I/We ______(Print Name(s)) hereby agree to the following terms and conditions of this agreement:
- Power cart storage shed is owned by the member(s), not the cart, therefore should the member(s) no longer require there cart storage space it becomes property of the Salmo Golf Club. However, owners of the cart storage space may transfer his or her space to an immediate family member only. For the purpose of this policy, immediate family is defined as wife, husband, son or daughter. (Golf cart storage sheds may not be sold.)
- Power cart storage fees are as follows:
Gas powered cart storage: $______110.00______
Electric powered cart storage: $______130.00______
Payment of golf cart storage fees must be made in full no later than May 1st of the current golf season.
- If power cart storage fees are not paid in full by July 1st of the current golf season the Salmo Golf Club reserves the right to remove the lock and contents of the golf cart storage shed and rent the shed to the next person on the wait list. If the golf cart storage shed fees are not paid in full by Nov 1st of the current golf season the golf cart storage shed becomes property of the Salmo Golf Club.
- The Salmo Golf Club is not responsible for theft or damage of the power cart or of any personal belongings that may be stored in the golf cart storage shed.
- The Salmo Golf Club is not responsible for any personal injury or property damage, including death, that any person may sustain as a result of any activity connected with the operation of a power cart.
- No physical alterations may be made to a golf cart storage shed without prior approval from the Board of Directors.
- Golf cart storage sheds must be maintained and kept in good condition.
- No oil or gas may be stored in the golf cart storage shed.
- In the event that a/the member(s) relinquishes there golf cart storage shed during the season, a pro-rated refund shall be issued. (This will be determined by the Board of Directors) No refunds shall be issued when a golf cart storage shed is relinquished after July 1st.
Signed this ______day of______20______
Registered Owner (Signature)SGC Authorized Signatory
Registered Owner (Signature)
Administration Only: (Form Year 2018)Cart Shed Number______Gas______Electric______