SHNA Board of Directors Minutes
May 18, 2010, Catalina Method Church Rm H2323
Present: Rick Bell, Janett Carbajal, Carolyn Classen, Wallis Downer, Steve Gilsdorf, Sheila Hoban, Kathi McLaughlin, Sylvia Mungaray, John O’Dowd,Gail Schuessler,John Wilder.
Absent:Doug Donahue, Frank Soltys, Ed Stokes.
Guests: Madelyn Cook, Mark Mayer, Cpl. Jason Deamer/UAPD.
Meeting called to order by O'Dowd at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of 4/20/10 BOD Minutes:Approved.
Call to Audience:
- Cpl. Deamer reported that since graduation, the staff may be able to assist homeowners with student-related concerns.
- Mr. Mayer discussed a draft of a Zoning Compliance for Existing Site Improvements Amendments, introduced at a Planning Commission public hearing by two developers on May 5th. Dealing with Certificate of Occupancy issues which would favorably impact owners of commercially zoned property concerning zoning in existence as of 5/1/05 (setbacks, lot conversion, parking requirements, off-street loading, landscape, native plant protection), the proposed ordinance will possibly go before Mayor & Council on May 22 or June 15. Motion made and passed that Mayer draft a letter to Mayor & Council opposing the Land Use Code amendment.
Reports of Officers:
President (O'Dowd):Concerned about City budget cuts, Himmel Pool closure.
Treasurer (Gilsdorf): Circulated Budget to Actual report as of 5/18/10, showing Washington Federal CD (water tower impound fund) $33,530 and Vantage West Credit Union $15,681.
Standing Committee Reports:
Elderly Housing (Carbajal): Pleased with a recent walk-through. Carolyn Classen has been appointed to the board of directors of Casitas on Broadway with Janett Carbajal and Larry Roberts (neighbors).
Newsletter:Methods of delivery, reproduction costs, revamping format, size and circulation of future issues discussed.
Membership/Technology: Wilder researched payments of dues online through PayPal, which with a 2.2% fee would total $20.74. Motion made and passed that Wilder, Gilsdorf and Bell will pursue this online membership dues technology. Standing committees are encouraged to contact those who indicated a willingness to volunteer when dues were renewed.
Sam Hughes Cares for Seniors (Classen):Trudy Mills continues as coordinator. Some residents are still being assisted by SHCS volunteers, some have registered withInterfaith Community Services.
Security (O'Dowd): Pursuing necessity for UAPD officers to be trained in crisis intervention to deal with violence on college campuses.
Historic Preservation/Himmel Library (O'Dowd): Discussed the possibility of 2005 County Bond money available for Himmel enlargement.
CCRC (O'Dowd): 1) 5 historic bungalows slated for demolition in early June in Rincon Heights; 2) University violation of Memorandum of Understanding (MO); 3) need to abide by MO, no more houses should be torn down; 4) McLaughlin to research request for proposal by 2 developers to develop minidorms .
Schools (O'Dowd): Tucson H.S. La Raza protest to be featured on CNN 5/19/10.
Downer to inquire about Sam Hughes situation.
Traffic/ParkWise (Hoban): Circulated a proposed informational letter to be circulated by ParkWise to current parking permit holders. Motion made and passed that after suggested changes, the letter be forwarded for distribution.Motion made and passed that $175 be spent for a video educational course to be presented by the International Traffic Engineers Assn. on 5/25 at ParkWise, beginning at 9 a.m. Other neighborhoods are invited.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Maxine Fifer, Tucson Office Professionals, 5250 E. Pima #131, 325-7721,