Sample 1.10: 30 Month Twins Talking with Female Adult

Context: Watching buses through a window at daycare.

Adult: I see one, two, three, four, five, six yellow buses.

Twin #1: There’s a van.

Adult: There is a van.

Adult: I see a girl in the van.

Twin #1: Girl in the van?

Adult: Yeah

Twin #1: Get out of van.

Adult: She needs to get out of the van? Why?

Twin #1: She get out of da van.

Adult: She did get out of the van, maybe’s she’s going to school.

Adult: There’s some more people over there, look.

Twin #1: Bye-bye van.

Adult: Where’s it going?

Twins #1 and #2: Where’s it going?

Twin #2: Where’s it going?

Adult: Yeah it’s all gone.

Twins #1 and #2: It’s all gone. It’s all gone.

Adult: What else do you see?

Twin #1: Buses.

Adult: Yeah look at them.

Adult: There’s kids in the buses.

Twin #2: Kid’s?

Adult: Yeah

Adult: We can wave to them.

Adult: Should we wave to the buses?

Twin #1 and #2: Yeah

Adult: Let’s wave.

Adult: What did you bring with you?

Twin #1: Apple.

Adult: Apple? Can I eat it?

Twin #1: No

Adult: What else did you bring?

Adult: You brought ketchup?

Twin #1: Ketchup?

Adult: Are you going to put it on the apple?

Twin #1: Yeah

Twin #2: Bye-bye school bus.

Twin #1: Bye-bye school bus.

Twin #2: I saying bye-bye school bus.

Adult: Lots of kids over there.

Twin #2: Bye-bye school bus.

Twin #1: Bye-bye school bus.

Adult: Oh no!

Twin#1: Ketchup fell down.

Twin #2: Ketchup fell down.

Adult: Help him pick it up.

Twin #1: I get it.

Twin: #1: Look at the kids.

Twin: #2: It fell down.

Adult: thank you

Adult: You picked it up for me!

Twin: #2: It fell down, it fell down!

Adult: I saw a bird, did you see it?

Twin: #1: Yeah

Adult: There it goes.

Twin #2: There it goes.

Twin: #2: There it goes.

Twin #2: It up in the sky.

Adult: Yeah it is up in the sky. It’s flying up there.

Twin #2: It’s flying up there?

Adult: Yeah

Adult: There it is, look! Do you see it?

Twin #2: Yeah

Adult: It’s little.

Twin#2: Little

Twin #1: Little

Adult: It’s looking for something to eat.

Twin #1: There’s a XXX bus.

Twin #1: A XXX bus.

Twin #1: White bus.

Adult: That is a white bus. It’s not yellow, it’s white.

Twin #2: It’s not yellow it’s white.

Twin #1: It’s not yellow it’s white.