2016-2017 School Profile
School and Community
Founded in 1923 by the Capuchin Brothers, Sacred Heart High School is a co-educational, comprehensive Catholic school with 330 students and 24 teachers, accredited by the New York State Board of Regents and Middle States Association. Located on the banks of the beautiful Hudson River in Yonkers, the school is in the heart of an ethnically and economically diverse city, and is in proximity to the Bronx, Manhattan as well as upper Westchester. The student body is highly competitive, dynamic and multi-cultural and yields from Yonkers, the Bronx, Manhattan and surrounding suburban towns and villages. Sacred Heart High School and its families are bonded by their commitment to support the diverse needs of their students while cultivating their love of learning and positive growth and character.
Graduation Requirements
Sacred Heart High School prides itself upon its high academic standards and ability to provide a distinctive curriculum to meet the needs of the student population. All New York State Regents examinations are administered on-site and over 99%of our students successfully complete these exams. Each Course level includes and honors section. Graduation requirements include:
History 4 units Foreign Language3 units
English4 units Art 1 Unit
Religion 4 units Health Education1 unit
Mathematics4 unitsComputer Technology 1 unit
Science3 unitsPhysical Education2 units
Advanced Placement CoursesCollege Link Course
AP English LiteratureEnglish
AP U.S. HistoryPsychology
AP U.S. GovernmentPre-Calculus
AP BiologyBusiness Management
AP CalculusCollege Success
Senior Electives
PhysicsDigital Desktop
PsychologyDrawing and Painting
OceanographyStained Glass
Class Rank and Grade Weighting
Sacred Heart High School does not rank students. Grade point averages are weighted. Advanced placement, is given a weight of 1.07, college level, is given a weight of 1.06 and honors, is given a weight of 1.05.
34 Convent Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10703
(914) 965-3114/Fax (914)-965-4510
CEEB Code 336070
Distribution of Grades
Sacred Heart uses a numerical grading system with a passing score of 65. Below is a list of our grading system.
A+97-100 4.0C+ 77-792.5
A 93-963.7C 73-762.0
B-80-82Below 65= failure
Sacred Heart High School has a professional staff of 24 teachers with a median teaching experience of 20 years. A Masters Degree is held by 92% of the faculty and 79% have 30 credits or more beyond a Masters. The student Faculty ratio is 16:1.
Counseling Department
The Counseling Department is comprised of two full time counselors and one Archdioceses Drug Abuse Prevention Counselor. The department provides a comprehensive program that includes individual and group counseling at each grade level. With 100% of the class continuing their education, the college selection and admission process is also central to the responsibilities of the counselor. The ADAPP counselor works closely with the guidance counselors to assist student’s individual emotional needs.
Athletics and Extra-Curricular Activities
Sacred Heart High School offers a variety of programs that encourage students to pursue specific interests. Athletic competition and group participation provides students with a sense of commitment and camaraderie. Organized sports include football, volleyball, soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, track, bowling and cheerleading. Our school day extends well past the last bell with organizations such as Drama Club, Art Club, Vocal Ensemble, Student Council, Yearbook, National Honors Society, community Service and our Enrichment program. This offers fitness, fashion, cooking, pottery and guitar.
Sacred Heart High School is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and is certified by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York. Our CEEB code is 336070
Contact Information
Tara Rybacki, School Counselor/College Advisor
Paulette Pezzella, ADAPP Counselor