowledge are provided. Practice is guided through materials and may be whole group, small group, pairs or individuals. Instructor models each activity, monitors progress and provides feedback. / Students are in pairs & make each others Kabobs.
1 giving directions, 1 following directions.
Teacher emphasizes that they must listen to & follow the directions
Have a variety of options, ingredients / Produce
Skewers / Auditory
Tactile / 30
5. Evaluation
Evaluation of each student on attainment of lesson objectives. Evaluation can be oral, written or demonstrated performance (projects). / Observation of practice & teacher verbally gives directions to class to make a Kabob for the staff, each students makes one
6. Application / Closure
An activity that requires students to apply new knowledge to their own lives or a new situation / Emphasize that waitresses, cooks and all employees must be able to follow directions.. / 5
Sample ESL Lesson Plan Format Submitted by: Mary Brandimore
Battle Creek Adult Ed
Performance Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able tofollow sequential instructions by using basic grammar conventions. Strand(s):Listening 4.1.2. Level: ESL Low Intermediate
Format adapted from California Department of Education, Staff Development Institute