Sample 0.50 FTE GTA/GRA Letter Template AY 2018-19 (FY19)

Dear {Student}:

Contingent upon admission to the Oklahoma State University (OSU) Graduate College, the {Department of ___/___ Graduate Program} is pleased to inform you that you have been admitted {provisionally/conditionally/on probation} to our program for fall/spring 20__. {Conditions/Provisions/Probationary terms: You are required to take ___ leveling courses/you are required to maintain a 3.00 GPA/etc.} If admitted by the Graduate College, your {excellent/outstanding/etc.} record will allow us to offer you a financial support package.

We are pleased to offer you a 0.50 FTE position as a Graduate {Teaching/Research}Assistant ({GTA/GRA}) for the {___ semester/year}. You will be performing {teaching/research} duties {associated with ___ course(s)/project(s)/associated with the department’s/program’s undergraduate offerings/under the direction of Professor ___} for an average of 20 hours per week (0.50 FTE). This appointment, like all graduate student positions, is subject to satisfactory progress toward your degree {maintain a minimum GPA of ___}, satisfactory performance of assigned duties, availability of sufficient funds, and compliance with all Department, Program, Graduate College and University rules, regulations, and requirements.{{This appointment may be renewed based on those same conditions.}} Please review the various OSU websites for academic and conduct expectations. Financial support can be terminated by the {Department/Program} at any time, if you fail to meet these expectations.

This position carries a monthly stipend of $___for the months of ___ {$___ per semester/year}, which will be paid through the monthly payroll system at the end of each month.{Your first paycheck will be ___.}

In general, full-time enrollment for graduate students is nine credit hours per semester. Full-time enrollment for those graduate students with a total of 0.50 FTE in assistantships is six (6) credit hours per semester. Therefore, your 0.50 FTE assistantship requires you to enroll in at least six (6) credit hours of eligible graduate coursework relevant to your degree each semester (fall/spring) in which you have assistantships totaling 0.50 FTE. However, you are encouraged to enroll in{9 credit hours/such a manner as} to facilitate degree completion in a timely manner. All graduate teaching and research assistants/associates (GTAs/GRAs)with qualifying 0.50 FTE appointments, such as yours,receive a full tuitionwaiver for eligible graduate courses; fees cannot be waived.With qualifying GTA or GRA appointments, graduate students are eligible for tuition waivers for the number of graduate credit hours designated in theirgraduate degree program.Assuming enrollment in nine (9) credit hours in the fall and spring and two (2) credit hours in the summer, the tuition waiver currently amounts to ~$___ per year for anOklahoma resident and ~$___ per year for a non-resident for the 2018-19academic year.

To receive this tuition waiver benefit and for a definition of “eligible courses,” you must complete the “Tuition Waiver Contract” online { under “GTA/GRA Tuition waiver Contracts, the GSSI form,” as early as possible after you arrive at OSU andno later than the first day of eachsemester. You are required to submit an online contracteach semester of your employment thereafter.

{After the initial assistantship period, graduate students who continue to meet the expectations described above may seek continued financial support as GTAs and GRAs. Specific details of research assistantships depend on being accepted into a research group and the availability of funds of that research group. Visit our website ___ for additional Program and research group information.}

In addition to the above compensation and tuition benefit, the single-person health insurance premium will be subsidized on your behalf with your qualifying enrollment and assistantship (at least .25%FTE).

{For those requiring the ITA exam:If you are employed as a GTA with classroom or laboratory responsibilities that involve oral communication with students, you must achieve at least (1) a 26 on the speaking section of the internet-based TOEFL (iBT) or an 8.5 or higher on the speaking score of IELTSor (2) a 22, 23, or 24 on the speaking section of the iBT or score of 7.0, 7.5, or 8.0 on the speaking portion of the IELTS anda passing score on the OSU-administered International Teaching Assistant (ITA) exam. The scored ITA exam is a five-minute verbal presentation on a subject of your choice, followed by a short question-and-answer session.The ITA exam is administered during the week before classes begin, so you must arrive in time to take it:

This offer of employment is conditional upon your satisfaction of the employment eligibility requirements established by Federal Immigration Control Law.On or before your first day of employment, you must complete Section One of the Employment Eligibility Form (I-9) and provide departmental personnel with original documents pertaining to your identity and eligibility to work within the United States (US).You must also provide a social security number at this time or you must submit an application for one as soon as possible upon your arrival in Stillwater, Oklahoma.{For international:University policy requires that all non-citizens of the US hold appropriate visas in order to be employed as GTAs or GRAs.If you are not a US citizen or Permanent Resident card holder, you must appear in the Office of International Students and Scholars in 250 Student Union (Stillwater Campus) or 130North Hall (Tulsa Campus) prior to starting work in order to obtain an on-campus work permit.}

Please indicate your acceptance of this offer by signing the appropriate line below and returning the enclosed copy of this letter to us as soon as possible but no later than April 15, 2018. {Note OSU is bound by the CGS Resolution and cannot require students to accept financial offers any earlier than this}. You are encouraged to review the Council of Graduate Schools’ Resolution

concerning acceptance of GTAs and GRAs positions.{Include the following verbiage if employing unit plans to request a background check: “OSU is informing you via this letter of their intent to perform a background check of your records. You will receive an email from which will prompt you to complete an online background check authorization form. This offer of employment is contingent upon the successful completion of this background check and OSU reserves the right to rescind this offer of employment based on the review of the background check information.”}

If your plans do not include enrolling in our graduate program, we would appreciate you informing us as soon as possible by marking the appropriate box on the attached copy of this letter and returning it to us {add directions}. This offer expires if you do not report to the {Department/Program} Office on {date}.

We look forward to you joining the OSU {Department of ___/___ Graduate Program}.If you have any questions, please {call (405)744-___ or e-mail ___ at }.


___,{Department Head/Graduate Coordinator}

Cc: Graduate College

_____ Yes. I, , accept the offer as described in this letter.I acknowledge that I have read and understood the conditions contained herein. {{I understand that I am required to report to the Department of ___{for mandatory orientation/ITA testing}by ___, 2018.}} {I understand I must seek written authorization from the Department/Graduate Program before accepting any other fellowships or employment offers.}



_____ No. I,,decline this offer.

