Salem Middle School - School Council Meeting #1
/ December 1, 2015 / 5:00 PM / front Conference roomMeeting called by
/ Principal Terrance HarveyFacilitator
/ Principal Terrance HarveyNote taker
/ 7th grade Parent Tawanna MorganAttendees
/ Tiffany Hooper, Salem Academic Coach | Shirley Oldham, Guardian - Retired Teacher |Principal Terrance Harvey | Tawanna Morgan, Parent
/ Mr. Robinson, Salem facultyAgenda topics
1.purpose of council
/ harveyDiscussion
/ Student council priority is to facilitate community parental engagement by involving stake-holders (i.e. parents) in decision making regarding the improvement of Salem’s operation.GA Milestone scores are now in for 7th and 8th grade.
This year Council will focus on (1) student learning (2) communication collaboration (3) recognizing and resolving problems on local level.
Student participation has been low in morning tutorials and past tutorial efforts. Saturday tutorials will commence Feb. 16th.
/ Communication regarding morning tutorials may need to be better.Action items
/Person responsible
Scores to be released / reviewed at next Council meeting. / Harvey / Jan. 7thParticipation in morning tutorials to be gathered and analyzed to diagnose strength and weaknesses of the program. Information to be brought to the next Council meeting for planning consideration for upcoming Saturday tutorials. / Harvey / Jan. 7th
2.council member training
/ harveyDiscussion
/ District power-point reviewed and discussed. Key points of discussion:Meetings / Actions must be published and open; minutes must be distributed within 2 days of meeting. Council able to review budgets and other general information and statistics, yet nothing individualized. Council members able to make formal recommendations to school board. Bylaws will be needed.
3 positions must be fulfilled: Chair(must be a parent), Vice-chair, Secretary
/ Council meeting dates, notices, minutes, etc. will be published on the school website.Chair: Tawanna Morgan | Secretary : Tiffany Hooper | Vice (tentative): Mr. Robinson
Action items
/Person responsible
Contact webmaster to create a School Council tab to the Salem homepage / Harvey / Dec. 11th3.future meetings / activities
/ harveyDiscussion
/ Minimal of 3 meetings per school year requiredAgenda items for future meeting
Council only has minimal membership. Community institutions and parents should be challenged for involvement. Local businesses, churches, schools, neighborhoods can be invited to be involved as they have an interest in productive youth. Council meetings (and PTA) can be done outside of school grounds if venue will increase membership. Clarity on school zone needed to know what entities to reach out to.
Lack of substitute teachers negatively impact present teachers and students. Board needs to be notified by Council in appropriate manner. Informing parents of this issue and its impact can be rallying issue.
/ 1st Thursdays of the month – time may alternate between during and after school to fit majority’s schedule. Next 2 meetings: Jan. 7th – 5:00 pm and Feb. 4th – 8:30 amProgram Idea: “You Matter” workshop during ELT (40 classroom objective) for students to learn ramifications of devaluing school and the impact of bad behavior and grades on their lives, to be held Feb. 21st.
Action items
/Person responsible
Engage counselors to begin planning for “You Matter Workshop”. Invite counselors to Feb. meeting. / Harvey / Hooper / Dec. 11thCommit to getting 20 volunteers (attorneys, prosecutors, etc.) to participate in workshop facilitation. / Morgan / Jan. 20th
(once program content confirmed
Review zone map to determine businesses in the school community area / Harvey / Jan. 7th
Letter draft for business engagement on Council for review and approval. / Morgan / Jan. 7th
Invite parent liaison, Kimberly Johnson to become Council member / Harvey / Dec. 28th
Letter draft to the Board / District regarding need for substitute teachers for review and approval / Morgan / Jan. 7th
Special notes
/ Next meeting (Jan.7th ) agenda:- Tutorial review and planning
- Council membership growth (business and parental)
- Milestone data and implications
- Substitute teacher needs