Safer Clothes Moth Alert
Insect pests in our homes can be a real nuisance to deal with. They get into our kitchens or bathrooms or sometimes into our closets. This can be when they are at their most destructive. Every year people spend thousands of dollars on clothes for their families and their selves. It can be horrifically devastating to pull something out of your closet and find it littered with small holes. Most times the garment is ruined by the damage and it is rarely an isolated incident. The damage is caused by a moth that lays its eggs on clothing or other fabric. When the larvae hatch, they feed on the fibers. Unfortunately, once you discover an infestation the damage is usually done. The best solution for this problem is prevention.
Safer Clothes Moth Alert is a simple effective solution to moth infestations. It is also is an excellent tool for the prevention of an infestation. The trap is a glue trap that is heavily scented with a pheromone that attracts the adult male moths. Once the males enter the trap, they become stuck in the glue and eventually die. This is a safe non-toxic way to treat moth infestations in an area where you do not want to spray any pesticides. Using Safer Clothes Moth Alert could not be easier. Simply hang the trap near where your clothes are kept. Hang it eye level and check it regularly. The traps need to be replaced every 12 weeks. One to two traps are usually sufficient for an average sized room. Do not use to many traps as this can confuse the moths and the traps will not appear to be working properly. These can be used in this manner to stop an infestation, as killing off the adult males will end the reproductive cycle. But, more importantly, it should be used at all times to prevent an infestation. This is especially important if you have ever had a problem with these moths before. This problem could also be treated with a broad-spectrum insecticide, but it would require your closet to be thoroughly covered in the insecticide. Each article of clothing would need to be individually sprayed. This is not really a viable option considering not only the smell and residue it would leave behind, but also the danger associated with most widely available chemical insecticides. Even organic insecticides, while much safer, would still leave a residue or scent on your clothes. Safer Clothes Moth Alert will has no scent, does not come into contact with your clothes so there in no worry of residue, and is completely safe and non-toxic.
Moth infestations in your closet can be a difficult situation to handle if it gets out of control. The best thing you can possibly do to protect your investment in your clothing is to be vigilant. Use Safer Clothes Moth Alert as a preventative measure to alert you to any potential problem before it gets out of hand. If a problem already exists then, this is simply the fastest, safest, most effective manner in which to solve it. Any time you are dealing with pests in your home think before you spray. Think about the chemicals you are exposing your children, your pets and yourself to. Find a safer solution to protect your clothes from moths and those living in your home from toxic chemicals, use Safer Clothes Moth Alert.