Ms. Bernard
S-Track Chemistry
Fall 2016
Welcome to S-Track Chemistry! This semester we will be exploring the fascinating subject of chemistry and how this science influences the world around us. Through lectures, hands on activities, articles, and laboratory experiments, we will be learning about the many different principles of chemistry and building a foundation for further exploration of the science. Here’s to a great semester!
- Pearson Chemistry Textbook (supplied by teacher)
- Notebook or binder for notes
- Pencil and pen
- Composition notebook to be used as a lab notebook (due Friday Sept. 9)
Policies and Procedures:
- Be Respectful
- Be kind and courteous to your fellow peers, your teachers, and anyone who walks through the door
- Be respectful of the classroom and the lab equipment
- Be Prepared
- Come to class each day ready to learn with homework finished and all necessary supplies, especially on lab days
- Be Present
- Absences are inevitable but try to keep them to a minimum and remember you are responsible for any notes or work you missed
- When you are in class, keep focused and pay attention
- Be Successful!
- Complete all assigned work, study hard, and ask help when you need it!
- Ultimately your success in this class will be determined by hard work!
Grading Policy:
LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!! If you are absent for any reason, you will have the amount of days missed to complete all missing work. For example: if you miss two days due to illness, you have two days after you return to school to turn in all missed homework and classwork. Late labs, lab reports, and projects will receive a 10% deduction for every school day that the assignment is late.
50% of your grade will be Major Assessments, including exams, major projects, and a few more in-depth lab experiments and reports. The other 50% of your grade will be Minor Assessments, which will include some homework assignments, quizzes, group activities, and lab experiments. All homework assignments will be reviewed and corrected, but not all homework assignments will be put in as a graded assignment.
Topics Covered:
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry
- Chapter 2: Matter and Change
- Chapter 3: Scientific Measurement
- Chapter 4: Atomic Structure
- Chapter 5: Electrons in Atoms
- Chapter 6: The Periodic Table
- Chapter 7: Ionic and Metallic Bonding
- Chapter 8: Covalent Bonding
- Chapter 9: Chemical Names and Formulas
- Chapter 10: Chemical Quantities
- Chapter 11: Chemical Reactions
- Chapter 12: Stoichiometry
Some chapters may be combined due to similarity of topic. Not all chapters will be covered in order so students need to pay attention to where we are in the textbook at all times!
One Last Thing:
One thing that needs to be stressed is that chemistry is NOT about MEMORIZATION! It is all about APPLICATION of concepts and ideas to knew problems! Keep that in mind as the semester progresses and we continue to build on concepts that were learned early on in the semester!
If you have any questions at anytime about the syllabus or what is expected of you, please ask! Let’s make this a great semester and I am looking forward to having a great time with all of you!
Hello parents and guardians! I’m Ms. Bernard and I will be your child’s chemistry teacher this semester. I am looking forward to this school year and hope that with your support, this will be a great semester for all the students within the class! Below, I have a few questions that I would like you to answer that will help me help your students this semester.
Your students name ______
Does your student have access to a computer and Internet at home? ______
Does your student seem to like science and math as subjects? ______
How would you describe your students’ work ethic? ______
What goals do you have for your student this semester? ______
Is there anything else you would like me to know about your student? ______
Contact Information:
Phone number – ______
e-mail address – ______
Which method of communication do you prefer? ______
Please sign and date below to indicate that you have read and understand the syllabus:
X ______DATE ______