Safer York Partnership/Drug Action Team
Prtnership Board Meeting
1.30pm – 3.30pm Monday 9th August 2012
Committee Room 2 at 10-12 George Hudson Street
Present: Lisa Winward, Supt, NYP (Chair)
Cllr Dafyyd Williams, CYC
Pete Dwyer, Head of Children & Families, CYC
Mike Ryan, Director, North Yorkshire Probation Trust
Ian Hill, Group Manager, NYFRS
In Attendance: Tanya Lyon, Crime Reduction Manager, SYP
Paul Murphy, AD Integrated Commissioning, CYC
Cllr Paul Healey, CYC
Liz Butcher, NTA
Jackie Jackson, Prevent Co-ordinator, CYC
Paul Morrison, Neighbourhood Safety Manager, CYC
Pam Tinker, Business Support Officer, SYP (minute taker)
1. Apologies
1.1 Apologies were received from Steve Waddington, Andrew Stephenson, Fiona Fitzpatrick, Jane Mowat and Leigh Bell.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting on 18th June 2012
2.1 Minutes of the last meeting held on 18th June 2012 were duly accepted as a true and accurate record.
3. Matters Arising
3.1 Lisa Winward reported that she has attended two Transition Board meetings and a separate meeting to discuss contractual commitments. She advised that the Transition Board are mindful of existing contracts and financial commitments and audit processes are to be put in place.
3.2 The re-formated Community Safety Plan is to be discussed under agenda item 5.
3.3 Lisa Winward reported that both she and Steve Waddington attended the York and North Yorkshire Forum in July and one of the major topics for discussion was how CSPs are to engage with the new PCC. A number of options have been discussed however the consensus is for the merging of CSP strategic boards with the Criminal Justice Board be explored further. A working group is to be convened to scope this. Members requested representation on this group and that this be included as a standing agenda item.
Action: The Chair is to feed into the Forum the recommendation for early engagement of candidates into the scoping process.
3.4 Action: Leigh Bell to produce a timetabled action plan in respect to the Alternatives Project is to be brought back to the next meeting.
3.5 Data for the DAAT performance report is available quarterly and therefore the report, in its new format, will be available for the next meeting.
3.6 Action: Leigh Bell to review the IDTS model and bring back an action plan to this Board to include funding implications and timelines to the next meeting.
Members were advised that Andrew Stephenson will no longer be in post with the PCT from October and has therefore stood down as a member of this Board.
Action: The Chair is to approach Chris Long, Chief Executive for Health and request a replacement.
3.7 Recommendations are awaited from CYC Legal Services with regards to the “comfort” letter being used by Lifeline upon issuing “safe” foil to clients.
Action: This item to be brought forward to the next meeting so that a formal decision can be made depending on the recommendations made by CYC Legal Services.
4. SYP – Performance Report
4.1 Tanya Lyon summarised that total crime is still falling compared to the previous year. She highlighted to members the development of a tool-kit of preventative initiatives around acquisitive crime to be used by the Safer Neighbourhood Officers, which includes relevant PDFs for associated leaflets/posters and documents. Tanya advised that there will be no new alley gating schemes this year however this will allow a review to be undertaken on existing schemes, particularly looking at vulnerability of end properties. It is likely that next year, should funding allow, SYP will undertake new schemes in either the Clifton or Bishopthorpe Road area.
4.2 Tanya stated that CYC have been requested to display a carefully worded crime prevention message on the traffic matrices sited on the outer ring road but is still awaiting a response.
Action: Tanya Lyon is to explore further with both Steve Waddington and Highways as to the possibility of displaying crime prevention messages on traffic matrices.
4.3 Tanya advised that the Senior Analyst is in the process of conducting an analysis of what proportion of burglaries are stolen cycles. The results are summarised in this Performance Report.
4.4 Members commented that although crime was falling across the City they requested whether this was reflected in high crime areas. Pete Dwyer requested that the Performance Report in future highlight any key wards which are being affected by crime but are often hidden by our overall reduction in figures, so looking at the impact of crime on particular communities.
Action: The next Performance Report submitted to the Board is to provide an overview of high crime area’s at ward level.
5. SYP Community Safety Plan – Refresh: June 2012
5.1 Members noted the re-formated version is now a working document, illustrating aims and objectives. Lisa Winward suggested that this be a living document that would be version controlled and updated throughout the year to reflect the current position regarding performance and initiatives.
5.2 Mike Ryan and Pete Dwyer advised that some of the titles referring to “Links to Other Plans” were out of date and should read:
· York and North Yorkshire Reducing Re-offending (bullet one)
· Sustainable Communities Strategy should read “City Plan”
In addition reference in “Our Priorities” section should include looking at the impact of crime on particular communities bearing on research which has been asked to be undertaken.
Agreed: That subject to these amendments the detail of this document is approved by the Partnership Board.
6. Hate Crime Strategy and Work Plan Update
6.1 Jackie Jackson confirmed that this document has been circulated for consultation requesting feedback by 24 August. The final document will be brought back to this Board at the October meeting. She reported that due to a number of mitigating circumstances progress has been slow. A number of projects are underway with NYP, York University and schools including an initiative on bullying. At present CYC and NYP are piloting a scheme of reporting centres for Hate Crime in the City.
7. Anti-social Behaviour Structures
7.1 Paul Morrison explained that the report examines the current structures and processes in tackling ASB across the City. Currently the Tenancy Enforcement Team (TET) take on enforcement action on behalf of Council housing but do not have the capacity for additional problems linked to private housing apart from noise nuisance. In the past there has been little co-ordination in tackling ASB on private estates. Some cases have been referred to the Police but there has been no budget for enforcement action within the Council. The Neighbourhood Safety Unit are currently looking at creating additional revenue through extending Mediation services to other areas such as Selby and providing CYC Legal Services to the private sector at a re-charge of £79 per hour.
7.2 Commencing in August the Council will be working with NYP targeting people urinating in the City Centre at night. NYP are to collate the information and pass onto the Council, who will in turn, using the Council’s By-law begin prosecution which will result in those convicted being given a fine.
7.3 Paul advised that problem solving meetings are being streamlined to allow flexibility and to avoid duplication. This process of streamlining at an early intervention stage includes discussions with the Adult Safeguarding team. Pete Dwyer agreed to raise this early intervention approach with the Adult Safeguarding Board.
7.4 Paul reported that CYC are working with NYP to introduce Vulnerable Risk Assessments (VRAs) from November which are to be matrix based. This county-wide form will provide consistency.
Action: Paul Morrison is to bring back to the Partnership Board a report, for information, around the VRA process towards the end of the year.
8. SYP Financial Statement
8.1 Tanya advised that SYP are on track for full spend on project allocations. In addition the shortfall for salaries in the operational budget has now been covered.
8.2 Pete Dwyer said at the last meeting the reserve account held in excess of £250,000 and in the event of the Partnership being dissolved then there needs to be a contingency fund to provide redundancy payment.
Action: Jane Mowat is to contact CYC Finance and bring back to the next meeting approximate redundancy costs and how these funds are protected from being transferred over to any statutory Board that may emerge as a result of the introduction of PCC’s and a potential new CSP structure.
9. DAAT – Patient Option York
9.1 Liz Butcher summarised that the Strang Report highlights the importance of capturing the narrative recovery at each stage of the treatment journey. It is intended that these recovery stories be made into a poster and displayed on the walls of service providers, ie Lifeline and published on the Patient Opinion website. The NTA supports this scheme and there are no cost implications to the DAAT.
9.2 Paul Murphy advised that there is a difference of opinion between the DAAT and the NTA regarding this project. This revolves around the issue of data protection. As a result of this the DAAT Commissioning Manager, the Director of Public Health and Lifeline have indicated that this project should not go ahead. At present CYC own the patient data which falls within the Data Protection Act and therefore is the responsibility of the local authority. Patient Opinion does not have access to this data and therefore this Board needs to consider the delegated powers in relation to the Data Protection Act. There were also professional concerns around the suitability of the current patients in York and whether this project would be detrimental to their progress at this time.
9.3 Dafyyd Williams stated that he considered Data Protection was not an issue as it was the choice of the patient as to what information is used. He advised that there needs to be evidence to support the views of the NTA and Strang Report, and the DAAT’s apprehension regarding the current York patients in order to inform the debate at the meeting in October. In principle members supported this process of recovery however the legal position around data protection needs to be formalised.
Action: A full debate and informed decision to be made at the next meeting subject to evidence to support the scheme, the evidence of the concern for current York patients, and the legal position around data protection being clarified.
10. AOB
10.1 The Chair requested that the times of meeting dates for 2012 be changed to accommodate attendance.
Please note the dates and new times of meetings for the remainder of 2012:
11 October to be held in Committee Room 2 at 10-12 George Hudson St
6 December to be held in Conference Room 2 at 10-12 George Hudson St
(All meetings will now commence at 12 noon and a working lunch will be provided).