SADM 7/ed – ESSS CASE STUDY - Milestone 3: SolutionPage: 3-1


Activity 1 – Use-Case Glossary


he following use cases and their descriptions and actors can be determined from the interview. Some students may identify other use cases based on standard maintenance functions. These are not incorrect, but have been left out of the glossary for the sake of simplicity. We have chosen to focus only on the use cases that will be most used.

A few notes on the use cases included in the glossary:

  • An abstract use case called Login was added because all other use cases require a login.
  • View Employee Profile was added as an abstract use case to handle the drill down option from Perform Employee Detail Lookup and perform Employee Group Lookup.

Use-Case Glossary
Use-Case Name / Use-Case Description / Participating
Actors and Roles
Search Employee Directory / This use case describes the event of searching the employee directory. / Employee
Login / This is an abstract use case, which describes the login process.
Update Employee Profile / This use case describes the even of updating the employee profile information. / Employee
Enter New Employee Profile / This use case describes the event of entering a new employee with name, job title, supervisor, emergency contacts, payroll deductions, and United Way contributions. / Staffing Dept
View United Way Participation / This use case describes the event of viewing United Way participation for all employees a manager directly supervises. / Manager
Update Employee Secure Data / This use case describes the event of updating pay rates, job title, and supervisor for employees. / Staffing Dept
Query via SQL / This use case describes the event of building an ad-hoc query with SQL / Manager
Perform Employee Detail Lookup / This use case describes the event of viewing a list of employees in any one department so that one can be selected for View Employee Profile. / Manager
Perform Employee Group Lookup / This use case describes the event of viewing a list of employees based on various selection conditions (job code, building, department, salary/wage range, home city, phone exchange, employment status, etc.) with the option of selecting one for View Employee Profile. / Manager
View Employee Profile / This is an abstract use case, which describes the event of viewing a complete profile for a single employee.

Activity 2 – Use-Case Model Diagram


his model should be constructed based on the use cases identified in Activity 1. The selection of subsystems will vary depending on the assumptions of the student. Most students should be able to correctly identify the Uses relationships shown below. A decision was made to not break the use cases into separate subsystems because of the small number and cohesiveness of the use cases.

Activity 3 – Fully-documented Use-Case Narrative


he narrative shown here is one possible answer. Students will need to make assumptions about the sequence of events as well as numbering and other minor issues. Grade based on the logic of the student’s approach to the problem and consistency of implementation.

Prepared by Gary B. Randolph for

Systems Analysis & Design Methods 7ed

by J. L. Whitten, L. D. Bentley, & K.C. DittmanCopyright Irwin/McGraw-Hill 2007