S.100 Addendum : Symbols and Constants
revision 0.A
This document represents an Addendum to the S.100 R1.0 Media Services API Specification. This addendum defines values for symbols and constants contained in S.100. It also defines a methodology and framework for adding new symbols and constants to S.100. In future releases of S.100, it is expected that material of this nature will be contained in an Appendix, rather than as a separate Addendum.
©1996, 1997 Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum
This document is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum (ECTF). ÒECTF technical implementation agreements are considered public domain and may be copied, downloaded, stored on a server or otherwise re-distributed.Ó
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As Computer Telephony (CT) becomes an integral part of the entire communications network including the Internet, there are increasing challenges to making diverse communication products work together. The ECTF is focused on solving the technical challenges of interoperability for the benefit of users and developers alike.
Founded in 1995, the ECTF is a non-profit organization composed of Computer Telephony suppliers, developers, systems integrators, and users from the Americas, Europe, and Asia/Pacific. Together we discuss, develop, and test approaches to successful multilayer interoperation within the PSTN, IP, and enterprise information system environments. Successful multilayer interoperation enables application solutions that can exploit the full range of contemporary communications capabilities while lowering costs for both developers and users.
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About ECTF
Section 1 : Introduction
1.3Redundancy of S.100 R1.0 Symbols and Constants
1.4Errors in S.100 Symbols and Constants
1.5Organization of this Document
Section 2 : Symbol Construction
2.2Symbol Manipulation
Section 3 : S.100 Message Construction
Section 4 : Symbol Field Values
4.1ECTF-defined Symbol Object Values
4.2ECTF-defined Symbol Vendor Values
4.3Standard Error Definitions
4.4Well-known Keys
4.5Automatic Speech Recognition Symbols
4.6Call Channel Resource (CCR) Symbols
4.7Conference Symbols
4.8Connection Symbols
4.9Container Symbols
4.10FAX Resource Symbols
4.11FAX System Service Symbols
4.12Group Symbols
4.13Message Symbols
4.14Player Symbols
4.15Recorder Symbols
4.16SCR Symbols
4.17Session Symbols
4.18Signal Detector Symbols
4.19Signal Generator Symbols
Section 5 : Constants
5.1Standard Constants
5.2Factory Services
5.3Automatic Speech Recognition
5.4Call Channel Resource
5.6FAX Resource
5.7Fax System Services
5.9Key Value Sets
5.13Signal Detector
5.14Signal Generator
Section 6 : Redundant Symbols and Constants
6.1Standard Errors
6.2Symbol Mapping
Section 7 : Errors and Corrections in S.100 R1.0 Symbols and Constants
Section 1 : Introduction
This present document represents a ÒlinkageÓ between the S.100 API specification [S.100R1] and the S.200 protocol specification [S.200R1]. S.100 specifies the objects, services, events, symbols, and constants required to express a CT media services application in the ÒCÓ language. The S.200 protocol corresponds to S.100 in that it defines protocol data units (PDUs) corresponding to the functions, completion events, and unsolicited events of the API, and general rules for their construction.
In order to specify a full application-level protocol such as S.200, however, all of the items defined in the Application Interface Adaptors, or AIAs (e.g., commands, events, symbols, constants) that must be communicated from a client to a server must have concrete values that can be encoded by the sender and decoded by the receiver. The S.100 framework will continue to change over time, both in response to real-world usage and user feedback, and because the framework specifically permits extensions to services, resources, etc., to be developed by vendors. In the general case, these changes would cause the top levels of the protocol, such as the definitions of command, response, event PDUs, to remain unchanged while causing many of the lower-level definitions to change. By defining the lower-levels (e.g., constants, symbols, commands) that are most likely to change separately from the protocol, the ECTF is enabling implementors to develop servers and client AIAs that are less sensitive to changes in the S.100 API as it evolves over time.
The present revision of this Addendum corresponds to Revision 1.0 of the S.100 API and S.200 Protocol specifications. It is the intent of the ECTF to keep revisions of S.100 and the Addendum in synchronization with each other, referencing the appropriate revision of the S.200 Specification as required.
1.3Redundancy of S.100 R1.0 Symbols and Constants
After publication of the S.100 R1.0 specification, various proposals were raised to change the definitions of symbols and constants. Firstly, it was recognized that redundancies had appeared in symbol and constant definitions. These typically arose as individual task groups working in parallel required error codes and attribute symbols, and a policy was followed of allowing the task groups to define their own symbols and constants in order to avoid semantic mismatches among them. After publication, the redundancies were easier to spot, and since removing them represents a simplification for the application developer, the redundancies are being removed in the course of developing S.100 R2.0.
Secondly, proposals to revise the typographic and spelling conventions of symbols and constants were raised by reviewers of S.100 R1.0. Some of the adopted proposals entail changes from the symbols and constants appearing in S.100 R1.0.
The net effect of the identification of redundancies and the adoption of the R2.0 conventions for the developer are that numerous source code changes must be made. In order to facilitate these changes, this Addendum includes among the symbol and constant definitions the mappings from the Ò1.0 conventionÓ to the Ò2.0 conventionÓ. The mappings allow implementations to use the 1.0 symbol and constant definitions correctly while source code is being modified to follow the 2.0 conventions. S.100 R2.0-conformant servers and application programs will not need to use these mappings.
1.4Errors in S.100 Symbols and Constants
Since publication of S.100 R1.0, various misspellings and other errors were discovered in symbols and constants in S.100 R1.0. In some cases, they were simple typographical errors; in others, different spellings were inadvertently used by different authors and not caught during proofreading. The symbol and constant definitions given in this Addendum follow the corrected definitions, and Section 7 of the Addendum lists the errors as of the publication date.
The ECTF encourages developers to follow the corrected spellings of this Addendum, rather than the version occurring in S.100 R1.0, as the mistakes will be corrected in the forthcoming revision of the specification.
1.5Organization of this Document
The remainder of this Addendum describes how to translate an S.100 function call or event into a corresponding S.200 PDU, and documents the mapping between S.100 constants and symbols and their values as used in the S.200 protocol.
Much of this information is expressed in C language macros suitable for inclusion in an S.100 application, AIA, or server implementation. For programmer convenience (and as promised in the S.100 specification), symbols are defined by a collection of C language macros defining values for the individual Object, Vendor, and Item fields of a symbol, together with a collection of macros that assemble the field values into a single symbol value.
It is the intent of the ECTF to publish header files (Ò.hÓ files) including these macros for use by developers.
Subsequent sections of this Addendum define the following:
¥ÒSection 2 : Symbol ConstructionÓ: brief summary of the definition and usage of symbols, and specification of the Òsymbol assemblyÓ macros.
¥ÒSection 3 : S.100 Message ConstructionÓ: table documenting, for each function, completion event, and unsolicited event, how to construct the corresponding command, response, or event PDU.
¥ÒSection 4 : Symbol Field ValuesÓ: list of the Object, Vendor, and Item macros employed in symbol construction.
¥ÒSection 5 : ConstantsÓ: list of the macros defining S.100 constants.
¥ÒSection 6 : Redundant Symbols and ConstantsÓ: list of the redundant S.100 symbols and constants, and their corresponding Òofficial spellingsÓ.
¥ÒSection 7 : Errors and Corrections in S.100 R1.0 Symbols and ConstantsÓ: list of symbol and constant errors discovered in S.100 R1.0, together with their corresponding correct spellings.
Section 2 : Symbol Construction
An S.100 Symbol is an enumerated constant type whose values are controlled and unique across S.100 client and server processes. Symbols are used as identifiers for information which must be exchanged and used by multiple components, such as client and server components, or components developed by different vendors. For Revision 1.0 of S.100 and S.200, they are defined as 32-bit unsigned integers with three fields of interest (and specified in) the S.100 API (namely the Object, Vendor, and Item fields), and a Version field of interest to server and AIA implementors. This choice of representation was made in order to allow symbols to be efficiently constructed, manipulated, and transported by the widest variety of computing and communication systems at the present time. It is possible that in the future this representation will be changed (e.g., 64-bit unsigned integer), but ECTF does not foresee making any such change through at least the lifetime of Revision 2.0 of the API and protocol. It is expected that the encoding scheme used for symbols will change slowly, if at all. Therefore, the symbol Version field represents the encoding version, rather than a revision number of either S.100 or S.200, and is kept very small (2 bits in size). Each version will define its own field sizes for Object, Vendor, and Item.
Versions 0 and 1 of the encoding scheme are valid for S.100 R1.0 and S.200 R1.0. In future revisions of S.100 and S.200, the symbol encoding Version will be explicitly specified.
In the symbol construction macros defined in this section, the names given to the Object and Vendor constants are suffixed with the Version Number (zero or one in this case). This avoids conflict when another version of encoding becomes necessary.
The extraction macros will be able to handle all Versions concurrently and new implementations must be made available as new Versions of the encoding algorithm appear.
When comparing the two symbols to see if they refer to the same Object, the Object field cannot be used in isolation. The Object and Vendor fields must be used together in order to avoid ambiguity. Vendors have complete control over the Object field in symbols they create, which means that the Object field is ambiguous without the presence of the Vendor. This increases the number of possible Objects that can be created and also means that the ECTF is not required to control the number space for all Objects. The ECTF need only control the number space for standard Objects and Items (i.e., those where the vendor is ECTF.) The ECTF must also control allocation of Vendor numbers.
As stated in S.100, the ECTF controls the number space for standard Objects and Items (i.e., those for which the Vendor is ECTF), and controls the allocation of Vendor numbers. The number space for standard Objects and Items is defined in this Addendum. Details of the allocation of Vendor numbers may be obtained from the ECTF (
Note that this symbol construction scheme does support the ECTF goal that any vendor may extend the capabilities of a standard ECTF object. How this is accomplished may not be obvious, so it is worth explaining. Suppose that a vendor develops an enhanced Player capability, which supports all ECTF Player commands, events and parameters plus an additional parameter. This vendor must apply for a Vendor number, as described above. The vendor must also assign an object number (for the vendorÕs Player object) and item number (for this parameter). The vendor will create a new symbol for this additional Player parameter by combining Vendor, Object, Item and Version according to the rules in this chapter. It is important to note that this vendor need not, and should not, duplicate all of the standard ECTF Player symbols in the vendorÕs namespace. Instead, this vendorÕs Player object should be designed to accept standard ECTF Player symbols plus the additional, proprietary, parameter symbol.
2.2Symbol Manipulation
The code below shows the partitioning of the 32 bits for Version 0 and Version 1 of the encoding algorithm. Versions 2-3 are reserved for future revisions of the ECTF S.100 specification.
The Version field (2 bits wide) must be in a common position at all times; the lowest order bits are reserved for it. Since there will be a large number of ECTF-defined symbols (i.e., vendor=ECTF, which is assigned number 0), version 0 is used exclusively for ECTF-defined symbols. This allows more namespace for the ECTF symbols. All symbols defined in this revision of this document will therefore be version 0 symbols. Symbols defined by other vendors will be version 1 symbols at this time. As the number of symbols grow to exceed allocated sizes in either of these versions, new versions will be created to accommodate them.
Version 0 allows 16 bits for item and 12 bits for the Object; 2 bits are reserved (always 0), and the lower 2 bits are for the version. Version 1 provides 10 bits for each: Object, Item, and Vendor; with the lower 2 bits to indicate version 1.
// Symbol construction macros
/* Define Version field */
#define VERSION_MASK0x3
/* version 0, used for ECTF symbols only (vendor=0) */
/* Define Fields for Version 0 */
#define OBJECT_OFFSET_0 4
#define OBJECT_MASK_0 0x0FFF
#define ITEM_OFFSET_0 16
#define ITEM_MASK_0 0x0FFFF
/* Define Fields for Version 1, used for all symbols with vendor other than ECTF */
#define VENDOR_OFFSET_1 2
#define VENDOR_MASK_1 0x03FF
#define OBJECT_OFFSET_1 12
#define OBJECT_MASK_1 0x03FF
#define ITEM_OFFSET_1 22
#define ITEM_MASK_1 0x03FF
/* The CTsymbol type. */
typedef unsigned long CTsymbol;
/* Macro to build a Version 0 symbol. */
#define CTsym_Build_0( object, vendor, item )\
(CTsymbol)( ((ITEM_MASK_0 & (item)) < ITEM_OFFSET_0) |\
((OBJECT_MASK_0 & (object)) < OBJECT_OFFSET_0) )
/* Macro to build a Version 1 symbol. */
#define CTsym_Build_1( object, vendor, item )\
(CTsymbol)( ((ITEM_MASK_1 & (item)) < ITEM_OFFSET_1) |\
((OBJECT_MASK_1 & (object)) < OBJECT_OFFSET_1) |\
((VENDOR_MASK_1 & (vendor)) < VENDOR_OFFSET_1) |\
0x01 )
/* General Build Macro to build a symbol using the appropriate version
according to values * of the vendor, object, and item. */
#define CTsym_Build(object, vendor, item) \
/* Symbol segment extraction macros. */
#define CTsym_Vendor(symbol) \
(CTuint) ( ((symbol)& VERSION_MASK == 0)?\
(((symbol) > VENDOR_OFFSET_1) & VENDOR_MASK_1 ) )
#define CTsym_Object(symbol) \
(CTuint) ( ((symbol)& VERSION_MASK == 0)?\
(((symbol) > OBJECT_OFFSET_0) & OBJECT_MASK_0) :\
(((symbol) > OBJECT_OFFSET_1) & OBJECT_MASK_1) )
#define CTsym_Item(symbol) \
(CTuint) ( ((symbol)& VERSION_MASK == 0)? \
(((symbol) > ITEM_OFFSET_0) & ITEM_MASK_0) : \
(((symbol) > ITEM_OFFSET_1) & ITEM_MASK_1) )
#define CTsym_Version( symbol )\
(CTuint)(((symbol) > VERSION_OFFSET) & VERSION_MASK)
Section 3 : S.100 Message Construction
This table defines the way that a PDU is constructed for each of the server API function calls and where the response has function-specific data, it shows these fields in the response PDU.
Table 3-1PDU ConstructionFunction Name / Message_ECTF_Command / Target
Object / Request KVSet Contents
CTasr_ContextCopy / ASR_ECTF_ContextCopy / Group / ASR_ECTF_ConContext
CTasr_ContextCreate / ASR_ECTF_ContextCreate / Group / ASR_ECTF_ContextName
CTasr_ContextList / ASR_ECTF_ContextList / Group / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTasr_ContextRemove / ASR_ECTF_ContextRemove / Group / ASR_ECTF_ContextName
CTasr_RetrieveRecognition / ASR_ECTF_RetrieveRecognition / Group / ASR_ECTF_ResultType
CTasr_StartRecognition / ASR_ECTF_StartRecognition / Group / Group_ECTF_RTC
CTasr_WordCommit / ASR_ECTF_WordCommit / Group / ASR_ECTF_ContextName
CTasr_WordCreate / ASR_ECTF_WordCreate / Group / ASR_ECTF_WordString
CTasr_WordDeleteLastUtterance / ASR_ECTF_DeleteLastUtterance / Group / ASR_ECTF_WordName
CTasr_WordDeleteTraining / ASR_ECTF_WordDeleteTraining / Group / ASR_ECTF_ContextName
CTasr_WordDestroy / ASR_ECTF_WordDestroy / Group / ASR_ECTF_ContextName
CTasr_WordTrain / ASR_ECTF_WordTrain / Group / ASR_ECTF_ContextName
CTconf_Create / Conf_ECTF_Create / Connection
Manager / Conf_ECTF_Bridge
CTconf_Destroy / Conf_ECTF_Destroy / Conference
CTconf_GetParameters / Conf_ECTF_GetParameters / Conference / Any_ECTF_ParmList
CTconf_SetParameters / Conf_ECTF_SetParameters / Conference / Any_ECTF_ParmValues
CTconn_Break / Conn_ECTF_Break / Connection / Conn_ECTF_Direction
CTconn_Create() / Conn_ECTF_Create / Group / Conn_ECTF_Target
CTconn_Destroy / Conn_ECTF_Destroy / Connection
CTconn_GetParameters / Conn_ECTF_GetParameters / Connection / Any_ECTF_ParmList
CTconn_Make / Conn_ECTF_Make / Connection / Conn_ECTF_Direction
CTconn_SetParameters / Conn_ECTF_SetParameters / Connection / Any_ECTF_ParmValues
CTcont_ChangeMode / Container_ECTF_ChangeMode / Data Object / Container_ECTF_AccessMode
CTcont_CloseObject() / Container_ECTF_CloseObject / Data Object
CTcont_Copy / Container_ECTF_Copy / Container
Manager / Container_ECTF_Name
CTcont_Create() / Container_ECTF_Create / Container
Manager / Container_ECTF_Name
CTcont_Destroy() / Container_ECTF_Destroy / Container
Manager / Container_ECTF_Name
CTcont_GetObjectList / Container_ECTF_GetObjectList / Container
Manager / Container_ECTF_Name
CTcont_GetParameters() / Container_ECTF_GetParameters / Container
Manager / Container_ECTF_Name
CTcont_OpenObject() / Container_ECTF_OpenObject / Container
Manager / Container_ECTF_Name
CTcont_ReadContents / Container_ECTF_ReadContents / Data Object / Container_ECTF_Size
CTcont_Rename / Container_ECTF_Rename / Container
Manager / Container_ECTF_Name
CTcont_Seek() / Container_ECTF_Seek / Data
Object / Container_ECTF_SeekSize
CTcont_SetParameters / Container_ECTF_SetParameters / Container
Manager / Any_ECTF_ParmValues
CTcont_WriteContents / Container_ECTF_WriteContents / Data
Object / Container_ECTF_OutputBuffer
CTfax_AbortData / Fax_ECTF_AbortData / Fax System
Service / Fax_ECTF_DataID
CTfax_Close / Fax_ECTF_Close / Fax System
Service / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfax_GetData / Fax_ECTF_GetData / Fax System
CTfax_GetParameters / Fax_ECTF_GetParameters / Fax System
Service / Any_ECTF_Parmlist
CTfax_GetTDD / Fax_ECTF_GetTDD / Fax System
Service / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfax_Open / Fax_ECTF_Open / Fax System
Service Factory / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfax_PutData / Fax_ECTF_PutData / Fax System
Service / Fax_ECTF_DataID
CTfax_PutTDD / Fax_ECTF_PutTDD / Fax System
Service / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfax_SetAlarm / Fax_ECTF_SetAlarm / Fax System
Service / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfax_SetParameters / Fax_ECTF_SetParameters / Fax System
Service / Any_ECTF_Parmlist
CTfaxhl_Receive / FaxReceiver_ECTF_Receive / Group / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfaxhl_Send / FaxSender_ECTF_Send / Group / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfaxhl_Stop / Faxhl_ECTF_Stop / Group / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfaxll_BeginNegotiate / Faxll_ECTF_BeginNegotiate / Group / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfaxll_End / Faxll_ECTF_End / Group / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfaxll_ForceNegotiate / Faxll_ECTF_ForceNegotiate / Group / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfaxll_Init / Faxll_ECTF_Init / Group / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfaxll_ReceivePages / Faxll_ECTF_ReceivePages / Group / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfaxll_SendPage / Faxll_ECTF_SendPage / Group / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTfaxll_Stop / Faxll_ECTF_Stop / Group / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTgrp_Allocate / Group_ECTF_Allocate / Group / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTgrp_Configure / Group_ECTF_Configure / Group / Group_ECTF_Configuration
CTgrp_Create() / Group_ECTF_Create / Group
Factory / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTgrp_Deallocate / Group_ECTF_Deallocate / Group / Group_ECTF_ResourceName
CTgrp_Destroy / Group_ECTF_Destroy / Group / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTgrp_GetGroupInfo / Group_ECTF_GetGroupInfo / Group / Group_ECTF_GroupInfoList
CTgrp_GetParameterNames / Group_ECTF_GetParameterNames / Group / Any_ECTF_ParmList
CTgrp_GetParameterRange / Group_ECTF_GetParameterRange / Group / Any_ECTF_ParmList
CTgrp_GetParameters / Group_ECTF_GetParameters / Group / Any_ECTF_ParmList
CTgrp_GetRTC / Group_ECTF_GetRTC / Group
CTgrp_Handoff / Group_ECTF_Handoff / Group / Group_ECTF_ASI
CTgrp_PutGroupInfo / Group_ECTF_PutGroupInfo / Group / Group_ECTF_GroupInfo
CTgrp_Retrieve / Group_ECTF_Retrieve / Group / Group_ECTF_Cause
CTgrp_Return() / Group_ECTF_Return / Group / Group_ECTF_Tag
CTgrp_SetParameters() / Group_ECTF_SetParameters / Group / Any_ECTF_ParmValues
CTgrp_SetRTC / Group_ECTF_SetRTC / Group / Group_ECTF_RTC
CTgrp_Stop() / Any_ECTF_Stop / Group
CTgrp_WaitGroup / Group_ECTF_WaitGroup / N/A / N/A
CTplyr_AdjustSpeed / Player_ECTF_AdjustSpeed / Group / Player_ECTF_SpeedChange
CTplyr_AdjustVolume / Player_ECTF_AdjustVolume / Group / Player_ECTF_VolumeChange
CTplyr_Play() / Player_ECTF_Play / Group / Group_ECTF_RTC
CTrecd_Record() / Recorder_ECTF_Record / Group / Recorder_ECTF_TVM
CTscr_AnswerCall / SCR_ECTF_AnswerCall / SCR / Any_ECTF_Timeout
CTscr_DropCall / SCR_ECTF_DropCall / SCR / Any_ECTF_Timeout
CTscr_MakeCall / SCR_ECTF_MakeCall / SCR / Any_ECTF_Timeout
CTscr_MakeConsultationCall / SCR_ECTF_MakeConsultationCall / SCR / Any_ECTF_Timeout
CTscr_RequestGroup() / SCR_ECTF_RequestGroup / SCR / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTscr_SendMessage / SCR_ECTF_SendMessage / SCR / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTscr_TransferCall / SCR_ECTF_TransferCall / SCR / Group_ECTF_Group
CTsd_FlushBuffer() / SIGD_ECTF_FlushBuffer / Group
CTsd_RetrieveSignals() / SIGD_ECTF_RetrieveSignals / Group / SIGD_ECTF_NumSignals
CTsg_SendSignals() / SIGG_ECTF_SendSignals / Group / SIGG_ECTF_SignalList
CTses_Create() / Session_ECTF_Create / session / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTses_Destroy / Session_ECTF_Destroy / Session / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTses_FindService() / Session_ECTF_FindService / Server
Registry / Session_ECTF_ProfileName
CTses_GetParameters / Session_ECTF_GetParameters / Session / Any_ECTF_ParmList
CTses_ImportRTC / Session_ECTF_ImportRTC / Session / Session_ECTF_RTCName
CTses_OSU / Session_ECTF_OSU / Session / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTses_RegisterService / Session_ECTF_RegisterService / Service
Registry / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTses_ReleaseService / Session_ECTF_ReleaseService / Service / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
CTses_SendMessage / Any Command / Any
Target / Any payload
CTses_SetParameters / Session_ECTF_SetParameters / Session / Any_ECTF_ParmValues
CTses_Stop / Any_ECTF_Stop / Session / Session_ECTF_StopTransactionID
CTses_UnRegisterService / Session_ECTF_UnregisterService / Session / Any_ECTF_OptionalArgs
Section 4 : Symbol Field Values
The following subsections contain C language macros which, when used with the Symbol construction macros of section 2.2, yield correct Symbol values.
The first two subsections define values for the Object and Vendor fields. The Objects named in section 4.1 are defined either in S.100 (and hence are used by the API), or in S.200 (and hence are used by the protocol). The only Vendor named in section 4.2 is ECTF; the reader should contact the ECTF for the most current definition of Vendor numbers.
The remaining subsections define the standard Symbols used either by S.100 or S.200. Symbols that have been determined to be redundant (as discussed in section 1.3) are defined by their Òofficial spellingÓ. For example, the symbol:
is defined as
#define Conf_ECTF_OutputParameters__Any_ECTF_ParmValues
For each non-redundant Symbol, the name as appearing in S.100 or S.200 is defined as a macro, which, when evaluated by the macros of section 2.2, yield the corresponding value. For example, the Symbol:
is defined in section 4.12 as:
#define Group_ECTF_ASI __CTGrpSym(0x02B)
which in turn is defined as:
#define CTGrpSym(item) CTsym_Build( CT_objGROUP, CT_vendECTF, (item))