Safer Rotherham Partnership



4th Floor Conference Room, Main Street Police Station, Rotherham


Ch Supt Jason Harwin (Joint Chair) - South Yorkshire Police

Helena Bland (Minutes) - RMBC Neighbourhoods & Adult Services

Christine Brodhurst-Brown - RMBCIntegrated Youth Support Services

Marie Carroll - Office of the Police Crime & Commissioner

Tom Cray (Joint Chair) - RMBC Strategic Director-Neighbourhoods & Adult Services

Paul Grimwood - RMBC Youth Offending Service

Sarah Mainwaring - South Yorkshire Probation Trust

Linda Mayhew - South Yorkshire Criminal Justice Board

Steve Parry - RMBC Neighbourhood Crime & ASB Manager

Dr John Radford - RMBC Director of Public Health

David Wilson - South Yorkshire PoliceAnalyst


Shafiq Hussain - Voluntary Action Rotherham

Supt Paul McCurry - South Yorkshire Police

Dave Richmond - RMBC Director-Housing & Neighbourhoods

Dorothy Smith - RMBC Director-Children & Young Peoples Services

1. Introductions/Apologies

There were introductions required. Apologies were accepted as detailed above.

Ch Supt Jason Harwin chaired the meeting.

2. Minutes of the YOS Management Board

This was the first meeting of YOS Management Board under the SRP Executive group.

3. Matters Arising from the minutes of the YOS Management Board

This was the first meeting of YOS Management Board under the SRP Executive group.

4. Performance

Paul Grimwood explained that performance had been covered by the YOS Plan. Discussion took place around the 3 national targets. Paul highlighted that as far as good news stories,First Time Entrants were continuing to reduce in Rotherham and that Rotherham is currently performing better than regional and national averages. Custody is also reducing but re-offending is beginning to go up as are figures across the Country. The Partnership need to decide how this is to be addressed and actions are to be included in the Youth Justice Plan.

Agreed: That the information is noted

Actions:Please refer to Action Schedule

5. Youth Justice Plan

A copy of the Youth Justice Offending Service Strategic Plan 2013/14 and Conditions of Grant note had been circulated to group members prior to the meeting.

Paul Grimwood briefly went through the plan explaining that the narrative required changing in line with the additional guidance note for Youth Offending Teams on providing a ‘Cost Plan’.

The following amendments are to be considered in the re-write of the Youth Justice Plan;

  • Education
  • Family for Change
  • Risk Factors
  • Transition of YOS to Offender Manager
  • Improving victims confidence in the system
  • Re-offending

Agreed: That the information is noted

Actions:Please refer to Action Schedule

6. YOS Improvement Plan

YOS Improvement Action Plan had been circulated prior to the meeting on behalf of Paul Grimwood.

Paul clarified that improvements had beenmade to the YOS Plan and now it was a question of how it would be kept on target to maintain the progress. Quality assurance had been achieved in the YOT review; there were no issues around safeguarding. Aquality assurance review will start in July to check that the recommendations have been produced.

Agreed:That the information is noted

Actions:Please refer to Action Schedule

7. YOS Budget

  • Final Budget Report 2012/13

A copy of the YOS Finance Budget Report –Quarter 4 figures had been circulated prior to the meeting on behalf of Paul Grimwood.

The YOS Budget required to be signed off by the SRP as part of the Terms and Conditions.

Agreed:1) That the information is noted

2)That the budget is approved

  • Budget 2013/14

A copy of the YOSBudget Plan 2013/14 figures had been circulated prior to the meeting on behalf of Paul Grimwood.

Paul highlighted that from the additional condition of grant notes sent by the Youth Justice Board a re-calculation and more detailed expenditure planwould be required by 30 June 2013.

Agreed:That the information is noted

Action:Please refer to Action Schedule

8. Environmental Scanning

A copy of the Torbay Serious Case ReviewSummary – February 2013 was circulated to group members prior to the meeting for information.

Agreed: That the information is noted

9. Partnership Updates/Emerging Issues

There were no updates/issuesreported.

Agreed:That the information is noted

10. Any Other Business

Paul Grimwood stated that a critical learning exercise regarding the attempted suicide of a young girl whilst being looked after in a home is to take place.DrJohn Radford noted that definitions of an attempted suicide were complicated and offered to send the current guidance to Paul.

Agreed:That the information is noted

Action:Please refer to Action Schedule

11. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 28 August2013 at 4 – 5pm, Main Street Police Station, after the SRP Executive Group meeting