SAC/PTO Meeting Minutes

CES Media Center, 5:30 p.m., November 15, 2016


  1. Welcome: Mr. Pappas
  2. Minutes: Review minutes from September 2016, for approval. Keiffer motioned to approve. Pappas 2nd. Motion carried.
  3. Budget: Available Balance $658.04 (Corrected balance is $911.)
  4. Principal’s Report:
  5. Lockout drill on Nov 16. Teachers lock doors and continue teaching.
  6. Thanksgiving meal in our café on Nov 17. PK, K, 1st, 4th parents invited to eat in the auditorium with their children.
  7. Nov Student of the Month will be recognized on ITV Nov 18th.
  8. Student Council Nerd Day: Pay a buck and dress like a nerd. Funds will help pay
  9. Thanksgiving Holiday Week: Nov 21-25.
  10. Winter Wonderland/Math Night: Dec 2 from 5-7 p.m.
  11. Dental Bus on Campus: Dec 5-9
  12. Box Top Celebration in the auditorium: Dec 9 (Classes with most tops.)
  13. Naval Base Christmas Party for needy families: Dec 14. (POC: Guidance) Sandoval will be attending also.
  1. Fund Requests: None
  1. Old Business:
  2. None. Oct meeting canceled due to low turn-out.
  1. New Business:
  2. Review By-Laws: Sandoval motioned to approve plans as written with the annual date change. Geo 2nd. Motion carried.
  1. Open Discussion:The committee discussed how to use the SAC funding to support the improvement efforts. T. Brown suggested we use some of the money for her STEAM class, but after discussions, decided to ask PTO for her extra funding.
  1. Adjournment: Geo motioned to adjourn. Keiffer 2nd. Motion carried.


  1. Welcome: Ms. McLeod
  1. Minutes: September 12, 2016, minutes for review. Keiffer motioned to approve. Pappas 2nd. Motion carried.
  1. Budget Report: Ms. McLeod reported a current balance of $3346.41. PTO spent $600 for music instruments and $100 for 2nd grade.
  1. Old Business:

a.None: Oct meeting canceled.

  1. Fund Requests:

a.T. Brown requested $419.85 for 15 medium size classroom Lego sets to support the STEAM class. These will support technology with “Hour of Code” instruction. Keiffer motioned to approve. Items will be purchased from Amazon. Pappas 2nd. Motion carried.

  1. New Business:

a.By-Laws reviewed: Laws reviewed and annual date updated. No other changes were recommended. McLeod motioned to accept with annual date change. Pappas 2nd. Motion carried.

  1. Open Discussion:

a.PTO Tax Exemption has expired. McLeod will renew asap.

b.The t-shirt order for $1000 will go out after tax exemption is reinstated.

c.Winter Wonderland/Math Night is replacing the Fall Festival. Event will take place on Dec 2 from 5-7 p.m.

d.2nd Grade won the canned food drive with 960 cans. PTO will provide a celebration in the near future.

  1. Next Meeting Date: December 13at 5:30 p.m. in the Media Center
  1. Adjourn Meeting: McLeod motioned to adjourn. Pappas 2nd. Motion carried.