SAC Charges Progress Report

January 9, 20017

Submitted by: Nancy Nichols-Pethick

  1. Charges Completed
  2. Charge 1: Submit recommendations from the Advising Task Force – finalize report from last year
  3. Charge 3: Identify a faculty member to serve as representative to SGA Senate meetings
  4. Charge 4: Monitor international enrollment*
  5. Charge 6: Review and assess effectiveness of current student evaluation model (with FAC)
  6. Charges In Process
  7. Charge 2: Review history of Student Success initiatives and assess effectiveness (with AAC)
  8. Two members of SAC and one member of AAC have agreed to meet with Josh Powers in mid- to late-January to review recent Student Success initiatives. That information will be presented to SAC in February; it is anticipated that a jointly written review from SAC and AAC will be complete in March and will be included in the SAC annual report.
  9. Charge 5: Review admissions/scholarship standards and retention statistics
  10. Rich Toomey presented information regarding admissions/scholarship standards and retention statistics; this information will be discussed at the January SAC meeting and recommendations/response will be included in the annual report.
  11. Charges Still To Be Addressed
  12. Charge 7: Administer the Faculty Scholarship
  13. Scholarship applications are due at the beginning of March and must be reviewed by late March. SAC representatives to review applications will be selected at the January meeting. This charge will be completed by April 1.
  14. Charge 8: Produce and submit an annual report in time for the final Senate meeting of 2016-2017
  15. The final report will be submitted in April 2017.

* Chris McGrew presented information to SAC in October; SAC discussed the information at the November meeting and a response was approved in December. C. McGrew, Lynn Maurer, and Shauna Lehman will be invited to attend the March meeting of SAC to provide an update; any new information or recommendation will be added to the response and included in the final report.