Mathematics Department
Saint Pauls Middle School
526 West Shaw Street
Saint Pauls, N.C. 28384
Dear Parent or Guardian
Your child is enrolled in 7thGrade Mathematics CommonCore Course 2this year. This course has a prerequisite of6th Grade Mathematics Common Core Course1. This course is needed in order for your child to reach his/her End-of-Grade Mathematics requirements. I strongly urge you to become involved in your child’s education by checking with your child daily on their progress. You may contact me to address any educational concerns regarding your child at school between 9:35 am until 11:05 amor directly after school before 3:30 pm. You may, also, email me at . Please contact me in advance to schedule an appointment. Your encouragement and support are essential to your child’s success.
There are 5 Common Core Math Standards in 7th grade. The learner will demonstrate an understanding and use of (1) Ratios and Proportional Relationships, (2) The Number System, (3) Expressions and Equations, (4) Geometry, and (5) Statistics and Probability. These standards will be tested on the EOG in June.
Semester and yearly grades will be determined as follows: 1st 9 weeks - 25 %; 2nd 9 weeks - 25%; 3rd 9 weeks - 25%; 4th 9 weeks – 25%. A= 100 - 90;B= 89 - 80; C= 79 - 70; D= 69 - 60; F=59-0. Progress Reports will be distributed every nine weeks, halfway through. Please take some time to examine, sign, and return them to me when requested.
In order to be successful, your child should consider the following:
- Accept responsibility for his/her actions and accept praise for his/her accomplishments.
- Understand school rules and adhere to them. This includes respecting the rights of others and treating others as you would like to be treated. Saying “I didn’t know” will not excuse you from the consequences when a rule is broken.
- Be in the assigned seat with materials ready when the tardy bell rings. Each student shall have all necessary materials each day. Material requirements include a 1 ½” or 2” 3-ring binder that is to be shared with Science to hold your math notes in, pencils, erasers, and paper.
- Attend school regularly. Remember, students are expected to be in class, on time, all period for 85 of the 90 days in the semester. Chronic tardiness or checking out early may result in lost opportunities to earn participation points on group assignments. Students should look over each day’s notes every night in order to check for understanding. This is a habit that will be of enormous benefit in future educational endeavors. Assignments missed due to absence(s) must be completed within five (5) days. The responsibility for making up missed work rests with the student. The exception is a class missed for a school related activity in which case the student will be responsible for any work the next class period. I should be notified of any such events IN ADVANCE. Make-up tests will be given after school for any absence. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with me and to make the appropriate arrangements for transportation home as soon as the test is completed. Quizzes will be made up at my discretion, so it is important to attend class each day.
- Homework is the student’s responsibility. The purpose of homework is to practice concepts covered in class. I/we will answer questions about the previous night’s homework at the beginning of class. Homework will not be graded daily but frequent quizzes will be given from the homework problems. Homework will be given every Monday – Thursday with no more than 10 problems a night.
- Each student will be asked to stretch his/her mind and prepare to move to the next level of mathematical thinking. Remember, you can do anything you put your mine to and your effort into.
- Grades in mathematics classes will be based on how students do on homework, classwork, quizzes and tests. Percentages will be announced at a later date (within first few weeks of school).
- In order for your child to succeed in this class, remember the following: The student shall…
- Obey all school rules and policies.
- Follow teacher directions the first time given.
- Be in their seat ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
- Bring materials (notebook, paper, and pencils) to class EVERY day.
- If they are absent, they must have an admit slip. Failure to do so will result in a tardy after being sent to the office for the admit slip.
- Take care of personal hygiene (hair, lipstick, nails, etc) at home or in the restroom.
- Ask for permission before leaving your seat.
- Do not bring snacks or drinks into this classroom; only water is allowed.
- Do not adjust the blinds, move the desks, or adjust the air conditioning/heater temperature without permission.
- Make every effort to use the restroom during class change or during scheduled restroom breaks.
- Respect your fellow classmates and teachers. NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS!
- Keep feet on the floor and book bags under your desk (not in the aisle).
- Class is dismissed by the teacher, not by the bell.
- Calculator/Laptop Guidelines:
- No lotion
- No changing text or writing notes, unless authorized by the teacher
- Student will be responsible for the replacement of a damaged calculator (dropping it or writing on it)
- Failure to follow teacher directives about calculators will result in the loss of privilege of use
- The mission of Saint Pauls Middle School is Student Achievement is Our Top Priority and I am confident that we will work together to reach that potential. Again, I am looking forward to working with you this school year.
I ask that you complete the section at the bottom and return it to me as soon as possible. Again, thank you for your involvement and support.
Samantha Schroeder
Signing below tells me that you have read the welcome letter and syllabus with your child and understand what is asked of you and your child this school year.
Student Name
Parent SignatureDate
Please fill out the following information so that I can better assist you:
Student’s birthday: ______
Home address: ______
Parent/Guardian names: 1) ______
2) ______
Parent/Guardian #1: Cell number: (______) ______- ______
Work number: (______) ______- ______
Home number: (______) ______- ______
Parent/Guardian #2: Cell number: (______) ______- ______
Work number: (______) ______- ______
Home number: (______) ______- ______
Emergency Contact if parents/guardians above cannot be reached:
______(______) ______- ______Name Relationship to student Phone number