Sample Emergency Management Procedures Handbook

The information provided in this handbook is designed as a quick reference for the ______Church, Staff, Safety Team, Medical Team, and volunteers and was developed to minimize the negative effects resulting from an emergency. Please read this guide thoroughly before an emergency occurs and become acquainted with its contents to better prepare for an emergency on the ______grounds.

Ifyouhavequestions aboutaunique situationthatisnotcoveredinthisreferenceguide,need additionalemergencyinformation,orwouldliketoscheduleemergencypreparednesstraining, please telephone the Safety TeamCoordinator/Leader.

What You Can Do Now To Prepare

Emergencies, disasters, accidents, injuries, and crime can occur at any time without warning. Being physically and psychologically prepared to handle unexpected emergencies is an individual and an organizational responsibility.

  • Staff should keep a working flashlight in your work space in case the lights go out in an emergency. Become familiar with the quickest exit route from your area.
  • Know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher and pull station in your area.
  • Conduct periodic emergency evacuation drills.
  • Know the location of your primary Emergency Assembly Area.



The ______church emergency plan has established guidelines to follow in the event an emergency requiring an evacuation takes place. There are two types of evacuations: (1) Building Evacuation requiring exiting the church building to safe assembly areas and (2) Shelter-in-Place requiring seeking safety within the church building. A Building Evacuation may be necessary during a fire, power outage, explosion, bomb threat/suspicious package, or an active shooter situation. A Shelter-in-Place may be necessary during severe weather, an earthquake, or hazardous materials contamination. Building Evacuation routes and shelter-in-place locations are posted throughout the building to assist you.

There are special needs groups that require additional and/or unique instructions when evacuating the buildings. These are children and persons with disabilities.

Evacuation Assistanceby the ______Safety Team

In the event of a crisis requiring an evacuation, the ______crisis plan has established a Safety Team that has been trained to assist in emergencies. They are here to help you get out of the building and assist where needed. If you get lost or become debilitated, call out for help loudly and repeatedly until someone comes to your aid.

______Church Emergency Assembly Areas and Shelter-in-Place Areas

The crisis plan has established Emergency Assembly Areas (EAA) and Shelter-in-Place Area (SIP) in the event of a crisis requiring a building evacuation or shelter-in-place. Identify your EAA or SIP by first finding your department location on the evacuation maps within this handbook. Then track the shortest and most direct route to that EAA or SIP location.

Building Evacuation

  1. Walk, do notrun.
  2. DO NOT use elevators unless authorized to do so by police or fire personnel. Elevators can fail during a fire or other majorevent.
  3. TheSafetyTeamcanprovideassistance.
  4. Gather outside at your designated EAA.Do NOT leave the property after evacuating.
  5. Donotreturnto thebuildinguntilyoureceiveinstructionsfromtheSafetyTeam,Staffmember,or EmergencyPersonnelthateverythingis"AllClear"andsafetoreturntoyourarea.


  1. Walk, do notrun.
  2. DO NOT use elevators unless authorized to do so by police or fire personnel. Elevators can fail during a fire or other majorevent.
  3. Seek out people with special needs and provideassistance.
  4. MovetoyourdesignatedSIParea.
  5. EXCEPTION:Teachers andchildreninthePreschool Hallwillseekshelterinthebathroomofeach classroom.
  6. As long as it is safe to do so, remain in the room until further instructions can be communicated from the Safety Team, Staff Member, or EmergencyPersonnel.

Building Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place of Children

Evacuating children from their area during a fire or other emergency circumstance is an important task for every preschool leader and/or volunteer. Most important is that the adult leader(s) remain calm.

The children will look to you for leadership, guidance and reassurance.

Each room has an Emergency Evacuation Map and an Emergency Shelter-in-Place Map located inside a cabinet door. Every teacher and/or volunteer should be familiar with the route from their classroom to the closest exit.

Preschool and Children's Wings

  1. Immediatelylinethechildrenupandheadtotheclosest exitfromthebuilding.
  2. Donotputcoatsandjacketsonthechildren.
  3. Donotallowchildrentogotothebathroom, retrieveatoy,orotherwisedelayexitingthe building. Do not leave them without supervision. Encourage them to move quickly and quietly.
  4. Teachersshouldtakethesign-insheetandradio,ifavailable, withyoutotheEAAorSIP.
  5. In the event of a Building Evacuation, proceed outdoors with the children to the designated EAA. In the event of a Shelter-in-Place emergency, proceed to the designated SIP. Do not allow them to push, shove, run, or get outof line.
  6. Unless otherwise directed, walk the children to your assignedposition.
  7. Takerollandaccountforthechildren.
  8. Have at least one responsible adult remain with thechildren.

Building Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place of Persons with Disabilities General Guidance

1.Check on people with special needs during an evacuation. A buddy system is agood method.

2.Do not useelevators.

3.Always ask someone with a special need how you can help before attempting any rescue technique or giving assistance.Ask whether there are any special considerations or items that need to come with theperson.


Persons with Blindness or Visual Impairment


2.Giveverbalinstructionsaboutthesafest routeordirectionusingcompassdirections, estimated distances, and directionalterms.

3.Do not grasp a visually impaired person's arm. Ask if he or she would like to hold ontoyour arm as you exit, especially if there is a crowd or debris.

Deafness or Hearing Loss

1.Gettheattentionoftheperson with ahearingdisabilitybytouchoreyecontact.

2.Do not waste time by trying to explain the crisis but motion clearly to follow you out. Facial expressions of excitement and urgency will generallywork.

3.Offervisualinstructionstoadvisethesafest routeordirectionbypointing toexitsor evacuation maps.

Mobility Impairment

  1. Cleartheexitroute·ifpossiblesothatthedisabledpersoncanevacuate.
  2. Notify police or fire personnel immediately about any persons who couldn't evacuate and theirlocations.
  3. Ifpeopleareinimmediatedangerandcannotbe movedtoasafer areatowaitfor assistance, it may be necessary to evacuate using a carrying technique.



Severe weather can be unpredictable and occur suddenly without warning. Severe weather likely to occur in this area includes tornadoes, hail, accumulation of snow and ice, severe thunderstorms, lightning, and high winds.

The decision to close ______churchr discontinue operations due to bad weather is the responsibility of the Executive Staff. The church utilizes multiple methods of communication to notify members of a closure, including the church website, social media, news outlets, and small group networks.

Personal Safety

To the greatest extent possible, stay inside the safety of the building structure and away from windows avoiding injury from lightning hail, or flying objects. If you must go outside, stay clear of sagging or downed power lines and avoid areas with the heaviest concentration of trees. If ice or snow has fallen, walk only on paths that have been cleared or treated. Exercise extreme caution when driving in heavy rains and flooding.

Tornado Alerts

A tornado WATCH means that weather conditions are favorable for the formation of a tornado while a tornado WARNING is issued when a tornado has been confirmed in the surrounding area. Emergency warning sirens are activated when there is a tornado warning. The ______County Office of Emergency Management authority that maintains and initiates the siren. In the event of a Tornado Warning, a siren will sound for a continuous 3 minutes. The OEM conducts monthly siren testing on the first Saturday of each month at 1:00pm.

If a Tornado WARNING Has Been Issued and You are Inside:

  1. TheSafetyTeamwillinitiatea"Shelter-in-Place"order.
  2. Ifpossible,movetoanapprovedShelter-in-Placeroomandcrouchlowinthefetalpositionwith yourhandscoveringthebackofyourheadandneck.
  3. Do not useelevators.
  4. Seek out people with special needs andprovide assistance.
  5. Donotleavetheshelterareauntilafterthestormisoverandan"AllClear"hasbeenissued.

If a Tornado WARNING Has Been Issued and You are Outside:

  1. Look for a nearby safe structure in which to takeshelter.
  2. Ifthereisnoshelter,liedownflatinalowarea suchasaditchandprotectyourheadwithyour hands.
  3. Ifyouareina car,getoutofitandseekothersafeshelter. Nevertrytooutrunatornado.

If a Tornado WARNING Has Been Issued and You are Teaching or Volunteering in the Preschool or Children's Wing:

  1. Preschool Director and/or Children's Director will communicate a warning is ineffect.
  2. Immediately line up thechildren.
  3. Takethesign-insheetandradio(ifavailable).
  4. Leadchildren tothebathroominsidetheclassroomandsitaway fromthedoor.
  5. Takerollandaccountforallthechildren.
  6. Director(s) or the Safety Team will call an "All Clear" when it is safe to bring the children out of the bathroom.

Severe Thunderstorm/Lightning

1.Postponeoutdooractivitiesassoonasyounoticeasevere stormapproachingoryouhearthe OEM warningsiren.

2.Get inside of a building and secure outsidedoors.

3.Stay clearoftreesandpowerlinesthatmayattractlightning.

4.If possible refrain from using cellularphones.

5.Donotcarry umbrellasortallobjectsoutsideduringheavylightning.

6.If caught outside seek shelter in a vehicle. Lightning travels around the outside shell of a vehicle thereby keeping yousafe.

Flooding and Water Damage to Church Buildings

Serious water damage can occur from a number of sources. If you notice flooding in the building, call the Facilities Manager or a Staff member. Report the exact location and severity of the leak. If there are any electrical appliances or outlets near the leak, use extreme caution. If there is any possible danger, evacuate the area.


Do not second guess. Always call 911 and notify the Safety Team.

Do not take any chances with a life for fear of embarrassment. Emergency personnel do not mind reporting to what might be an emergency. If you are or someone else is feeling ill, faint, weak, or just know something isn't right, get someone's attention and have them call for help.

To Start Breathing [Victim is not breathing but has pulse]

1.Call 911. Perform rescue breathing if trained orcertified.

2.Withthe victim'sheadtiltedbackandchinlifted,pinchthenoseshut.

3.Give two slow breaths.Breathe into the victim until chest gently rises.


5.Ifthereisapulsebuthevictimisstillnotbreathing,giveoneslowbreatheveryfiveseconds(12 times aminute).

6.Re-check pulse and breathing every minute. Continue rescue breathing as long as the victim is not breathing or until medical assistancearrives.

To Give Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) [Victim is not breathing and has no pulse]

1.Call 911 for CPR instructions. Do CPR and rescue breathing if trained orcertified.

2.Find the notch where the lower ribs meet the breast bone. Place the heel of your hand on the breast bone. Place your other hand on the top of thefirst.

3.Position the shoulders over hands. Compress chest 30 times using a smooth, evenrhythm.

4.Give two slow breaths (see "To Start Breathing"above).

5.Do three more sets of 30 compressions and twobreaths.

6.Recheckpulseandbreathing foraboutfiveseconds.

7.If there is no pulse, continue sets of 30 compressions and twobreaths.

8.Continueuntilmedicalassistance arrivesofuntilvictimstartsbreathingandhasapulse.

Abdominal Thrust for Choking Victim

1.Call 911 for emergency instructions.

2.Get behind the victim.Wrap your arms around the victim's waist, just above the navel.

3.Clasp your hands together with a doubled fist. Press in and up in quickthrusts.

4.Becarefulnottoexertpressure againstthevictim'sribcagewithforearms.

5.Repeat procedures until chokingstops.

To Stop Bleeding

1.Call 911 for emergencyinstructions.

2.Apply pressuredirectlyontothe woundwithasterilegauze,cleanhandkerchief,orglovedhand.

3.Maintain a steady pressure for five to tenminutes.


5.Stay with the victim until helparrives.

Seizures and Unconscious Victims

  1. Do not leave victimalone.
  2. Call 911 for emergency instructions.
  3. Move objects away from victim to preventcontact.
  4. Do not try to put anything in the victim'smouth.

Heat Related Illness

1.Get victim to a coolplace.

2.Loosen tightclothing.


4.Fan thevictim.

5.If thevictimisconscious,givecool(notcold)watertodrink.

6.Callanambulanceifvictimrefuses water, vomits,orlosesconsciousness.



The inherent danger during a major power outage is panic. If there is a major church-wide outage, the church has emergency lights installed that will immediately provide lighting to selected areas of the building. The lights start automatically upon loss of power. Keep a flashlight and batteries in key locations of your areas.

In case of a major church-wide power outage

1.Remain calm and stay where you are. Moving around in the dark increases the risk ofinjury.

2.If power is not restored in 15 minutes the Safety Team may evacuate the building. If evacuation of thebuildingisrequired,seekoutpeoplewithspecialneedsandprovideassistance.

3.Do not useelevators.

If people are trapped in an elevator


2.Call the Facilities Manager or a Staff member and provideinformation.

3.Provideditissafetodoso,stayneartheelevatorandtalktothepassengers,keepingthemcalm until police or other assistancearrives.

*Note: To report a minor, localized power outage, call the Facilities Manager or a Staff Member.


Upon Discovering a Fire or Smoke

1.Sound the building's fire alarm. This is done by pulling the lever at the nearest pull stationlocated next to main exits.

2.Callthelocalfiredepartment or911andnotifytheSafety Team.Givethelocationofthefire.

3.Immediately evacuate the building. Do not useelevators.

Using a Fire Extinguisher

1.Ifyouhavebeenproperly trained anditissafetodoso,youmay beabletocontainorputoutthe fire with a fire extinguisher.

2.Identify a safe evacuation path before approaching the fire. Do not allow fire, heat, or smoke to come between you and your evaluationpath.


4.Discharge theextinguisherwithinitseffectiverangeusingtheP.A.S.S.Technique(Pull,Aim, Squeeze, andSweep)

P - Pull safety pin fromhandle

A - Aim at base offire

S - Squeeze the triggerhandle

S - Sweep from side to side at base offire

If Trapped in a Room

1.If possible, wet and place cloth material around or under the door to keep smoke from entering the room.



If Caught in Smoke

  1. Drop to hands andknees and crawl toward exit.
  2. Staylow,assmokewillrisetoceilinglevel.
  3. Holdyourbreathasmuchaspossible.
  4. Breatheshallowlythroughyournoseanduseafiltersuchasatowelor shirt.

If Forced to Advance through Flames

1.Hold yourbreath.


3.Cover your head and hair.


Prepare yourself in advance; know where to go and how to get there. Know exactly how many doors you have to pass along your evacuation path before you reach the nearest exit door. This tip is very helpful if you encounter heavy smoke. Remember, common sense is the best safety device.



If there is an Explosion in or Very Near the Church Buildings

  1. Immediatelytakecoverundertables anddeskstoprotectyourselffromflyingglassanddebris.
  2. Aftertheimmediateeffectsof theexplosionhavesubsided, calltheSafetyTeammembersand911.
  3. If possible, activate the building fire alarmsystem.
  4. Evacuate the immediate area of theexplosion.
  5. If you are not able to evacuate, wait for emergencyresponders.
  6. Feel doors for heat before opening and opencarefully.
  7. Watch for fallingobjects.
  8. Donotusematches,lighters,orcandles.
  9. Seekoutandassistinjuredanddisabledpersons inevacuatingthebuilding.Exitbywayofthe stairway.Do not use the elevator.
  10. Onceoutside,moveatleast500feetaway fromthebuildingandcontinuetothedesignated Emergency Assembly Area.
  11. Keep roadways and walkways clear for emergency vehicles andpersonnel.
  12. DonotreenterthebuildinguntilinstructedtodosobytheSafetyTeamorStaffmembers.


While South Carolina is not known for earthquakes, ten to 20 earthquakes are recorded annually and two to five earthquakes are felt each year. These earthquakes measure a magnitude 3.0 on the magnitude scale and causing little damage. However, if a major earthquake were to occur, our church must be prepared.

The biggest dangers during a major earthquake are falling objects (pictures, items in cupboards and on shelves, ceiling tiles and fixtures, file cabinets, and bookshelves), swinging doors, broken windows, and fires (from broken natural gas lines or electrical short circuits).

What to Do During an Earthquake if You are Indoors:

  1. Stayinside.
  2. Take cover in a doorway or under a heavy desk ortable.
  3. Stayawayfromglass,shelvingunits,andheavy furniturethatcould fallover.
  4. Get against an insidewall.
  5. Droptoyourkneesandgetintoafetalposition,closingeyesandcrossingarmsovertheback of neck forprotection.
  6. Donotusetheelevators.
  7. Beawarethattheelectricitymaygooutorthewetsprinklersystemsandfirealarmsmayturnon.

If You are Outdoors:

1.Move quickly away from trees, retaining walls, buildings, utility poles and power lines. Do not enter building.

2.Drop toyourkneesto keepfromlosingyourbalanceandfalling


4.If in a moving vehicle, stop quickly and stay in the vehicle. Once the shaking stops, continue with caution.Avoidbridgesor rampsthatmayhavebeendamagedbytheearthquake.

After Shaking Stops

  1. Be prepared to evacuate if instructed to do so. The decision to evacuate will be based on the severity of the earth quake and the damage to thebuildings.
  2. Tune portable radios to local AM or FM stations for updates. The Safety Team will provide instructions for immediate action by means of intercom, public address system, telephone, email, bull-horn or Staffmembers.
  3. Leavetheareaifyousmellgasorfumesfromotherchemicals.Callthe FacilitiesManager immediately.
  4. Help injured or trapped personnel and give first aid where appropriate. Do not move the seriously injured unless they are in immediate danger of furtherinjury.
  5. Call for help and be prepared foraftershocks.



In Case of Hazardous Materials Spills or Leaks

1.Do not walk into or touch any of the spilled substance.Try not to inhale gases, fumes, or smoke. Try to stay uphill and upwind of the affectedarea.

2.CalltheSafetyTeamCoordinator/Leaderandprovideasmuchinformationaboutthespillas possible.

3.DO NOT turn any electrical switches on oroff.

4.Eliminate all openflames.


6.Keep others out of the affectedarea.

7.Contact the Facilities Manager for proper clean-up and containment of hazardous spills orreleases.

In Case of Non-Hazardous Materials Spills or Leaks

1.Protect the area from unnecessary foottraffic.

2.Notify the Safety Team or Facilities Manager if the material is in danger of entering a drain or waterway.

3.Wearappropriatepersonalprotectiveequipment,if necessary,ininvolvedincleaningthespill.

4.NotifytheFacilitiesManager,yourimmediate supervisor,orastaffmemberifinvolvedincausing thespill.


  1. The SafetyTeam will determine evacuation need.
  2. If in the event it becomes necessary to shelter-in-place due to a hazardous materials spill, seal space so contaminants cannotenter.
  3. Closewindowsanddoorsandsealgapsunderdoorwaysandwindowswithwettowels.

Assisting Accident Victims

1.Don't try to care for the victims of a hazardous materials accident until the substance has been identified and authorities indicate it is safe to go nearvictims.

2.Ifdeemed safe,movevictimstoalocation withfreshairandcallforemergencymedicalcare.

3.Remove contaminated clothing and shoes and place them in a plasticbag.

4.Cleanse victims who have encountered chemicals by immediately pouring water over the skin or eyes for at least 15 minutes, unless authorities instruct you not to use water on the particular chemicalinvolved.



Civil disturbances include riots, gangs, threatening individuals, or assemblies that have become significantly disruptive.

Demonstrations are visible actions designed to advocate a position on a particular issue. Most are peaceful and only occasionally cause an inconvenience. They become problematic when they obstruct worship or business. The Police Officer will be called to monitor demonstrations that may become problematic. The Police Department will be called to monitor demonstrations that have a potential for violence, property damage, or disruption.

In Case of Civil Disturbance or Demonstration

1.Avoid provoking or obstructingdemonstrators.

2.Avoid the area of disturbance.

3.Continue with normal routines as much aspossible.

4.If the disturbance is outside, stay away from doors or windows.Do not go outside.

5.Ifpoliceofficersarenotalready present,calltheSafetyTeamCoordinator/Leader,StaffMember,or 911.