Safety Net Alliance of Northern Kentucky Minutes

April 15th, 2015


Welcome and Introductions


Speaker:Tiffany Smith and Garien Gatewood, Youth Homelessness and Reentry Issues

Youth Homelessness

  • McKinney Vento Act defines homeless as: any child who does not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence
  • Nearly 77,000 children in KY experience homelessness in 2013. In 2013, 2.5 million children in the U.S experienced homelessness,
  • That is 1 child every 30 children.
  • KENTUCKY is ranked 50th as the WORST state for the extent of Child Homelessness, but ranked 20th in state policy and planning- housing, income, health, andplanning
  • MORE THAN 1,725 children enrolled in public schools in Boone, Campbell, and Kenton Countieswere considered homeless during the 2011-2012 school year.
  • Why should we care?
  • Children who experience homelessness are at a greater risk for:
  • Mental health Issues
  • Illnesses
  • Difficulty in School

Youth Reentry

  • As a result of the massive need for reentry planning for youth, the Children’s Law Center (CLC) expanded its advocacy to youth returning to society from out of home placement. CLC is able to offer unique services to youth from the ages of 15-24.
  • Children’s Law Center provides assistance through:Education Advocacy, Guardianship assistance, Civil/Criminal Legal Matters, Social Services, Reentry Planning, Referral Services, Policy Advocacy
  • Contact Garien Gatewood at or Tiffany Smith at if you have any youth that need assistance with homelessness or reentry

2015 Youth Summer Activity Resource Directory is now available

  • Please see link for the Directory or visit Community Resources under the Resource List
  • If you are aware of an activity that’s not been identified, or have any edits, please email Michelle Bullis at
  • The Directory is created by Brighton Center’s Teen Coalition Participants

News Desk

  • Postal Carriers’ Food Drive, May 9th
  • Can you help spread the word about the Postal Carriers' Food Drive? If you can put a sign out in your yard, please reach out to Andy Brunsman at Be Concerned (), Talia Frye at Brighton Center (), or Karen at Hosea House ( ) .

Executive Committee Report

Executive Committee Goals

  • 3 Executive Committee Goals have been established
  • Communication
  • Team Development
  • Clarity of Purpose
  • The Executive Committee is actively working onbreaking down all goals sequentially into objectives, strategies, and tactics. These goals will provide necessary insight and guidance into the role of the Executive Committee
  • Currently, the Executive Committee is planning the formationof a Housing Task Force that will address the need for collaboration around NKY’s affordable housing needs

Committee Updates

  • Food Committee
  • Postal Carriers’ Food Drive- May 9th
  • Discussed Food Committee Goals and the sub-committees/ sub-work groups that were created to work on the goals:
  • Goals:

1.) Assess our technology needs

2.)Standardize a way to calculate the number of meals we provide as a Food Committee

  • Discussed the need to create equivalencies in how to quantify how many meals the SNA Food Committee is supplying to NKY (ex: 1.2lbs = 1 meal)
  • In an effort to clarify our second goal, a Subcommittee will formto determine a standardized metric that best and most accurately conveys our collective impact as a Food Committee
  • Please contact Zach at if you’re interested in joining this Subcommittee
  • Subcommittee will have a template by next meeting in May

3.)Coordination of nutrition education, production, and food distribution (specifically, underserved areas)

  • Nutrition Education Work Group will work on this goal
  • Please contact Zach at if you’re interested joining this sub-work group
  • NutritionEducation Working Group
  • Please contact Melissa Pilcher at f you’re interested in 1) offering Nutritional education classes at your organization or you’re interested in 2) joining the Nutritional Ed. work group
  • Impact and Marketing Committee
  • Working on ways to measure SNA’sCollective Impact vs. Collaboration , and how this can lead to continuous quality improvement (CQI) in each committee
  • Currently, a\ 1-page infographic is being drafted to show the SNA’s impact thus far
  • Next SNA Partner Tour is at Life Learning Center, Tuesday, March 26th.
  • Please RSVP Zach at
  • Web Committee
  • Again, there was a significant increase in unique visitors and number of visits compared to the previous month and March 2014. There were all-time highs in unique visitors and numbers of visits (broke last month’s record numbers).
  • Discussed that 60% of the search key phrases were relating to housing
  • Furniture Task Force
  • Working on the logistics of SNA’s inaugural “Sweet Dreams NKY “-A community oriented/volunteer driven event where beds are assembled for families in need
  • Goal: 50beds
  • Planning meeting on April 21st.
  • Work Supports Committee
  • April 7th meeting :
  • Discussed Committee Benefit Access program, and committee scope
  • Please contact if you would like to join the committee
  • Next Meeting: TBD


  • Contact Zach if you have any issues, concerns, or questions pertaining to the Safety Net , , 859-491-8303 ext 2320
  • Hunger Walk- Memorial Day
  • Please consider participating in the 12th annual Hunger Walk 5k; $15 for registration
  • Over the past 12 years, the race has raised over $1 million to help feed our neighbors in need through our network of partner agencies.
  • Think of groups you have connections with that could participate- high schools, sports teams. Etc.
  • Contact Sarah Celenza at to register; for more information please visit the 5k webpage-
  • Student Loan forgiveness Program- If you’re working for nonprofit or government agency and have made 120 payments, student loans are forgiven Contact Marlene Gerding at for more info
  • Boone County Brighton Center offering emergency services (1:1 with resource advocate, tangible goods available) walk-ins from 12:30-4:30 Wednesday ONLY, 11 Shelby St. Florence, Ky.
  • Life Learning Center has moved into its new facility at 20 W. 18th street, 41011. Now that we have settled into our new space, we are actively seeking to build relationships and formalize partnerships with local organizations to serve greater numbers in the metropolitan area. We are looking for residential and non-residential partners (Employee Partner, Agency Partners), and referrals. Contact us for a tour & educational information at . Please see flyer/s for additional information and details on April 8th Lunch and Learn:

Next Meeting Date

Wednesday, May 20thth, 2015


St. John’s UCC Newport


  1. Rhonda Chisenhall, American Cancer Society
  2. David Johnson, Apprisen
  3. Andy Brunsman, Be Concerned, Inc.
  4. Mike Delaney,Beautiful Way Christian Church
  5. Melissa Pilcher, Boone, Kenton, Campbell County Ext. Services
  6. Rosie Allen, Boone, Kenton, Campbell County Ext. Services
  7. B.J. Porciello, NKY County Ext. Services
  8. Stacie Ball, NKY Counties Ext. Services
  9. Corol Palmieri, NKY Counties Ext. Services
  1. Ian Maloney, KTAP
  2. Lisa SensaleYazdian, Boone County Public Library
  3. Jarret Spisak, Brighton Center
  4. Jenny Wiley, Brighton Center
  5. Lauren Copeland, Brighton Center
  6. Melissa Hall Sommer, Brighton Center
  7. Michelle Bullis, Brighton Center
  8. Talia Frye, Brighton Center
  9. Barbara Schaefer, Butler Foundation
  10. Allyn Reinecke, Campbell County Fiscal Court Assistance Program
  11. Lisa Haines, Campbell County Fiscal Court Assistance Program
  12. Penny Clark, Care Mission, Inc
  13. Brandy Medaugh, Catholic Charities
  14. Alan Pickett, Catholic Charities
  15. Rick Thies, Center For Accessible Living
  16. Garien Gatewood, Children’s Law Center
  17. Tiffany Smith, Children’s Law Center
  18. Shenell Washington, CILO
  19. Stefanie Theobald, CILO
  20. Emily Hunt, Cincinnati VA
  21. Peter Contreras, Cincinnat VA
  22. Maggie Volkering, City of Covington
  23. Lore Eifert, Covington Independent Schools
  24. Sherry Barhorst, Disabled American Veterans
  25. Bob Littman, Freestore Foodbank
  26. Jennifer Steele, Freestore Foodbank
  27. Sarah Celenza, Freestore
  28. Sarah Young, Gateway Community and Technical College
  29. Karen Yates, Hosea House
  30. Megan McGuffey, Housing Authority of Covington
  31. Marcia Jennings, Housing Authority of Covington
  32. Kathy Nafus, ITNGreater Cincinnati
  33. Rosemary Ogelsby-Henry, Life Learning Center
  34. Tony Aloise, Life Solutions Network
  35. Crystal Cottrill, NKADD
  36. Jessica Arlinghaus, NKADD
  37. Chenee Young, NKCAC
  38. Derrick Blassinggame, NKCAC
  39. Stacey Reed, NKCAC
  40. Bob Ford, NKY Health Department
  41. Vanessa Fields, North Key
  42. Setera Sears, Psychological Services Clinic(Univ. Of Cumberlands)
  43. Jodi Penick, Safety Net Alliance of NKY
  44. Zach Price, Safety Net Alliance of NKY
  45. Wanda Quinn, St. Johns Church
  46. Sandy Kerlin, St. Johns Church
  47. Lisa Stenner, Union Presbyterian Church
  48. Mary Lu Funyak, Union Presbyterian Church
  49. Becky Ewing, United Ministries
  50. Amanda Couch, Welcome House
  51. Linda Vila Passione, Kenton County School District
  52. Fay Alexander, NKADD
  53. Kellie Gaustad, Brighton Center
  54. Stephanie Sutter, Rob’s Kids
  55. Michelle Bullis, Brighton Center
  56. Courtney Ham, Department of Public Advocacy
  57. David H., Department of Public Advocacy
  58. Trish Standiful, Ballittsville Christian Church
  59. Elizabeth Anderson, Department of Public Advocacy
  60. Eternity Hodge, Gateway Community
  61. Heather King, Department of Public Advocacy
  62. Samantha Kleckner, Brighton Center
  63. Joanah Renner, PSC
  64. Kim Trauth, Salvation Army