Safer Selfies - Module guide

Activity / Discussion / Key points
Introductions / Who you are
What a cyber ambassador is
That this session focuses on safer selfies
Quick questions / Who likes taking photos- of themselves and friends
Does anyone share photos they take with others via text, email online?
Do your parents post pictures of you online – maybe on facebook? / A lot of us like taking and sharing photos – but what do these pictures tell others about us and is it always a good idea to share?
Spot the mistake
Show the photos and ask people to identify what the photo reveals about that person. / What does the picture tell you about this person?
Is that personal information?
What are the dangers of sharing this information? / Pictures can tell people a lot about you
Be careful which pictures you post – check them for personal information
Be careful when you post them because this could give away information too – like the date of your birthday or your location, or the fact your house is empty!
They could then use this to:
  • find you in real life,
  • burgle your house,
  • to try to and befriend you and meet you.

Finger print fish
Ask everyone in the room to make a fingerprint on the fish / Why do you think I asked you to do that – what do you think the fingerprint represents / Everything you post online whether it is a comment or a picture or social media account – leaves a permanent mark just like that fingerprint – and just like a fingerprint is individual to you and can help someone find out about you so can the marks you leave online.
Pass the picture
In groups add details to the picture you have been given – these can be funny, fashionable or freaky!
Also write down the
Furthest places/countries you have visited
Different countries where you have friends/relatives living / What did your picture look like in the end?
If it was a picture of you that got changed how would you feel?
How far would it have travelled if you sent it to all your friends/family / Talk about how this shows that pictures can easily be changed and travel a long way – but can you change photos in the same way?
Spot the difference
Show the two sets of photos where the image has been digitally altered / What else could people do to photos using a computer / Photoshop and other similar programmes mean that photos can be altered and in ways that look really real
The pictures you see online and in magazines of singers, models and actresses are often altered to make them look better.
But other people can also change pictures in ways they are upsetting – give a really big nose – put your head on a totally different body – and one that is doing something not nice or perhaps even naked!!
Show I saw your willy video
https:// / Was it a good idea to take a photo of his willy?
Was it nice of his friend to send it on?
Do you think you could get into trouble for sending or having pictures of someone with their private parts showing?
What should be the sea smart rules for safer selfies
What would worry you the them most – being laughed at, their gran seeing it or the strange man / Need to remember that photos can spread really quickly once posted and are really difficult to stop/have removed once they are out there
You might only be mucking about, or be sharing it with someone you trust – but this can still turn out to be a mistake so really think hard before sharing any pictures of yourself or your friends
If you share a naked picture you could end up getting, laughed at, bullied or receive unwanted attention as a result
In terms of getting into trouble – it is actually against the law to take/share or have pictures of someone who is under 18 that is showing private parts!
Meet Selphire
Introduce Selphire and what she does / Discuss what you think should be the rules to stay safe when taking and sharing selfies / Think carefully before you post or send any pictures online
What could that picture tell someone about you
Is that picture rude, embarrassing or hurtful
Set your privacy settings high to help prevent your pictures being seen by people you don’t know
Don’t post or send pictures or videos of yourself that you wouldn’t be happy for the world (or your gran) to see
If in doubt give an adult a shout!
Session close
Ask if anyone has any questions
Hand out stickers/Monster card / Tell everyone to make sure they GoFISH
Remind them that as their Cyber Ambassador they can come to you for help but that….
If in doubt give an adult a shout