Words 41 - 45


POS- Noun

D- the feeling you have toward someone or something you think does not deserve your respect or proper attention

S- disrespect, disregard, antipathy, scorn, derision, disdain, hatred, dislike, disapproval

OFW- contemptible (adj.); contemptibly (adv.); contemptuous (adj.); contemptuously (adv.); contemptuousness (n.)

C- The driver’s contempt for the law was obvious when he crumpled his speeding ticket in front of the police officer and sped away from him.


POS- Adjective

D- empty, lifeless, or unable to create life

S- empty, lifeless, infertile, inhospitable, stark, bleak, desolate

OFW- barrenness (n.)

C- Sandy and blazingly hot, deserts might appear barren, but they are actually full of life.


POS- Adjective

D- having the most simple, necessary, basic qualities of something; fundamental to the deepest nature of something or someone

S- vital, crucial, important, basic, key, necessary, fundamental

OFW- essentially (adv.); essentialness (n.); essence (n.)

C- Alone in the wilderness, miles from civilization, the pilot knew finding food, water, and shelter would be essential to his survival.


POS- Noun

D- the ability to imagine, understand, and sometimes even share another person’s feelings (often of sadness or misery)

S- compassion, pity, warmth, understanding, commiseration, tenderness, humaneness, pathos, sympathy, identification

OFW- empathic (adj.); empathically (adv.); empathetic (adj.); empathetically (adv.); empathize (v.)

C- After the hurricane, our sense of empathy for the victims moved us to bring them food and clothing and to listen to their concerns.


POS- Verb

D- to cause a result of some kind — often (but not always)

anger, bitterness, or frustration from teasing

S- to cause, to create, to call forth, to annoy, to vex, to irk, to aggravate, to incite

OFW- provocation (n.); provocative (adj.); provocatively (adv.)

C- While many kids try to prevent fights, Glenn often provokes them by shoving classmates and calling them names.