Sacraments ProjectFall 2016

1. The write-up for the sacraments project must be typed using the format prescribed in

the Lancer Life.

2. A cover page is required. The cover page must include the following information:

Name, Period, Course Title, Date.A folder is optional.

3. Number and type the questions in bold. Leave a blank line between each question and

your answer. Skip a line between the numbers. Answers must be in complete sentences.

Example:1. Where is the baptismal font located?

The baptismal font is located in a baptistery room near the …

4. Multiple pages must be stapled together.

5. The project will be accomplished in three phases as follows:

Phase 1 – Due ______(50 Points) Included in the7th Week Grades

Turn in the following: a.) Parish Verification Form A or a parish bulletin (10)

b.) Selected Parish Programs (10)

c.) Sacraments of Initiation write-up (10)

d.) Sacraments of Service write-up (10)

e.) Sacraments of Healing write-up (10)

The student is expected to visit a Roman Catholic Church of his/her choice and answer the questions specific to that church and take the indicated pictures. For verification purposes, when reasonably possible, it is highly encouraged to stand by/near the images (at least one) the student is taking pictures of.

A minimum of 1 paragraph is required to answer the last question (italicized) of each sacrament.


I. Sacraments of Initiation


  1. Where is the Baptismal Font located? (Take a picture)Explain how your picture relates to the sacrament.
  2. Why is it located there? Why is water significant in Baptism?
  3. If you want a baby baptized at this parish, what needs to be done?
  4. What does (your) Baptism mean to you?


  1. What is there in the church that represents the Sacrament of Confirmation? (Take a picture)Explain how your picture relates to the sacrament.
  2. If someone your age wishes to be confirmed, what needs to be done?
  3. Why does a “sponsor” have to be a Baptized Catholic?
  4. Explain why Confirmation takes2 years of preparation.


  1. What in the church represents the Sacrament of Eucharist? (Take a picture)Explain how your picture relates to the sacrament.
  2. Where in the church is the Eucharist kept? Why is it kept there?
  3. What is meant by the “Sacrifice” of the Eucharist? (CCC, 1366-1369)
  4. Explain what the Eucharist means to you and how you prepare to receive yourself to receive Jesus in communion.

II. Sacraments of Service


  1. What in the church represents the Sacrament of Marriage? (Take a picture)Explain how your picture relates to the sacrament.
  2. Give a concrete example of why Marriage is a sacrament of service.

15. Describe 3 ways on how spouses can stay faithful to each other.

16. What does the Sacrament of Marriage mean to you?

Holy Orders

17. What in the church represents the sacrament of Holy Orders? (Take a picture)

Explain how your picture relates to the sacrament

18. If you wanted to become a priest, what are the necessary steps?

19. Why can’t priests get married? (CCC, 1618-1619)

20.How can you help promote Vocations to the priesthood/Religious life?

III. Sacraments of Healing


21. What in the church represents the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)?

(Take a picture) Explain how your picture relates to the sacrament.

22. What do you think is the priest’s role in confession?

23. Describe how to go to confession.

24. How often do you think do we need to celebrate this sacrament? Why?

Anointing of Sick

25. What in the church represents Anointing of the Sick? (Take a picture)

Explain how your picture relates to the sacrament

26. When is it necessary to receive this sacrament?

27. What does this sacrament do? (Refer to CCC, 1520-1523)

28. What do you think of this sacrament?



Phase 2 ______(50 Points) Included in the 14th Week Grades

Option 1. A student will volunteer at least 4 hours of service at any of the

following organizations:

a. Hospital/Convalescent Homes d. Food bank / Soup Kitchen

b. Senior Citizen Center e. Parish Organization dealing with # abcd

c. Counseling Center

Option 2. Check with your teacher for alternatives.

Copy and answer the following questions in complete sentences. Refer to

the guidelines on Part 1.

  1. Organization’s information (Name, Mission Statement, Goals, Physical address, Contact numbers, Contact Person, Website if any, and any other informative data about your chosen organization).
  1. Why you chose to volunteer at that organization.
  1. Provide details of your work (What you did exactly).
  1. What you liked most (why) and what you liked least about your work.(why)
  1. Insights and new ideas you got out of your community involvement.
  1. Explain fully how does your volunteer work relates to the sacrament(s). Be specific. (1 paragraph minimum)
  1. Your recommendations to students who want to volunteer there. What kind of attitude(s) /disposition(s) they needed to make things smoother.
  1. After volunteering in the organization, share at least 1 personal resolution you intend to commit to.How will your resolution help you in life?
  1. Fill out the Verification Form B and have it signed by the Person-In-Charge of.
  1. On a separate sheet of paper, type a “Thank You” letter to the Person-In-Charge of the program/activity. Turn in a copy of the “Thank You” letter, stapled to your guided reflection paper.

Note: It is recommended that you try to get brochures and other leaflets in the organization that you volunteered at, so you can have something for your posterboard. Always ask permission if you are taking any pictures.

Note: You may attend the program/activity now. Do not wait until the last minute!

Phase 3 – Week before the Semester Exams (50 points) Included in the Final Grade

Project Presentation: Deliver a 3-5 min. presentation on the parish

program/activity/volunteer work that you attended.

  1. Students will present individually; no group presentations. (3-5 min.)
  2. Create an informative posterboard about your community involvement.

Pictures, Brochures, Parish Bulletins/Newsletters can be very helpful.

  1. Use your reflection paper (Project Part 2) to share your experience and your insights.

If presenting by PowerPoint, then the student must give the completed PowerPoint file on __(tba)______. This will give the teacher time to preview the slides and to make sure that everything is in order. It will also help to prevent last minute technological problems with defective memory sticks, lost or corrupted files, etc.

Part 3 will be graded based on the following criteria:

1. Content : Did the studentadequatelydescribe and explain his/her topic?

Could he/she answer questions about the topic?

2. Visual Aid : Did the visual aid make the presentation more understandable or attractive?

3. Presentation style: Was the presentation organized and creative?

Was the student’s voice sufficiently loud and clear?

A copy of this is posted online in the Amat Class webpage. For any questions/concerns feel free to ask / e-mail your teacher.