SALARY: £36,019 pro-rata based on a 37 hour week

HOURS OF WORK: 20 hours

LOCATION OF WORK: 12 Firrhill Neuk

CONTRACT: Permanent

Purpose of Post

The post holder will assist the Board in the creation and delivery of the Oxgangs Care vision and mission and play a leading role in the strategic development of the organisation. He/she will have overall responsibility for safe and effective management of the day-to-day operation of Oxgangs Care ensuring business-as-usual activities across the organisation.

The post holder will take the lead in supporting the Board of Directors to operate effectively within appropriate policy and legal frameworks and be accountable to the Board for ensuring that all staff work effectively within these frameworks.

Accountability and Supervision

The post holder will be accountable to the Board of Directors of Oxgangs Care and will have regular line management with the Chairperson. In addition professional support and supervision will be arranged with an external consultant.

Key Contacts

Local organisations; Care Inspectorate; City of Edinburgh Council; SSSC, Law at Work and other funders

Additional Information

This post is considered Regulated Work with Vulnerable Children and/or Protected Adults, under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007. From 28 February 2011, preferred candidates will be required to undergo a PVG update check prior to a formal offer of employment being made by Oxgangs Care.The function of this post requires the postholder to be registered with the SSSC within 6 months of commencement of employment


Strategic planning management and evaluation

Prepare a strategic plan for Oxgangs Care and ensure the creation ofindividual work plans to implement this.Use plans with the Board to monitor,review and evaluate the work of Oxgangs Care to ensure its operation meets the needs and interests of clients as well as the targets and requirement of funders.

Ensure that our registered services meet the highest standards of the Care Inspectorate.

Produce discrete evaluations of work for funders or research as required

Operational Delivery

Oversee the day-to-day operation of the programmes

Ensure that practises and policies key to the health and safety of staff and users are implemented and update these as necessary.

Oversee the diaries of the coordinators and ensure that services are running to their optimum capacity.

In the absence of the coordinators take necessary steps to ensure the delivery of their services.

Manage the recruitment, training and development of staff.

Undertake support and supervision and annual appraisal of service coordinators. Ensure support and supervision and annual appraisals are carried out for all staff members.

Establish and maintain effective systems for monitoring staff performance against agreed targets/work plan.

On behalf on the Board ensure the creation and maintenance of personnel systems which are compliant with current legislation and take a lead role in the coordination of employment related processes.

Oversee the creation and maintenance of a volunteer database and implementation of volunteer policy.

Any other duties as may be reasonably required by the Board of Directors to ensure the efficient running of the organisation.


Maintain the financial and operational viability of Oxgangs Care

Oversee thepreparation of company accounts in line with legal and funding requirements and our accountants

Manage budgets and cash flow bringing to the attention of the Board details of any expenditure or income not budgeted for.

In conjunction with the Treasurer present regular financial reports to the Board

Agree budgets and forecast projections in conjunction with the Board


Raise funds to support on-going programmes from various sources including: NHS, Creative Scotland, Scottish Government, Local Authorities, Private Trusts and Foundations and Lotteries.

Complete major fundraising applications and report on progress and outcomes of these

Organise local fundraising events and collections to generate income and awareness of Oxgangs Care

Manage strategic relationships and funding negotiations with major funders including City of Edinburgh Council, the business sector and major grant giving bodies.

Marketing & PR

Oversee development and delivery of marketing and PR activities including regularly updating the Oxgangs Care website.

Act as the public-face and spokesperson of the organisation when required

Build relationships and network with other service providers.

Promote and raise the profile of Oxgangs Care within the community e.g. give presentations, appropriate places to display literature, liaise with health professionals.

Board of Directors

Act as Oxgangs Care Company Secretary, meeting all requirements of the Companies Act and OSCR.

Put in place mechanisms for the recruitment, induction and training of new Board members. Ensure that the composition of the Board reflects the diverse needs of the organisation. Ensure that individual members fully understand their legal responsibilities and liabilities are empowered to participate fully in the Board.

Service and support the Board through developing and maintaining systems to ensure that Board members are well informed and Board meetings are well run and effective.

Ensure that papers are timeously produced and distributed to facilitate effective discussion and decision making for both Board meetings and sub-group meetings.

Consult with the Chairperson and the Treasurer prior to meetings to agree agenda items and decisions required.

In conjunction with the Directors, organise the AGM and Annual Report


Post: Manager

Thispersonspecificationsetsoutthevariouscriteria which are essential ordesirable forthepostandbywhichwewillassessyourapplication.Whencompletingyour applicationformpleaseaddressallthe pointssetoutbelow.

1.1Experience of working with older people / Desirable
1.2At least two years management experience
1.3 / Essential
1.3 Experience of working with adults in a community or care setting / Essential
1.4 Experience of the Care Inspectorate and their requirements of a registered
service / Desirable
2.1 An understanding of the Voluntary Sector. / Desirable
2.2An understanding of the policy frameworks underpinning older peoples’
services at local and national government levels / Desirable
2.3An appreciation of the issues facing older people and their carers / Desirable
2.4 An understanding of the need to work with older people in a way which
empowers them and respects their agency. / Essential
3.1 Excellent time-management skills and the ability able to prioritise / Essential
3.2Excellent communications and interpersonal skills
Youwillbeableto demonstratetheabilitytoengageand motivateyoungpeople / Essential
3.3Ability to lead, coach, inspire, support and motivate the staff team / Essential
3.4Ability to analyse problems and identify solutions / Essential
4.1Commitmenttoworkinginamannerwhichpromotesdiversity andequality ensuringthateveryoneistreated withrespectanddignityandnoonesuffers fromdiscrimination / Essential
4.2Commitmenttopromotinganenvironmentwhichhasthe highestregardfortheHealthandSafetyofothers / Essential
4.3 Commitmenttopromotingtheactiveinvolvementofservice users indecisions
Affecting their service / Essential

At least one of the following:

BA (Hons) Social Work (or equivalent)

Degree or Diploma in Community Education or equivalent as recognised by the Standards Council for Community Learning and Development for Scotland Approvals Committee

A qualification meeting the registration requirements of the General Teaching Council (Scotland), Nursing and Midwifery Council, General Medical Council or the following professional groups regulated by the Health Professions Council: Occupational Therapists; Art, Music and Drama Therapists; Physiotherapists; Speech and Language Therapists; Practitioner Psychologists.


SVQ Leadership and Management for Care Services (LMCS) (Level 4) OR any award in management that is certificated at or above SCQF Level 8 (minimum of 60 credits) showing evidence the award has been mapped against the National Occupational Standards (NOS): Leadership and Management for Care Services

Or the equivalent.