SAFTEY WEEK – Afternoon Classes

Dear Parents

At The Vicki Field Swim School, we pride ourselves on making classes an enjoyable learning experience for the children.

However, it is an unfortunate fact that far too many “accidents” happen in Australian waters over summer on a daily basis. As such, we are teaching your children the aspects of being safe both around and in the water. Most accidents happen without the children being prepared for the water, ie no goggles, dressed. While we practice swimming without goggles on a weekly basis, we extend this practice during safety week.

Our water safety program is covered in three main areas: Beach Safety, Pool Safety and Boat Safety.

Beach Safety:

Þ  Always swim between the flags. No flags, no swim.

Þ  Always swim with an adult.

Þ  Correct safety wave (and not to use this to wave hello to Mum and Dad).

Pool Safety:

Þ  Never play around a pool or fetch items (such as balls) that go into the water.

Þ  Always swim with an adult watching you.

Boat Safety:

Þ  Always wear a life jacket, no matter how short the boat trip.

Þ  Never play on boats and always sit next to an adult.

Yellow and Purple classes are also taught survival scull as an energy efficient and safe way to get back to shore or the river bank.

Blue classes are also taught sculling with an introduction to survival backstroke.

Green and Black classes are taught survival backstroke incorporating towing.

All children from yellow onwards are told that if they fall into water dressed to take off anything heavy (shoes, jackets etc) that can way them down. Their safety is more important than a brand new pair of sneakers!

We would greatly appreciate your co-operation to reinforce these messages to the children.

Thank you and have a great summer!

Vicki Field