Sample 2.5: Conversation with girl of 7 years, 9 months

Subject (S)

Male Transcriber (MT)

(MT) What should we talk about?

(MT) Silky Dog? (“Silky” is our dog)

(S) Yeah

(MT) OK, the greatest dog in the whole world?

(S) Not really

(S) I think a very nice dog is Silky and some other dog I call Buddy.

(MT) Buddy?

(MT) whose dog is Buddy?

(S) Robin’s

(MT) Robin has a dog?

(MT) Who’s Robin?

(S) She’s my friend

(MT) Your friend from school?

(S) Yeah

(MT) Is she in your grade?

(S) Yes

(MT) Does she go to your class?

(S) Not actually

(S) Not that often

(S) Usually she’s in different classes

(MT) Are you excited to go back to classes too?

(S) Yup

(MT) Do you like it?

(S) Yup

(MT) What’s your best part of school?

(S) Writing

(MT) Writing is what you’re best at?

(S) and reading

(MT) I always like to read.

(MT) What is your favorite book?

(S) “Madison Finn”

(MT) “Madison Finn”

(MT) What is that about?

(S) It’s about a girl that’s trying to compare her with a singer and rock star pop star

(MT) Mmm Hmm

(S) and she’s got two best friends with her and whenever they hear her on the radio they “aaahhhh” (imitates scream)

(MT) They scream a lot?

(S) Yeah they scream

(S) and they’re like “Oh my gosh it’s Nicole!”

(S) wait it’s Nicki, yeah Nicki

(MT) Is it a funny book?

(S) kind of

(S) and it’s very exciting

(S) I haven’t got to the rest of the book

(S) So far I like it

(MT) Oh you’re just reading this one now?

(S) Yeah

(MT) How far through it are you?

(S) Like, chapter one

(MT) Only chapter one?

(S) Yup

(S) Only one chapter

(S) I didn’t read chapter two

(S) Yeah I don’t really have that much time to read about it and stuff

(MT) Me neither

(MT) I don’t have time to read books as I would like

(S) Well it’s actually very very very fun reading

(MT) What else did you do this summer?

(S) Go on your trampoline a few times

(MT) Yeah

(S) Go on Nora ______’s trampoline a few times

(S) Go to Sarah’s house a little

(S) Go to their house and make rubber balloons that are really big

(S) and they pop really easily

(MT) How big do they get?

(S) Ahhh like, that big (demonstrated)

(MT) Huge!?

(S) Oh they can get this big!

(S) They can get this big

(MT) And then they blow up?

(S) Yeah