DURATION: 2 HOURSDATE: - 03/04/2012 at 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.MAX.MARKS: 80
INSTRUCTIONS: -1) All questions are compulsory, however internal choice is available.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Write short notes on the following. (Any Four)(4X4 = 16)
i) Self Regulation.
ii) Lab Test.
iii) State Regulation.
iv) Pre-Testing Methods.
v) Advertising Budget.
vi) Merits & Demerits 0f Sales Test Method.
Q.2) Write short notes on the following. (Any Four)(4X4 = 16)
i)Port folio Test.
ii) Consumerism.
iii) Inquiry method.
iv) Coupon Method.
v) Aided Recall Test.
vi) Attitude Measurement Test Method.
Q.3) A) Distinguish between Pre Testing method & Post Testing methods of measuring
Advertising effectiveness.(12)
X) State and Explain the steps involved in Task approach objective method.(12)
Q.4) A) Explain the factors that determine advertising Budget.(12)
X) Explain how truth in advertising is important.(12)
Q.5) A)What are the main features of code of the ASCI?(12)
X) Explain the consumer Jury method? Give its Merits & Demerits.(12)
Q.6) A) What is the importance of Ethics in Advertising?(12)
X) What is Evaluation of advertising effectiveness?(12)
Explain its purpose & need.
DURATION: 2 HOURSDATE: - 09/04/2012 at 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.MAX.MARKS: 80
INSTRUCTIONS: -1) Attempt all questions.
2) Internal choice available.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Attempt Any Four short notes(4x4 = 16)
A) Bill of Exchange
B) Crossed cheque
C) Authorized Person
D) Foreign Security
E) Sound Recording
F) Deceptively similar marks
Q.2) Attempt Any Four short notes(4x4 = 16)
A) Trade mark
B) Musical works
C) Design
D) Compulsory Licenses
E) Literary works
F) Performer
Q.3) A) What marks are registrable under Trademarks Act 1999.(12)
B) Define patent. What is the procedure to obtain registration of patent?(12)
Q.4) A) Explain the statutory rights of the owner of copyright.(12)
B) What is Infringement of Artistic Works?(12)
Q.5) A) Explain the types of Endorsement?(12)
B) What is the criminal Action on the offence of dishonor of cheque?(12)
Q.6) A) What are the restriction on drawal of foreign exchange on current account (12)
B) Explain the procedure to adjudicate contravention under foreign exchange(12)
management Act,1999.
DURATION: 2 HOURSDATE: - 03/04/2012 at 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.MAX.MARKS: 80
INSTRUCTIONS: -1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) A) Write an application letter in reply to the following advertisement:
“Wanted an experienced Sales Manager with suitable qualifications for a Pharmaceutical
concern in Goa”. Apply to Box No. 77534.The Navhind Times Goa. (10)
B) Draft a representation to the Manager of your organization pointing out inadequate
canteen facilities.(10)
X) Write a letter of appointment to Mr. Rohit Kapoor who has been selected for the post of
Y) Write the half yearly progress report of the Head office which is under your change.(10)
Q.2) A) As a retail merchant in Bicholim write a letter placing order for cotton shirts for the
forthcoming summer season.(10)
B) Write a letter of complaint to the glass manufacturing company for supplying inferior quality
of goods ordered by you for your hotel. Suggest an immediate adjustment in cash on kind.
X) You have received order for goods worth Rs. 80,000 from Messrs Patel & Bros. As they have
asked for credit for 3 months,write a tactful letter to them asking for 2 trade references.(10)
Y) Draft a sales letter to promote the sale of Any One of the following:(10)
(i) A sofa- cum-bed (ii) A car (iii) A cell phone (iv) A music system
Q.3) A) Write a letter of inquirey to the furniture house asking if they can supply furniture for your
office. Ask for price list and other literature.(08)
B) Write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Anil Kumar for his efforts in preparing programmes for
the computers that made the work of the different departments efficient and quick. (06)
C) As the Principal of a College draft a Testimonial for an outstanding student who has just
passed the B.Com. examinations.(06)
X) Mr. S.K.Sinha has not paid your account despite three reminders. Write the final letter
inducing him to pay or to face legal action.(08)
Y) Write a memo to an employee who frequently remains absent.(06)
Z) As a seller write a letter to a referee concerning the creditworthiness of Mr. R.K. Sharma who
has approached you to purchase goods on credit.(06)
Q.4) Write short notes on Any Four:(4X5 = 20)
i) Essentials of good written communication.
ii) Indented form of layout.
iii) Types of orders.
iv) Sales aspect in a letter of application.
v) Four c-s of commercial correspondence.
vi) Internet and E-mail.
DURATION: 2 HOURSDATE: - 10/04/2012 at 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.MAX.MARKS: 80
INSTRUCTIONS: -1) All questions are compulsory, however internal choice is available.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Answer Any Four of the following.(4X4 = 16)
i) Explain any four features of Indian Tax system.
ii) Write a note on current trends of Public Expenditure.
iii) Explain any two effects of Taxation.
iv) What are the aims and objectives of Public Expenditure?
v) Explain the different types of Tax rates.
vi) State and explain any four forms of Public Expenditure.
Q.2) Answer Any Four of the following.(4X4 = 16)
i) Explain any four ways of debt servicing.
ii) Discuss the concept of Sound Finance and Functional Finance.
iii) Explain any four objectives of Fiscal Policy.
iv) How does External debt constitute a burden on the Government?
v) Write arguments in the favour of agriculture taxation in India.
vi) Write a note on the effects of deficit budget on the economy.
Q.3) A) What are the Merits and De-merits of direct taxes?(12)
B) What are the Merits and De-merits of indirect taxes?(12)
Q.4) A) Discuss the different canons of Public Expenditure.(12)
B) Explain the effects of Public expenditure on(12)
i) Consumption.
ii) Production.
iii) Economic growth.
Q.5) A) Explain the different forms of Public debt.(12)
B) Assess the significance of Public debt for an economy.(12)
Q.6) A) Describe the contents of the state governments budgets in India.(12)
B) Write a note on the components of the Income of Union Budget of the
Government of India.(12)
DURATION: 2 HOURS DATE: - 07/04/2012 at 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.MAX.MARKS: 80
------INSTRUCTIONS: -1) All questions are compulsory, however internal choice is available.
2) Answer sub questions in Q.No.1 and Q.No.2 in not more than 100 words. 3) Answer sub questions in Q.No.3 and Q.No.6 in not more than 400 words. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Answer Any Four of the following.(16)
i) Explain the functions of a factor.
ii) Discuss the features of certificate of Deposit.
iii) Explain the advantages of Public Deposits as a source long term finance.
iv) Write a short note on Foreign Joint Ventures.
v) Explain some of the services offered by stock exchanges to the investors.
vi) Write a short note on Bombay Stock Exchange.
Q.2) Answer Any Four of the following.(16)
i) Write a short note on Private placement of securities.
ii) Explain the advantages of underwriting to the company.
iii) Explain the features of close-ended mutual fund.
iv) Discuss the important role of merchant bankers in India.
v) Explain the syndicate method of underwriting.
Q.3) A) What is Trade Credit? Explain the merits and demerits of Trade Credit.(12)
B) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of issue of Equity shares to the company.
Q.4) A) “Foreign capital is extremely important for a developing country like India”-
Explain the statement with reference to the importance of foreign capital
& its advantages.(12)
B) Explain the different types of leases or forms of leases financing practiced in India. (12)
Q.5) A) What is listing of Securities? Explain the benefits of listing of securities to the
Company, Investors and the Economy.(12)
B) What is Dematerialization of shares? Explain the procedure of dematerialization.(12)
Q.6) A) What is Mutual Fund? Explain the advantages and limitations of Mutual Funds.(12)
B) Discuss in detail the functions of Securities Exchange Board of India.(12)
DURATION: 1 and1/2 HOURS DATE: - 02/04/2012 at 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MAX.MARKS: 40
INSTRUCTIONS: -1) Attempt all questions.
2) Internal choice available.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1. Answer the following question. (10)
A) Explain value chain and supply chain. Discuss Porter’s value chain.
X) What is Electronic market? Explain the trade cycle of Electronic market.
Discussthe advantages and disadvantages of it.
Q2. Answer the following question. (2+8=10)
A) What is EDI?
B) Explain any two applications of Internet.
X) Explain the concept of shopping basket in Internet commerce.
Y) Write notes on E-mail and phishing.
Q3. Answer the following question. (4+6=10)
A) Explain HTTP and HTTPS.
B) Discuss the security challenges in E-banking.
X) Explain the procedure of hosting a website.
Y) Explain credit card and smart card.
Q4. Answer the following question. (6+4=10)
A) What is E-banking? Discuss the benefits of it.
B) Explain the process of on-line trading of shares.
X) What are the threats of computer system?
Y) Write an overview of on-line trading system in India.
DURATION: 2 HOURSDATE: - 12/04/2012 at 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.MAX.MARKS: 80
INSTRUCTIONS: -1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Answer Any Four of the following.(4X4 = 16)
i) Product Labeling.
ii) Market Skimming.
iii) Point of purchase.
iv) CRM.
v) Retail shopper.
vi) Importance of service in Retailing.
Q.2) Answer Any Four of the following.(4X4 = 16)
i) Product width & Product depth.
ii) Single pricing.
iii) SCM.
iv) Lead segments.
v) Shopping goods.
vi) Customer loyalty.
Q.3) A) Explain the various pricing policies. (12)
B) Discuss Communication Decisions. (12)
Q.4) A) Explain the factors influencing Retail shopper. (12)
B) Discuss customer decision making process. (12)
Q.5) A) State and Explain the various principles for delivering distinctive services.(12)
B) How customer expectation and complaints are managed by Retailer.(12)
Q.6) A) Why SCM is Required?(12)
B) What is Retail logistics? What is push & pull logistics?(12)
DURATION: 1 HOURSDATE: - 12/04/2012 at 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. MAX.MARKS: 50
INSTRUCTIONS: -1) Q.No.1 is compulsory.
2) Answer Any Four from Q.No.2 to Q.No.6.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Explain in detail the advantages of e-commerce.(10)
Q.2) What do you mean by CRM? Explain customer Retention goal.(10)
Q.3) What are the advantages of E – marketing?(10)
Q.4) What are the seven ways to Reduce Inventory in e-supply chain management?(10)
Q.5) Explain the steps to be takenin E – cash in PC.(10)
Q.6) Write short notes on: (Any Two)(2x5 = 10)
i) e – advertising
ii) Mobile commerce
iii) E – Commerce
DURATION: 2 HOURSDATE: - 04/04/2012 at 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.MAX.MARKS: 80
INSTRUCTIONS: -1) Q.No.1 is compulsory.
2) Answer Any Three questions from Q.No.2 to Q.No.6.
3) All Working have to be part of the answer.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) From the following trial balance of the Citizen Ltd. Prepare
(a) Profit and Loss Account (b) Trading A/C (c) Profit and Loss appropriation A/C and
(d) Balance sheet as on the date as per the requirements if the Companies Act.(20)
Particulars / Debit Rs. / Credit Rs.Share Capital : 1000, 8% preference shares of Rs 100 each / 1,00,000
2500 Equity shares of Rs. 100 each / 2,50,000
General Reserve / 10,000
Opening Stock / 85,000
Sundry Debtors / 80,000
Sundry Creditors / 43,000
Bills Receivable / 12,000
Profit & Loss Account / 6,000
Business Premises / 1,00,000
Plant and machinery / 80,000
Furniture / 23,000
Investments / 25,000
Cash in hand / 2,500
Cash at Bank / 1,22,600
Interest paid / 5,200
Purchases / 2,25,000
Sales / 4,30,000
Carriage Inward / 4,000
Manufacturing wages / 30,000
Bad debts / 1,100
Salaries / 7,000
Depreciation on assets / 25,000
Office Expenses / 4,700
Preliminary Expenses / 8,000
Bills payable / 1,100
8,40,100 / 8,40,100
1)Closing stock was valued at Rs.80, 000.
2)Outstanding salaries were Rs.1,500 and office expenses were paid in advance
amounted to Rs.700
3) Provide Rs. 10,000 for taxation.
4)Write off half of Preliminary expenses.
5)Goods worth Rs. 5,000 were sold as on 28th December 2011 and delivered to the customers,
but were not recorded in Sales book.
6) Director decided to:
a)Propose the dividend on preference shares.
b)10% dividend on equity shares.
c)Transfer Rs. 3,000 to general reserve.
Q.2) A) From the following Profit & Loss account of shanty Ltd. for the year 2010 and 2011.
You are required to prepare a Comparative Income Statement in a vertical form(16)
Shanti Ltd.
Profit and Loss A/C for the year ended 31st Dec. 2010 and 2011
Particulars / 2010 / 2011 / Particulars / 2010 / 2011To opening stock / Rs.
80,000 / Rs.
1,20,000 / By Sales / Rs.
6,00,000 / Rs.
To purchases / 3,00,000 / 8,00,000 / By Closing Stock / 1,20,000 / 3,00,000
To wages / 1,00,000 / 1,60,000
To factory expenses / 80,000 / 1,00,000
To gross profit c/d / 1,60,000 / 1,20,000
7,20,000 / 1,30,000 / 7,20,000 / 1,30,000
To Salaries / 10,000 / 12,000 / By gross profit b/d / 1,60,000 / 1,20,000
To Rent & Rates / 8,000 / 10,000 / By Dividend Receive / 5,00 / 5,00
To carriage outwards / 12,000 / 10,000
To delivery expenses / 6,000 / 3,000
To Advertisement / 15,000 / 10,000
To Financial expenses / 1,000 / ---
To Non trading expenses / 13,000 / 13,000
To provision for taxation / 38,000 / 28,000
To Net profit / 57,500 / 34,500
1,60,500 / 1,20,500 / 1,60,500 / 1,20,500
B) What is Trend Analysis?(04)
Q.3) A) From the following information of Tata Ltd prepare a Common size Balance Sheet in a
Vertical form.(16)
Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2011
Liabilities / Rs. / Assets / Rs.Equity Share Capital / 1,25,000 / Land & Building / 2,50,000
10% preference share capital / 50,000 / Machinery / 4,00,000
General Reserve / 2,50,000 / Furniture / 1,25,000
Profit and Loss Account / 25,000 / Stock / 40,000
14% debentures / 5,00,000 / Debtors / 2,00,000
Sundry Creditors / 1,50,000 / Bills Receivable / 50,000
Bank overdraft / 75,000 / Bank balance / 35,500
Outstanding Expenses / 20,000 / Cash in hand / 15,000
Preliminary Expenses / 79,500
11,95,000 / 11,95,000
B) Distinguish between Cash flow statement & Fund flow statement.(04)
Q.4) From the following information of Tommy Ltd. prepare a Vertical Income statement and
Balance sheet for the year ended 31st Dec. 2011 and Calculate the following ratios.(20)
(a)Stock Turnover ratio (b) Debtors Turnover ratio (c) Creditors Turnover ratio
(d) Return on Net capital employed ratio (e) Return on proprietors fund ratio
Profit & Loss A/C for the year ended 31st Dec. 2011.
Particulars / Rs. / Particulars / Rs.To Cost of Sales / By Sales / 8,00,000
Opening Stock 60,000
Add:- Purchases 60,000
Less:- Closing Stock 1,00,000 / 5,60,000
To gross profit / 2,40,000
8,00,000 / 8,00,000
To Expenses / 40,000 / By gross profit / 2,40,000
To Provision for Tax / 80,000
To Net profit c/d / 1,20,000
2,40,000 / 2,40,000
To Proposed dividend / 40,000 / By Net profit b/d / 1,20,000
To balance carried to balance sheet / 80,000
1,20,000 / 1,20,000
Balance Sheet as on 31st Dec. 2011.
Liabilities / Rs. / Assets / Rs.Share Capital / 4,00,000 / Furniture / 1,60,000
Reserves / 20,000 / Land / 40,000
Profit & Loss Account / 60,000 / Stock / 1,00,000
Creditors / 1,00,000 / Debtors / 1,60,000
Cash at Bank / 1,20,000
5,80,000 / 5,80,000
Q.5) The following are the summarized balance sheet of good luck Ltd. as on 31st Dec. 2010
and 31st Dec. 2011.(20)
Liabilities / 2010 / 2011 / Assets / 2010 / 2011Equity share capital / 2,00,000 / 2,40,000 / Land & building / 1,05,000 / 1,50,000
8% debentures / 50,000 / --- / Plant & Machinery / 2,90,000 / 3,20,000
Share premium / --- / 10,000 / Furniture / 9,000 / 10,000
General Reserve / 30,000 / 50,000 / Stock / 1,30,000 / 1,05,000
Profit & Loss A/C / 48,000 / 68,000 / Sundry Debtors / 75,000 / 85,000
Sundry Creditors / 1,30,000 / 1,50,000 / Cash / 15,000 / 26,000
Propose dividend / 20,000 / 24,000
Provision for depreciation
Plant & Machinery / 1,40,000 / 1,50,000
Furniture / 6,000 / 4,000
6,24,000 / 6,96,000 / 6,24,000 / 6,96,000
Additional information.
1)Furniture which cost Rs. 5,000 written down value Rs. 1,000 was sold during the year
forRs. 2,000
2)Plant & Machinery which cost Rs.20,000 and in respect of which Rs. 13,000 has been
Written Off as depreciation was sold during the year 2011 for Rs. 3000
3)Dividend of 2010 was paid during 2011.
Prepare: - a) Statement of change in working Capital.
b) Finds from operation.
c) Fund flow statement for the year 2011.
d) Necessary accounts.
Q.6) A) From the following financial statement you are required to prepare Cash flow statement
Of Champa Ltd. for the year, using the Direct Method.
Rs. In Lacs
Liabilities / 2010 / 2011 / Assets / 2010 / 2011Issued & Paid Capital / 1575 / 1575 / Building / 1125 / 2047.50
Profit & Loss A/C / 157.50 / 225 / Closing Stock / 337.50 / 900
Mortgage Loan / --- / 900 / Prepaid Administration Expenses / 45 / 90
Tax / 22.50 / 67.50
Trade Creditors / 315 / 877.50 / Trade debtors / 112.50 / 450
Cash / 450 / 157.50
2,070 / 3,645 / 2,070 / 3,645
Vertical Income Statement
Rs. / Rs.Sales / 2250
Opening Stock / 337.50
+ Purchases / 2205
- Closing Stock / 900 / 1642.50
Gross profit / 607.50
Less:- Administration expenses / 247.50
Depreciation on building / 180
Provision for taxation / 90 / 517.50
Net profit / 90
Payment of dividend / 22.50
Add:- Profit & Loss balance as on 1st July 2010 / 157.50
Balance on 30th June 2011 / 225
B) From the following Balance sheet of Bhiku Ltd. prepare a Vertical Balance sheet
for the year ended 31st March 2011.(10)
Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2011
Liabilities / Rs. / Assets / Rs.Share Capital / 3,75,000 / Goodwill / 62,500
Capital Reserve / 4,000 / Land / 1,14,500
General Reserve / 60,205 / Premises / 1,25,000
Capital Redemption Reserve / 84,000 / Plant / 93,758
Profit & Loss Account / 37,554 / Furniture / 16,650
5% debentures / 1,57,500 / Investments / 76,400
Sundry Creditors / 36,950 / Stock / 1,17,815
Proposed dividend / 18,750 / Debtors / 1,01,971
Provision for Taxation / 10,000 / Cash & Bank / 60,140
Preliminary Expenses / 1,550
Advances / 13,675
7,83,959 / 7,83,959
Calculate :- (a) Intangible Assets (b) Current Assets (c) Secured Loan
(d) Working Capital (e) Proprietors funds.
DURATION: 2 HOURSDATE: - 02/04/2012 at 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.MAX.MARKS: 80
INSTRUCTIONS: -a) All questions are compulsory, however internal choice is available.
b) Answer sub-questions in Q.No.1 & Q.No.2 in not more than 100 words each
c) Answer Q.No.3 to Q.No.6 each in not more than 400 words each.
d) Figures to the right indicate maximum marks to the question/sub question.
e) Paper carries maximum of 80 marks.
Q.No.1) Attempt Any Four of the following.(16)
i) Qualification of Prospect.
ii) Prospects and Suspects.
iii) Common Objections of Prospects.
iv) Essentials of good Demonstration.
v) Holding Attention.
vi) Additional Selling.
Q.No.2) Attempt Any Four of the following.(16)
i) Importance of Distribution Network.
ii) Cost Plus pricing V/s Target Return pricing.
iii) Approach in Retail Salesmanship.
iv) Features of successful Close.
v) After Sales Services.
Q.No.3) a) What is Approach? Explain the essentials of good Approach.(12)
b) What is Presentation? Explain the features of good Presentation.(12)
Q.No.4) a) What is Demonstration? Explain the keys to success in good demonstration.(12)
b) What is Close? Explain the various methods of close.(12)
Q.No.5) a) Explain the following selling Strategies:
1) Single Price V/s Variable Pricing Strategy.
2) Credit Policy.
3) Return and Adjustment Policy.
b) What are Objections in Selling? Explain the various methods of handling Objections.
Q.No.6) a) What is Product Pricing? Explain the various Pricing Strategies.(12)
b) What is Distribution Network? What needs to be done by marketers for motivation
of Distribution Network?(12)
DURATION: 2 HOURSDATE: - 12/04/2012 at 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.MAX.MARKS: 80
INSTRUCTIONS: -1) All questions are compulsory, however internal choice is available.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Answer Any Four of the following:(4x4 = 16)
i) Give any four factors affecting marketable surplus.
ii) State any four qualities essential for rural salesman.
iii) Give any four points of distinction between speculation and hedging.
iv) State and describe any four innovative (Direct) marketing channels.
v) State any four factors to be considered in fixing agricultural prices.
vi) Give any four objectives of marketing buffer stock of foodgrains by the
Central Government.
Q.2) Answer Any Four of the following:(4x4 = 16)
i) Bring out the importance of the system of rural prices for certain essential goods.
ii) Discuss the importance of storage of agricultural commodities.
iii) State and discuss any four characteristics of agricultural production.
iv) Describe any four methods used in sale of agricultural commodities.
v) Give any four objectives of state Trading.
vi) Give any four functions of National Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation