September 24, 2012


The meeting was called to order in the Plantation Suites of the Donald G. Bollinger Student Union at 4:00 p.m. Presiding officer was Vice President Gavin Johnson. The Recording Secretary was Dolly McGeever.

The pledge was led by Senator Jessica St. Pierre and the prayer was given by Senator Jerrin Dugas.

The Nicholls Student Government Association Mission Statement was read by Senator Richard Grabert and Senator Ciara’ Lindon read the first value of the Nicholls Creed.

The following Executive Board members were present: President Matthew Jewell, Vice President Gavin Johnson, Treasurer Lohan Kotzé, Director of Student Rights and Grievances Brittany Chiasson, Director of Public Relations Melissa Cloutet and Secretary Dolly McGeever.

The following Senators were present: Gabby Marcello, Stephanie O’Gwynn, Brittnee Dalton, Jessica St. Pierre, Erin Fontenot, Elizabeth Bergeron, Shiena Normand, Victoria Verdun, Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Ciara’ Lindon, Adam Lefort, Leilani Aspuria, Richard Grabert, Carolanne Moore, John Berger, Cerissa Antill, Jerrin Dugas, Audrey McDonald, Dallas Guidry, Kyle Kenney, Trace Juneau (appointed), Olabisi Akingbola, (appointed) Francis Roy (appointed) and Nathalie Jeudy (appointed).

The following Senators were absent: Sarabeth Theriot and Cody Hood.

Web Tech was not represented.

Student Supreme Court was represented by Justice Steven Plaisance.

Election Commission was represented by Commissioner Cera Boatwright.

The following guest was present: Dr. Eugene A. Dial, Jr., Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services and SGA Advisor.

No minutes were presented for approval.





·  I have a Board of Regents meeting this week and doubt I’ll be able to attend because of school so I’ll have to give you that update once I receive the minutes.

·  I’ll have meetings this week with Michael Matherne regarding the Rec Center. It’s scheduled to open Saturday at 12:00 noon.

·  I went to the Rec Center dedication and gave a speech. It was dedicated to the Harold J. Callais family.

·  I met with Dr. Dial about seeking funds for KNSU. They don’t have enough money to operate currently and are operating with equipment from the 70’s and VCRs, etc. We’re looking into getting grants for them and possibly a student referendum.

·  I just received a phone call from Brandon Summers, SGA President in Southeastern. They’re interested in doing a tobacco free campus and needed information so I’ll be working with them.

·  I’ll be working with COSBP, getting ready for our meeting. We’ll need Senators to help direct participants to different meeting rooms. It’s also the Day of Service for the Homecoming Event so we want to allow some of you to participate on behalf of SGA.



·  I have buttons for new members that we want you to put on your backpacks or shirt to show that you are in SGA. If anyone has a question or concern, they can come to you.


·  I’m attending a President’s Cabinet meeting tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.

·  I should have an updated Financial Statement for you by next Monday.


·  We had Constitution Week which was a huge success. We registered over 50 people to vote.

·  We had a Scantron Giveaway.

·  We also want to have an election event with a speech forum. I’ll be working with Meet the SGA on that.

·  Remember that Homecoming voting ends at 11:59 a.m. this Wednesday. I created a Facebook Event for it. We also have signs around campus which is a good way to promote it.

·  We’re buying chips for the Homecoming Barbecue. I’ll distribute a sign-up sheet for you to volunteer for this event.


·  I attended a Courses Curricula Committee meeting with Director Brittany C.

·  I attended the President’s Dinner and the Rec Center opening which were both wonderful.

·  With our new officers, every college is represented on the Senate but we still have a few spots left. We still need Senators in Education, Nursing and Allied Health and Senators-at-Large so keep inviting people to join the Senate.

·  Neither President Matthew J. nor I can attend the Food Advisory Committee meeting this Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. in the Rec Center. Senators Leilani A. and Audrey M. volunteered to attend.

·  Tech Fee Committee members President Matthew J., Senators Erin F., Elizabeth B. and Brittnee D. need to respond to the Tech Fee email with good meeting dates.

·  I’ll be in my office during the week so if you have any questions about motions or things like that, send me an email, text or call me.


One motion was tabled and the four motions passed at the meeting of September 17, 2012 were signed by President Matthew Jewell.


No Report.


Homecoming voting ends on Wednesday so encourage everyone you know to go vote. Also, if anyone has any problems, questions or concerns about the rules or election process, please send them to me for assistance.

I’ll announce the Homecoming Court Finalists at 2:00 p.m. that day and it will also be placed on the SGA Website.

WEB TECH REPORT – Sarabeth Theriot

No report.


Finance Committee – Senator John Berger, Chair

Present: Senators John Berger, Chair Cerissa Antill, Brittnee Dalton, Kyle Kenney, Adam Lefort, Gabby Marcello, Carolanne Moore, Shiena Normand, Jessica St. Pierre and Victoria Verdun

Absent: Senators Elizabeth Bergeron, Cody Hood and Sarabeth Theriot.

We went over what the members were expected to do as committee members. We discussed Senator Erin F.’s motion for funds for the International Banquet and found it highly favorable.

Judiciary Committee – Senator Jessica St. Pierre, Chair

Present: Senators Jessica St. Pierre, Chair, Gabby Marcello, Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Leilani Aspuria, John Berger, Brittnee Dalton, Jerrin Dugas, Richard Grabert, Kyle Kenney, Audrey McDonald, Carolanne Moore, Shiena Normand and Victoria Verdun

Absent: Senators Cody Hood and Shiena Normand.

We interviewed four presidential appointments and found them all highly favorable.

We also went over three excuses.

Meet the SGA/Social Events: Homecoming/Christmas(Mr/Ms Nicholls/Banquet) – Senator Erin Fontenot, Chair

Present: Senators Erin Fontenot, Chair, Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Leilani Aspuria, Jerrin Dugas, Adam Lefort, Ciara’ Lindon and Audrey McDonald.

Absent: Senator Sarabeth Theriot.

·  We discussed a possible Presidential Forum, perhaps working with the Speech Department.

·  We’re looking into a mock election and other possible ways to promote the upcoming election.

·  We discussed the tailgating committee and getting a DJ, along with food, drinks and games. We’re open to ideas.

Campus Improvements Committee – Senator Adam Lefort, Chair

Present: Senators Adam Lefort, Chair, Carolanne Moore, Co-Chair, Jerrin Dugas, Erin Fontenot, Ciara’ Lindon and Audrey McDonald.

Absent: Senators Cerissa Antill and Sarabeth Theriot.

Guest: Senator Leilani Aspuria.

Senator Adam L. said the committee nominated him as Chair and Senator Carolanne M. as Co-Chair.

We discussed the following:

·  getting carts for dorm rooms to bring groceries to rooms and will ask other residents for their thoughts on this;

·  repainting crosswalks by La Maison;

·  Zeringue Hall needs repainted parking spots;

·  trees need to be trimmed higher up (maintenance will be contacted);

·  seating inside Ayo Hall; and

·  coin machines in dorm rooms to wash clothes.


No report.


Student Organization Committee – John Berger

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend this meeting due to illness but the minutes indicated they took the oath of the committee and Dr. Tommy Ponson was elected Chair.

Athletic Council – Shiena Normand

The Athletic Director talked about how athletic teams are running smoothly.

The following was discussed:

·  The Soccer Complex is being dedicated on October 5.

·  The Elevator Project should be completed by Homecoming on October 13.

·  They’re trying to get Legislation passed for proper drainage of the Manning Field.

·  Several schools were added to the League – DoBee Plaisance.

·  Concern was reported over athletes getting marked for absences, that it will count against their grades. The discussion was moved to the Academic Council.

Nicholls Can Project – Cerissa Antill

Nicholls Can! is a university-wide canned food drive that will coincide with Homecoming Week this Fall from October 1st to 15th. Each organization’s goal is one can per member. Each organization needs to furnish the donation box. All signage will be supplied. Boxes should be in place on October 1.

*No expired food! This year, the can drive benefits the food banks of Houma, Morgan City and Dulac. Volunteers are needed to pick up collection boxes on October 15.

Parking Appeals Committee – John Berger

We met with three students and all three appeals were denied.

Social and Community Concerns Committee – Brittany Chiasson, Melissa Cloutet

We were charged our duties as a committee and will elect a Chair at the next meeting.

Courses & Curricula Committee – Gavin Johnson, Brittany Chiasson

We elected a Chair, were charged our duties and reviewed changes to certain Education curricula and Psychology curricula.

Homecoming Student Committee – Brittnee Dalton, Stephanie O’Gwynn, Melissa Cloutet, John Berger

We discussed the following:

·  The service event which will be the Paint-the-Town-Red.

·  We discussed the different organizations involved in bringing food to the Homecoming Barbecue.

·  We won’t have a parade this year.

·  We need to promote attendance to Homecoming events which will be from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Sunday to kick off Homecoming week. A number of student organizations are donating hamburgers, hotdogs and chips. We also added volleyball activities at that event.



I move to take the motion to purchase the baseball billboard sign off the table.

1. Stephanie O’Gwynn

2. Gabby Marcello

Move into vote

Passed For-20 Against-0 Abstained-0



I move that the Senate allocate $1,000 per year for a three-year period to purchase one 3’ x 7’ sign to be placed on the outside fence of all home softball games and one 3’ x 7’ sign to be placed on the outside fence of all baseball games.

1. Gabby Marcello

2. Brittnee Dalton

Discussion: Senator Gabby M. said we discussed this in the Finance Committee Meeting last week and found it highly favorable. This is something SGA supports every year and it’s time to renew it.

Question: Move into vote

Passed For-20 Against-0 Abstained-0



I move that the Senate accept SGA President Matthew Jewell’s appointment of Trace Juneau for the position of Senator of Nursing and Allied Health.

1. Gabby Marcello

2. Carolanne Moore

Question: Move into vote

Passed For-20 Against-0 Abstained-0


I move that the Senate accept SGA President Matthew Jewell’s appointment of Olabisi Akingbola for the position of Senator of Nursing and Allied Health.

1. John Berger

2. Richard Grabert

Question: Move into vote

Passed For-21 Against-0 Abstained-0


I move that the Senate accept SGA President Matthew Jewell’s appointment of Francis Roy for the position of Senator-at-Large.

1. Jessica St. Pierre

2. Victoria Verdun

Question: Move into vote

Passed For-22 Against-0 Abstained-0


I move that the Senate accept the SGA President Matthew Jewell’s appointment of Nathalie Jeudy for the position of Senator-at-Large.

1. Jessica St. Pierre

2. Shiena Normand

Question: Move into vote

Passed For-23 Against-0 Abstained-0


I move that the Senate donate $500 to Nicholls International Community to fund their annual International Banquet. This event serves 350 people (225 students and 125 community). This event showcases its diversity and culture to Nicholls Students.

1.  Erin Fontenot

2.  Adam Lefort

Discussion: Senator Erin F. said the International Community has been doing this for four or five years. Usually SPA gives them a lump sum but this year they are cutting back so we want to help them out. They’ve raised $500 so far so we can match what they’ve raised or a lesser value. I propose that we give the $500 because it’s a really great banquet and we should support it.

COMMENT: Senator Brittnee D. asked for clarification on SPA cutting funding to them. Senator Erin F. said SPA wants to spend money to do more SPA events so they cut back on the funding.

COMMENT: Senator Stephanie O. asked how many free tickets do they give to students. Senator Erin F. said this year they’re going to charge $5 to students in order to have additional funding because they’re having such a hard time collecting the money. Usually it has been free to students. There are 225 students and the charge for faculty and staff is $23.

Vice President Gavin J. said the motion is tabled for one week because the dollar amount is over $200.


Vice President Gavin J. clarified that when he calls for questions after a committee report, officers should raise their hand and wait to be acknowledged. We then take turns addressing the matter. President Matthew J. said there’s a certain decorum in a meeting where officers don’t speak out of turn. Once a person’s question is answered, he’s allowed a rebuttal to the answer to the question, then we move on to others.

4-Day Work Week

Vice President Gavin J. said according to Dr. Barrilleaux we’re not going to a four-day work week. However, the schedule is being changed. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, we’ll have 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M which are 55 minute classes. Then we’ll have a 4MW, 5MW, 6MW and I believe a 7MW which are an hour and 20 minute classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. In effect, what this is creating is no classes on Fridays past 12:30 p.m. Professors are also given the option to trump this. If the professor wants to hold a lab on Friday afternoon, he is allowed to.

COMMENT: Senator John B. asked when the students will get this information. Vice President Gavin J. said Dr. Barrilleaux intends to send out an email and will expect them to pay attention to how they schedule on Banner. If all of you think an email should be sent addressing this, I can talk to Dr. Barrilleaux about this.