Sally J. Stevens, Ph.D.



Executive Director: Southwest Institute for Research on Women

Distinguished Outreach Professor: Department of Gender and Women’s Studies

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

University of Arizona

925 N. Tyndall

Tucson, AZ 85721

Phone: (520) 626-9558

Fax: (520) 621-1533

March 2016


B.A.The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington, Psychology and Education, August, 1978

M.Ed.The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Educational Psychology, October, 1981

M.A.The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Educational Psychology, May, 1983

Ph.D.The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Educational Psychology, November, 1987

LicenseLicensed Substance Abuse Counselor (LSAC) State of Arizona, 1992 - Current


*Current Positions & Active Grants

Selected Chairs, Awards, Memberships, Expert Outreach Activities:Page 47

*Evaluator, Southern Arizona Anti-Trafficking United Response Network (SAATURN), September 30, 2015 – September 29, 2018. A $36,576 subcontract from CODAC Health, Recovery and Wellness and a $36,576 subcontract from the Tucson Police Department to evaluate a collaborative model to combat human trafficking. Department of Justice #2015-VT-BX-K006 (PI Aimee Graves – CODAC; Sharon Callan - TPD) (Active at 5%).

Project Advisor, Text, Talk Act, April1 2015- June 30 2015. A $5,500 subaward from the University of Arizona - School of Government & Public Policy, National Institute for Civil Discourse to conduct an evaluation of two Text, Talk Act on-line events (PI = Thomas Bogart).

Co-Investigator, Creating Community Solutions Evaluation, May 11, 2015 – September 30, 2015. A $31,075 subaward from the University of Arizona-School of Government & Public Policy, National Institute for Civil Discourse/Abt Associates, Proposal, UAR 442710. Prime Sponsor ID: 011126, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (PI = Abt Associates)

*Co-Investigator, National Cross-site Evaluation: Pregnant and Postpartum and Youth Data Project, March 4, 2015 – January 27, 2020. A $2,371,857 subcontract from Research Triangle Institute International to conduct a national cross-site evaluation of pregnant and postpartum women and youth projects. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. SAMHSA Contract # HHSS283201200006I/HHSS28342004T. (PI = Laura Dunlap) (Active 7%)

*Senior Project Advisor, ANCHOR Project: A Trauma-Informed System of Care for Chronically Homeless LGBTQ Transitional Age Youth, September 30, 2014 – September 29, 2017. A $1,199,149 action-research project to provide trauma-informed care with case management, housing linkages, substance abuse and mental health treatment, and recovery supports. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – Co-occurring and Homeless Activities 1H79TI025607(PI = C. Powell) (Active at 3%)

*Gender Expert, Developing a Sustainable Seafood Industry Infrastructure in Burma, 09/22/2014 – 09/21/2017. A $1,728,871 capacity building project with the seafood industry in Burma. Funded by USAID, Cooperative Agreement No. AID-482-A-14-00003 (PI = Kevin Fitzsimmons)(Active 2%)

Faculty Director, WISE: Science and Engineering Excellence (SEE) Banquet, January 1, 2013 – May 16, 2014. A $1,000 faculty-student interaction grant for April 18, 2014 SEE banquet. University of Arizona - College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Magellan Circle.

*Principal Investigator, FY 12 Cohort Juvenile Drug Court/Reclaiming Futures Evaluation, August 1, 2013 – July 30, 2016. A $712,707 national cross site evaluation of three FY12 Reclaiming Futures (Robert Wood Johnson) and Juvenile Drug Court program site. Department of Justice –Office on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, #2013-DC-BX-0081 (PI = S. Stevens) (Active 3%).

Co-Investigator, Love Maps for Middle School: Nurturing Digital Activism for Social Justice, July 1, 2013 – September 30, 2013. A $9,621 grant to the University of Arizona- Department of Gender and Women’s Studies for developing and facilitating digital media social justice workshops for middle school students. University of California Humanities Research Institute through funding from the MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Initiative.(PI = Monica Casper).

*Senior Project Advisor,Effectiveness of Volunteer Telephone Continuing Care for Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders, December 15, 2012 – December 14, 2017. A $2,185,487 grant to Chestnut Health Systems (UA-SIROW subcontract $417,275) to conduct research on adolescent telephone continuing care following residential treatment. NIH - National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, #1R01AA021118-01A1 (PI = M. Godley; UA subcontract = A. Greene) (Active 3% in kind).

*Evaluation Advisor, Project Launch ~Ili Uusim Hiapsi Evaluation, September 30, 2012 – September 20, 2017. A $4,195,000 grant to the Pascua Yaqui Tribe (UA-SIROW subcontract $835,035) to conduct project evaluation on a Pascua Yaqui wellness project for children ages 0 to 8 years and their families. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – Center for Mental Health Services Grant Number SM061294 (PI= D. Noonan; UA subcontract = C. Powell) (active at 2%)

*Evaluation Advisor, Pascua System of Care Treatment Expansion Evaluation, September 30, 2012 – September 20, 2016. A $4,000,000 grant to the Pascua Yaqui Tribe (UA-SIROW subcontract $796,104) to conduct project evaluation on a Pascua Yaqui system of care project for youth and families. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – Center for Mental Health Services Grant Number SM061243(PI= D. Noonan; UA subcontract = C. Powell) (active at 2%).

*Distinguished Outreach Professor, Department of Gender and Women’s Studies and the Southwest Institute for Research on Women. The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. February 2012 to present.

*Principal Investigator, An Innovative Hybrid Program for Diversifying and Building Capacity in the STEM/ICT Workforce: iSTEM, February 15, 2012 – January 31, 2015. A $1,251,549hybrid mentoring and informal science STEM program and evaluation serving Native American and Hispanic students in grades 3rd – 8th. National Science Foundation, #1139317(PI = S. Stevens; Co-PI = R. Andrade) (Active at 3%).

Principal Investigator, National Cross-site Evaluation of Reclaiming Futures/Juvenile Drug Court Programs, July 6, 2011- December 31, 2015. A $1,731,483cross site evaluation of Reclaiming Futures (Robert Wood Johnson) and Juvenile Drug Court. Office on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Programs/Library of Congress - Contract # LCFRD11C0007. (PI = S. Stevens).

Principal Investigator,Women’s Health and Sexualities: An Education and Training Conference, October, 2011 - March 2012. A $15,000 grant to support a southwest regional conference in San Antonio, TX. Alice Kleberg Reynolds Foundation. (PI = S. Stevens).

Senior Program Advisor,Working Poor Mothers of Minors (MOMs) Project, September 30, 2011-September 29, 2014. A $1,572,000 action-research project to provide residential treatment for working poor mothers and their children with family services, case management, sexual health curriculum and linkages to permanent housing. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Grant Number 1H79TI023657. (PI = R. Andrade).

Co-Investigator, Immigrant Mothers with Citizen Children: Rethinking Family Welfare Policies in a Transnational Era, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011. A $26,800 mixed-method pilot research project. Funded by the University of Arizona, Office of the Vice President for Research, Graduate Studies, and Economic Development. (PI = Eithne Luibheid).

Co-Investigator, Youth Sexuality, Health and Rights in the United States: Transforming Public Policy and Public Understanding through Social Science Research.The Crossroads Collaborative: Initial funding: September 1, 2010 – December 31, 2012. A $734,000 research, action, education and policy project. Second funding: $330,000 September 1, 2012 – August 31, 2014 for continuation of activities(Total Funding: $1,064,000). Funded by the Ford Foundation (PIs = Stephen Russell and Adela Lacona).

Co-Investigator, Seven Challenges Evaluation Project, July 1, 2010 – December 31, 2010. A $6,110 evaluation project to analyze data on the Seven Challenges Adolescent Treatment Program. Funded by Seven Challenges. (PI = J. Korchmaros)

Principal Investigator, i-TEAM: A Treatment Systems Approach for Homeless LGBTQ Youth, September 30, 2009 – September 29, 2014. A $1,750,000 action-research project to provide case management, housing, substance abuse and mental health treatment, HIV prevention and testing, and evaluation. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration–Co-occurring and Homeless Activities Branch Grant Number 1H79TI021367.(PI = S. Stevens)

Intervention Director, Health Education for Youth: Treatment & Intervention Program & Services for Tucson Youth, September 30, 2009 – September 29, 2014. A $2,000,000 to CODAC (UA-SIROW subcontract $700,000) action-research project to provide health education, substance abuse and mental health treatment and evaluation for adolescents involved in the criminal justice system. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Grant Number 1H70TI019911.(PI = A. Graves;UA subcontract = C. Powell) (In-kind at 3%).

Principal Investigator, EON-Prism Research Cluster, July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2012. A $6,000 grant to support an academic/community research cluster on health related issues of LGBTQ youth. Funded by the LGBT Studies, University of Arizona.(PI = S. Stevens).

Principal Investigator,Human Papillomavirus: An Interdisciplinary Project to Conduct Outreach, Education and Pilot Research with University and Community Partners, November, 2008 – March, 2010. A $5,000 project to facilitate one academic and two community forums on HPV. Funded by the College of Social and Behavioral Science, University of Arizona. (PI = S. Stevens).

Policy Consortium Chair, Las Rosas: A Recovery Oriented Support System Approach for Adolescent Girls, September30, 2008 – September 29, 2011. A 1.2 million treatment and recovery project for girls. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Grant Number 1H79TI020138. (PI = B. Ruiz)

Evaluator, Office on Violence against Women Grant to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders Program in Pima County Arizona, February 1, 2008 – July 31, 2010. Provide evaluation services to a $1 million prevention of domestic violence project. Funded by U.S. Department of Justice - Office on Violence Against Women Grant Number 2007-WE-AX-0045.(PI = B. LaWall).

Senior Program Advisor, HerStory to Health, September 30, 2007 to September 29, 2013. Provide consultation to a $2.5 million HIV and trauma treatment action research project for women. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration – Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Grant Number 1H79TI018730.(PI = R. Andrade).

Principal Investigator, Technical Assistance Services for SAMHSA/CSAT Division of Services Improvement Activities and Its Grantees, August 2007 to April 2008. $16,000 to organize and facilitate the Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness. WESTAT Contract # 270-03-6002.(PI = S. Stevens).

Senior Advisor, Status of Women in Arizona, August, 2007 – October, 2007. $14,451 to provide advice and review for the Status Report. Funded by the Southern Arizona Women’s Foundation. (PI = C. Knox)

Senior Program Advisor, Project DAP, September 2006 to December 2011. Provide consultation to a $2.5 million dollar adolescent HIV prevention and evaluation program. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration – Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Grant Number 1H79T1018406.(PI = B. Ruiz).

Evaluator, University of Arizona Advanced Project, August 2006 to August 2007. Provide a $30,000 external evaluation for a 3.3.million dollar University of Arizona grant on equity issues in women in science and engineering. Funded by the National Science Foundation.(PI – L. Tolbert).

Senior Program Advisor, Cornerstone: Gender Specific Sexual Health Curriculum for Adolescents, September 2005 to June 2008. Provide consultation on a $45,000 gender curriculum component. Funded by the Community Partnership of Southern Arizona through a subcontract from Arizona’s Children Association (AzCA). (PI – B. Ruiz).

Principal Investigator, National AIDS Awareness Day: Special Population Women and Girls, September 2005 to September 2006. Responsible for the $500 event activities. Funded by Department of Health and Human Services – Office on Women’s Health HHSP233200500286M. (PI = S. Stevens).

Senior Evaluation Advisor, The University of Arizona College of Education Equity Assistance Center for Region IX, September 2005 to September 2008. Responsible for the $260,000 evaluation component. Funded by the U. S. Department of Education Grant Number S004D05001. (PI = R. Ruiz)

Evaluator, Increasing Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment within a University Health Services Center (Project CHAT), July 2005 to June 2009. Responsible for the $375,000 evaluation component. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration – Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Grant Number 1 H79 TI17172. (PI = P. Glider).

Evaluator, Integrating Individual and Environmental Strategies to Prevent High-Risk Drinking Among First Year Students (Project Safe), July 2005 to June 2008. Responsible for the $100,000 evaluation component. Funded by the U. S. Department of Education Grant Number Q184H050046. (PI = M. Vito)

Project Director, Women’s Human Rights, Citizenships and Identities in a North American Context, June 2005 to September, 2009. Responsible for the $45,000 student exchange project involving two US universities, two Mexican universities and two Canadian universities. Funded by Department of Education, FIPSI, P116N040013. (PI = A. Runyan).

*Executive Director, The Southwest Institute for Research on Women,The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. September, 2004 to present.

Professor; Department of Gender and Women’s Studies,The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. September, 2004 to February, 2012.

Project Director, Project PITCH, March 2004 to September, 2004. Responsible for a $2,500student development project. Funded by the Association of American Colleges and Universities. (PI = S. Stevens).
Evaluator/Principal Investigator, Eon: Capacity Enhancement to Improve and Integrate Culturally Relevant Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS Services, October 2003 to 2008. Responsible for the $525,000 evaluation component. Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment through the Pima County Health Department, H 79 TI15863. (PI = A. Lozano/S. Stevens).
Evaluator, Pulse for Life, October 2003 to December 2004. Responsible for the $43,000 evaluation component. Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention through the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation, UD 1 SP11013. (PI = L. Ortega).

Evaluator, Center for Excellence in Women’s Health, October 2003 - July 2006. Responsible for the evaluation component for this University of Arizona’s College of Medicine project (in-kind). Funded by the National Institute of Health. (PI = M. Anthony).

Evaluator, Quality of Life of Women with Cancers, July 2003 to June 2005. Responsible for the $26,000 evaluation component. Funded by The University Physicians through the University of Arizona Cancer Center. (PI = M. Brewer).

Co-Investigator, Culturally Based HIV Prevention and Substance Abuse Prevention for Latino Adolescents, October 2002 – September 2005. Responsible for assisting the Principal Investigator with a $958,000project. Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. (PI = A. Romero).

Evaluator,Mujer Sana/Healthy Woman, October 2002 to September, 2008. Responsible for the evaluation component of a 2.5 million dollar HIV, STD, Hepatitis and TB prevention grant for women enrolled in residential substance abuse treatment and active drug using women not in treatment. Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, H79TI14452. (PI = R. Andrade).

Evaluator, Court Assisted Treatment Services/Family Drug Court (CATS/FDC), October 2002 to September, 2005. Responsible for a $150,000 evaluation component for women and men who are enrolled in the CATS/FDC Program. Funded by the Superior Court of Arizona through the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (PI = R. Sainz).

Principal Investigator, Conexiones Sanas, October 2003 to September, 2008. Responsible for a 2.4 million dollar HIV, STD, Hepatitis and TB prevention grant for at risk adolescents enrolled in drug treatment. Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, H 79 TI 14400 (PI = S. Stevens).

Evaluator, April2002 – March 2007. Development of a Cooperative Drug and Alcohol Treatment System for Youth. Responsible for the $550,000 evaluation component. Funded by CODAC Behavioral Health Services through the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment 1 U79 TI13344. (PI = A. Graves).

Evaluator, Infant Adoption and Awareness Training Program, October 2001 to September 2005. Responsible for the $160,000 evaluation component. Funded by the Arizona’s Children Association through the National Institute of Health, Administration for Children and Families. (PI = M. Valen).

Evaluator, Mental Health Support for Guardians and Intergenerational Adoptive Families – Evaluation, October 2001- September 2005. Responsible for the $100,000 evaluation component. Funded by Arizona’s Children Association through the National Institutes of Health, Administration for Children and Families. (PI = M. Valen).

Principal Investigator, Youth Empowerment Project, October 2001- September 2005.Responsible for $1.2 million HIV prevention program. Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, SP09740 (PI = S. Stevens).

Co-Investigator, Reducing Adolescent Substance Abuse through Treatment of Sleep Disturbanceand Daytime Sleepiness, June 2001 to June, 2005. Responsible for the $270,000 research project. Funded by the Office National Drug Control Policy. (PI = R. Bootzin).

Principal Investigator, Persistent Effects of Treatment, Tucson, AZ. September 2001 to September 2003. Responsible for a $732,000 adolescent outcome study. Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment through Westat. (PI = S. Stevens).

Evaluator, AzCA – KIN-nections, Tucson, AZ. September 2001 toSeptember 2004. Responsible for a 60,000.00 evaluation study on relative caregivers and child adoptions. Funded by Arizona Children’s Association. (PI = M. Valen).

Research Professor, Southwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW), The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. June, 2001 – September, 2004.

Evaluator, Substance Abuse Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women Involved in the Child Welfare System, Tucson, AZ. September 2000 to September 2003. Responsible for a $168,000 process and outcome study on residential drug treatment for women and children. Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment through the Superior Court of Arizona. (PI = R. Sainz).

Principal Investigator, Native American Supplement III, Tucson, AZ. September, 2000 to June, 2004. Co-Chair of a $32,000 Administrative Supplement to organize a Work-Group of Native American researchers and scholars. Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. (PI = S. Stevens).

Principal Investigator, EMPACT Adolescent Treatment Evaluation Study, Phoenix, AZ. September, 1999 to September 2003. Responsible for a 1.1 million dollar process and outcome study comparing two adolescent substance abuse treatment programs. Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment through EMPACT-SPC. (PI = S. Stevens).

Principal Investigator, HIV Treatment Expansion Adolescent Study, Tucson, AZ. September, 1999 to September 2005. Responsible for a 1.2 million dollar process and outcome study examining the effectiveness of an HIV, STD, Hepatitis, and TB intervention for adolescents. Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment through CODAC Behavioral Health. (PI = S. Stevens).

Co-Investigator, Empowerment through Literacy - Minority Supplement Research Study, Tucson, AZ. September 1999 to June 2004. Responsible for implementing a $67,000 literacy empowerment social support groups for minority drug using women at risk for HIV. Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse 1 RO1 DA 10651-S2. (PI = R. Andrade).

Evaluator, Pascua Yaqui Transitional Program for Substance Abusing Native American Women and their Children, Tucson, AZ. August 1999 to September 2001. Responsible for a $48,000 outcome study on women substance abusers living in transitional housing. Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment through the Pascua Yaqui Tribe. (PI = B. Dover).

Principal Investigator, Native American Administrative Supplement II, Tucson, AZ. July 1999 to June 2004. Responsible for a $25,000 conference grant to bring together Native American researchers working in the area of substance use. Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse I RO1 DA 10651-S1. (PI = S. Stevens).

Principal Investigator, La Canada Adolescent Treatment Research Study, Tucson, AZ. September, 1998 to September 2002. Responsible for a 1.2 million dollar process and outcome study comparing two adolescent substance abuse treatment programs. Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment through CODAC Behavioral Health. (PI = S. Stevens).