Sales Agent Scheme- Module 1
Call for Proposals EAC/S21/2013
Sales Agent Scheme - Module 1
Reinvestment in MinimumGuarantee
F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions
Call for Proposals EAC/S21/2013Session 2113
These FAQ apply to the Call for Proposals as indicated above.
* To check the Call for Proposals:
The Call for Proposals under which your Grant Decisionhas been issued is mentioned on the 1st page of your Decision,as well as on the top right corner of the annexes. .
Frequently Asked QuestionsPeriod of Eligibility of Costs
1. What is the period of eligibility of costs?
2. How is the period of eligibility of costs calculated?
3. What costs are eligible?
4. When and how can I request an extension of the period of eligibility of costs?
Final Report?
5. When is the Final Reportdue? Can I send it by e-mail?
6. Where can I find the Final Reportform?
7. What are the supporting documents to provide with the Final Report?
8. Which exchange rate must I use?
9. How do I fill in the Financial Statement and Activity Report(s) if I have paid the MG in another currency than EURO?
10. I have paid a "withholding tax"; do I have to submit the proof of payment?
11. Do I have to submit the Financial Statement even if I have paid only one part of the MG within the eligible period?
12. The final budget is different from the forecast in the agreement. Does this affect my MEDIA award?
13. When will I receive the pre-financing payment?
Checklist for beneficiary
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Period of Eligibility of Costs
1.What is the period of eligibility of costs?
The period of eligibility of costs (or the "eligibility period") is the time-frame during which MG payments made for the acquisition of the film are considered "eligible".Accordingly, the Final Report must include only payments made within the eligibility period.
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2. How is theperiod of eligibility of costs calculated?
As indicated in the Call for Proposals S21/2013, the period of eligibility of costs (or "eligibility period") starts on the date of the signature of the international sales contract and ends 18 months later.The Period of eligibility of costs is explicitly indicated in Article 2.2 of your Decision.
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3. What costs are eligible?
You can find an explanation and an extensive list of eligible costs in the General Conditions N°19 of your Decision.The General Conditions are not attached to your Grant Decision. They are published on the website of the Agency:
Please pay attention to this document.
4. When and how can I request an extension of the period of eligibility of costs?
In any case please inform us as soon as possible if you foresee that you cannot pay the whole MG within the eligibility period (delay in production of the film, film in post-production, re-negotiation of MG with Licensor, cash flow difficulties).Please sendus as soon as possible and at the latest one month before the end of the eligibility period a written request, justifying the reasons for this extension. This request has to be made by the authorized signatory of the company. (see General Conditions N°12.3 of your Decison)
After evaluation of this request and if accepted, a maximum extension of 6 additional months to the eligibility period will be given. EACEA will then issue an amendmentto the Decision with the new dates of the eligibility period.
Final Report
5. When is the Final Report due?
The Final Reportis due at the latest two months after the end of the period of eligibility of costs.E.g. : Period of eligibility of costs: 04/03/2015 until 03/09/2016
=> Financial Statement due by (latest) : 03/11/2016
However, you don't have to wait for this date in order to submit the Financial Statement!
You are strongly encouraged to send the required documents as soon as you have completed all costs related to the Action.
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6. Where can I find the Final Report Form? Can I send it by e-mail?
An Excel reporting file containing the Final Report form will be sent as soon as The Grant Decision is signed by the AgencyThese forms already contain your Company name, the Agreement reference number and original Title of the film.
The zones in red should be filled out; a warning sign will appear when not filled out.
The Excel file has to be printed out and signed where necessary.
Then you should make a scan of the final -signed- documents + other supporting documents (See FAQ N°7), and send them by e-mail.
There is no more obligation to send the original documents by post.
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7. What are the supporting documents to provide with the Final Report?
If your Grant (Article 3) is less than or equal to EUR 60.000:-The invoices and a copy of the bank statement(s) of the minimum guarantee must be submitted with the final report.
If your Grant (Article 3) is more than EUR 60.000 and less than EUR 750.000:
-The annexes filled in and as requested in the Guidance Note (!3 documents): (
- The cover letter (page 19)
- The annex I (page 22)
- The annex III (page 31)
8. Which exchange rate must I use?
For the conversion of actual costs into Euro you must use the exchange rate established by the European Commission that is applicable in the month in which you draft the Final Report.In such case, a copy of the bank debit statement(s) should be submitted with the Final Report.
Please use 4 decimal points.
You can find this exchange rate in the following website:
Please date and sign the Financial Statement in the same month you draft it.
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9.How do I fill in the Financial Statement if I have paid the MG in another currency than EURO?
First check carefully from which bank account the MG payments have been debited.Then, in the first column, enter the amount(s) of the MG payment(s) in the currency specified in the deal memo / distribution agreement. Next to each amount, specify the amount(s) of the MG payment(s) in the currency of your bank account used to execute the transfer.
If the payments were made in your local currency, you have to calculate as follows:
You fill in the exact debited amounts in local currency at the time of the transfer (bank valuedates) and you convert thetotal of these amounts into EURO by using the exchange rate established by the European Commission that is applicable in the month in which you draft the Financial Statement. (see also question 8)
N.B. Please fill in the exact converted amount in EURO and do not round it up.
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10. I have paid a "withholding tax"; do I have to submit the proof of payment?
Yes, any proof of withholding tax payment should be annexed to the Final Report.11. Do I have to submit the Final Report even if I have paid only one part of the MG within the eligible period?
Yes, in any case the Final Reportwith the MG already paid has to be sent to EACEA.12. The final budget is different from the forecast in the agreement. Does this affect my MEDIA award?
The MEDIA award can never be higher than:a) the amount specified in the Article 3 of your Decision and
b) 50 or 60% of the final eligible costs (Annex I.V of your Decision)
* This means that in case of overspending, you shall receive the maximum amount mentioned in your agreement, i.e. your award will not be higher because of higher MG payments.
* In case of underspending, and after the analysis of the Financial Statement by EACEA, you shall receive 50 or 60% of your final eligible MG payments, always limited to the maximum award.
(60% when the licence agreement is signed before completion of the principal photography of the film –
50% when the licence agreement is signed after completion of the principal photography of the film)
Example N°1:
Estimated budget: € 10.000,00
Forecast award: € 5.000,00 or 50% of the final eligible MG payments
a) overspending:
Final budget (approved): € 12.000,00
=> Final MEDIA award: € 5.000,00 (= maximum amount)
b) underspending:
Final budget (approved): € 8.000,00
=> Final MEDIA award: € 4.000,00 (= 50% of the final eligible MG payments)
13. When will I receive the pre-financing payment?
There are different possibilities regarding the pre-financing payment:a) You receive the pre-financing payment of 60% of the maximum amount specified in Article 3upon notification of the Grant Decision.
b) Youdo not receive a pre-financing payment, but only a final payment once you have submitted the Final report.
To verify which conditionsyour payments depend upon, please always Article 4.1 of yourDecison!
Checklist for beneficiary
Before sending the Financial Statement, you can use this checklist to make sure that you filled in all necessary information:
1) I used the correct Final Report corresponding to the right Call for proposals. / 2) The Final Report is signed on all pages by the authorised signatory of our company, /
3) I used the exchange rate of the same month in which I drafted and signed the Final Report, as provided for in the Commission's website. /
4) I checked which bank account has been debited for the MG payments. /
5) I filled in all required information in the Final Report:
- dates of MG payment(s)
- name of recipient of MG
- currency used for the MG payment(s)
- exchange rate
-amount (converted) in EURO /
6) In the Financing plan, the contribution requested from MEDIA is
a) maximum 50%or 60% of the total submitted costs, AND
b) no bigger than the maximum amount indicated in the Decision. /
7) All supporting documents have been attached to the Final Report:
If Grant (Article 3) is less than or equal to EUR 60.000: The invoices and a copy of the bank statement
If Grant (Article 3) is more than EUR 60.000 and less than EUR 750.000.
-The annexes filled in and as requested in the Guidance Note /
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