Salesrep – Activity 5.3.2 – Analyzing Situations

CASE 1 – Ms. Nguyen

Ms. Nguyen gets around with the use of crutches and has a grocery bad. She is struggling to open the door to the pharmacy where Joel works.

Immediately, Joel rushes to the door, take her grocery bag and puts it in a shopping cart and speaks at her non-stop: “Poor Ms. Nguyen! You are injured! I feel so bad for you. How can I help you? Can I push your shopping cart? What do you need today? Would you like me to have your purchases delivered? I can also have your grocery bag sent to your home as well…”

a) Was the greeting adequately executed? Explain your answer.

Yes: ______No:______

Explanation: ______

b) Could anything have been handled better or differently?

CASE 2 – Gisele’s Shopping

Gisele spent the entire morning running through all the shops to buy all that she needed for her husband’s 70th birthday party, Marcel. She walks slowly, carrying many bags filled with candies, snacks, and plastic dishware.

Open the door to a party store, looking for balloons and confetti, she puts her bags down to rest, a little, and ends up blocking the entrance. The sales clerk and the front of the shop shouts out: “Ma’am, you need to leave your bags at the cash register. Hurry up, because you are blocking the entrance.” Yet, Gisele is the only customer in sight.

a) Was the greeting adequately executed? Explain your answer.

Yes: ______No:______

Explanation: ______

b) Could anything have been handled better or differently?

CASE 3 – Rafael and the Twins

To give his tired wife a chance to rest, Rafael decided to take their 3-year-old twins with him for the grocery shopping. When he enters the video store, the kids run in and tear down the aisles yelling and screaming towards the kids movies section. On the way, they bump into the candy displays and shelving. Candies, chocolates, gum, popcorn fly everywhere. It took the clerks all morning to set up that shelving and display. One of them exclaims to the disconcerted father: “Seriously?!! Sir, couldn’t you put a leash on those two little monsters?”

a) Was the greeting adequately executed? Explain your answer.

Yes: ______No:______

Explanation: ______

b) Could anything have been handled better or differently?

CASE 4 – Noemie’s Approach

Noemie is monitoring a customer who has been looking through her store’s selection of recycled fur stolls. She approaches the customer, smiling, and being respectful of customer’s personal space, notices that this customer is looking at two pieces in particular and says to her: “Now, those are nice pieces, Ma’am. You have a good eye for quality items.” Customer smiles.

a) Was the greeting adequately executed? Explain your answer.

Yes: ______No:______

Explanation: ______

b) Could anything have been handled better or differently?

CASE 5 – Mr. Brochu

Mr. Brochu suffers from partial paralysis of his face and it makes him randomly and uncontrollably blink. And, he has some difficulty speaking. When he enters the artist’s supply store and says that he is looking for a calligraphy set, the sales clerk makes believe that doesn’t understand and, imitating customer’s involuntary blinking, refers him to his co-worker.

a) Was the greeting adequately executed? Explain your answer.

Yes: ______No:______

Explanation: ______

b) Could anything have been handled better or differently?

CASE 6 – Ricardo

Ricardo just started working at Bed, Bath and Beyond. A couple of thirtysomethings come into the store. Hoping to make a good impression, Ricardo greets them with a smiling: “Hi! How can I help you?

a) Was the greeting adequately executed? Explain your answer.

Yes: ______No:______

Explanation: ______

b) Could anything have been handled better or differently?

CASE 7 – Stephanie and Her Friends

It’s 8:50pm, on a Friday night, in a clothing boutique for teens. Looking forward to her night out with the girls, after work (in 10 minutes), Stephanie speaks enthusiastically about the bar that she and her work pals will descend upon shortly.

All three are getting pretty excited about the prospect of letting loose very soon and don’t notice that Mr. Tremblay and his 13 year old daughter walked into the store. He is looking for a belt for his daughter. Stephanie lets out a breath of frustration and looks at her watch while unenthusiastically walking Mr. Tremblay and his daughter down the aisle to the accessories, stating that she will be closing soon.

a) Was the greeting adequately executed? Explain your answer.

Yes: ______No:______

Explanation: ______

a) Could anything have been handled better or differently?

CASE 8 - Leo’s Sweet Tooth

Leo just received a shipment of new products for the candy shop at which he works. In order to better advise his customers, Leo decides to sample this new shipment: caramels, licorice, jujubes and chocolates.

When the first customers enter the store, the counter is cluttered with golden plastic wrappers and Leo’s mouth is full. Smiling broadly and still chewing on some sugar-sprinkled marshmallows, Leo greets his customers with an enthusiastic yet muffled “Hello!”

a) Was the greeting adequately executed? Explain your answer.

Yes: ______No:______

Explanation: ______

b) Could anything have been handled better or differently?

CASE 9 – Simone’s Professionalism

After only six months, Simone is a very successful appliances salesperson. She is widely appreciated by her customers and known for her professionalism. This morning, she was called in at the last minute to replace a colleague who is home sick. So, she gets herself set up in the appliances department of her store, where she normally works.

A couple that she has already served before enters the department shopping for a new washer. She serves them impeccably. When she turns away to dig up some information on the computer, the lady thinks: “She is really a great salesperson, this young lady… but her mini-skirt and camisole really don’t reflect her professionalism.

a) Was the greeting adequately executed? Explain your answer.

Yes: ______No:______

Explanation: ______

b) Could anything have been handled better or differently?