S1 Table: Cotton varieties, year of release and features/salient characters
No. / Genotype / Pedigree / Release Date / Remarks1 / 4011 / - / - / Genotype for rained system, resistant to, Jassid and wilt, Yield of seed- 8-10Q/ha
2 / 1027 ALF / Goghari x Kumpta / 1923 / Snow white quality cotton, low Ginning percentage (35%), day to maturity-330 days, fibre length 23mm, Spinning value-31s, parent of many varieties,
3 / G. Bhv 280 / High seed cotton yield, early maturity and high ginning percentage
4 / Digvijay / Vijay x (Vijay x 1027 ALF) / 1956 / Days to maturity-260days, fibre length 23mm, microne value -4.4, Ginning-39%, preferred highly by the due to high spinnability, Immunity to wilt
5 / Gvhv 655 (GADC-2) / Gvhv 133 x Gvhv 473 / 2015 / Yield- 1640 kg/ha, Fibre length- 24.16mm, Ginning percentage- 45.4%, fibre strength-19.26 g/tex, 777 kg/ha lint yield
6 / Gvhv 723 / V 797 (Khapat) x Gvhv 104 / Information not available
7 / Gvhv 473 / G Cot 13/94 X 824
8 / Gvhv 544 / Gvhv 249 X Gvhv 196
9 / Gvhv 602 / Gvhv 303 X Gvhv 198
10 / Gvhv 629 / Selection from Gvhv 574
11 / Gvhv 675 / B. Ghed x Gvhv 235
12 / Gvhv 721 / Wagad 8 x Gvhv 249
13 / 1802 / derived from the cross (1027 ALF x
Per-211) FI x 1627 A.L.F / - / Synthetic culture
14 / G. Cot 13 / Kalyan x 1802 / 1981 / First semi open boll variety for North Gujarat, Day to maturity-240 days, Ginning percentage -39%, fibre length 24mm, microne value-3.4
15 / G. Cot 21 / 1502E x (G. Cot 13 x 4011D) / 1998 / Day to maturity-217, Ginning percentage -42%, fibre length 23mm, microne value-5.2mm, Semi open boll variety that recorded 25% increase in yield after 1965, with stand fast winds, drought sensitive
16 / ADC 1 / Dobafarm x Dhv 46 / 2010 / Yield-1306 kg/ha, Semi open boll variety tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses
17 / V797 / (Kalyan x Vijay) x Kalyan / 1966 / Closed boll, tolerant to wilt and fast winds
18 / DDK / - / - / Necked seed/lintless
19 / G. Cot 17 / 1762 x Yerly 197-3 / 1995 / Day to maturity-230days, Ginning percentage -40%, fibre length 22mm, micron value-4.4, tolerant to wilt but smaller boll size.
20 / G. Cot 23 / 625BB x GbBhv-41 / 2000 / Day to maturity-220days, Ginning percentage -40.2%, fibre length 23mm, micron value-4.8, Big boll variety having good boll opening.
21 / G. Cot 25 / 625 B.B. x GBhv-41 / 2010 / Day to maturity-190-200 days, fibre length-23mm, Ginning percentage-39%, micron value-4.8
22 / 824 / G1 X G. cernnum / - / Good in rainfed system, Yield- 12Q/ha
23 / G. Sav 1056 / -
24 / PA 402 / Developed by selection / 2003 / Duration- 150-160 days, Yield- 16-18Q/ha, Boll weight- 2.96-3.35gm, Bolls : Medium round and tapering at end, Fibre length- 26.1 mm, Fibre length-28mm, Number of sympodia : 50-60
25 / PA 528 / - / - / Good fibre strength-26mm, with tolerance to sucking pest, bollworm, bacterial blight
26 / AKA 5 / H 253 X CJ 73 / 1981 / Duration-170-180days, Yield-7-8Q/ha., Ginning-39%, Boll weight-1.5-2gm, resistant to grey mildew and drought
27 / AKA 7 / - / 1998 / Duration- 140-150 days, Yield -10-12Q/ha, Medium staple, seed index : 5.63gm, Lint index: 4.03Gm, Spinning count- 30s, Fibre length- 23mm, Tolerant to powdery mildew and wilt
28 / AKA 8 / - / 2005 / Duration-170-180 days, Yield- 10-12Q/ha, Ginning-38%, Medium staple, Spinning count- 40s, Fibre length- 26mm, Boll Weight- 2.5-3gm
29 / AKA 8401 / AKH-4X G. anomalum / 1989 / Long staple, 26-27mm staple length, spinability count -40s, Ginning percentage-38%
30 / Phuleanmol / - / 2012 / Mid late maturity, Microne value-4.5, fibre length-26mm, drought tolerant, Plant height, - 160-170cm, erect with 1 to 2 monopodia and 10 to 12 sympodia, flower colour yellow with eye spot and yellow anthers, boll shape elongated tapering with 3-4 locules, boll weight 2.0 to 2.3gm
31 / PhuleDhanvantari / - / 2012 / Recommended for cultivation in rain fed tract, Plant height - 120-130cm, erect with 1 to 3 monopodia and 10 to 12 sympodia, dark green leaves with medium hairy, flower colour cream with dark eye spot and yellow anthers, boll shape oblong spot and yellow anthers, boll shape oblong tapering with 3-4 locules, boll weight 3.5 to 4.0gm. Resistant to BLB, yield-14Q/ha
32 / Paig 27 / - / - / Elite introgressed cultivar