January 9, 2008


Anderson, Jay / Ö Holtan, Doug
Ö Benner, Bob / Ibarra, Nick
Cousino, Joan / Ö Konakowitz, Tom
Dingle, John / Ö Mackey, Brenda
Ö Foley, Mary
Ö Furness, Lee Ann / Ö Schneider, Scott
Ö Grinde, Paul / Ö Weber, Dan
Ö Heightland, Kathy / Zmolek, Doug
Ö Hickey, Mark

RYHA MEMBER AND NON-MEMBERS ATTENDEES: Betsey Reed, Ken Hruska, Mike Bromberg, Steve Nelson, Mike McCormack, Dave Nordeen,


1.  A motion was made to fund the purchase of goalie equipment for the 2008-2009 season at a cost of $14,000. Motion approved.


Dave Nordeen presented information regarding a golf outing as a fundraiser. Mr. Nordeen is the Golf Professional at Somberby Golf Course. Mr. Nordeen handed out an informational sheet and brochure showing examples of how we could market this event. While the board thinks this is a good idea the concern is that we would need someone to step up and agree to chair this event along with Mr. Nordeen. It was agreed to put this information and request on the website and in the newsletter to see if there is an interest. We briefly discussed possible dates presented by Mr. Nordeen and agreed that August would be an option and we could possibly tie in hockey sponsorship with tournament sponsorship.

SECRETARY’S REPORT – Kathy Heightland

December minutes were presented and approved. Vote was unanimous.


Treasures report was presented and approved. Vote was unanimous.




Travel fees continue to come in as we formed the Squirt teams at a later date this season. Payment plans also continue to come in. Mrs. Foley stated that the payment plan option has gone well this year and most are making payments in a timely manner.


Gambling’s November 2007 Activity Summary, tax return, allowable expenses, and January 2008 budget were presented and approved. Vote was unanimous.

MITES/SUPERMITES – John Dingle-absent

No Report


Mike Bromberg spoke regarding the purchase of goalie equipment for next season. Distributors are requesting orders be placed earlier due to the change in requirements for goalie equipment and the increased demand. Mr. Bromberg would like to place his order in May and is inquiring as to how much money is budgeted purchasing. He would like to have this information by April. After discussion on the needs of RYHA a motion was made to fund the purchase of goalie equipment for the 2008-2009 season at $14,000. Motion was approved.

MAHA – Bob Benner

Mr. Benner reports that there is very little favorable support for the combining of D4 and D8 this season. This was approved for a one year period of time and this will be revisited for next season. He anticipates there will be few in favor of continuing this.


CITY UNIT – Nick Ibarra- absent (Mark Hickey reported in Mr. Ibarra’s absence)

1.  The JG coach, Tim McLaughlin has inquired about the Non-parent travel fee. It was stated that at the time of his approval as Head Coach, he was a parent coach and will receive re-imbursement for travel fees this year and not a set rate.

2.  Teams are requesting permission to attend additional tournaments and what is the procedure for this- It was stated that they are to go to the head of the Operating Unit they are attached to.

3.  Mr. Ibarra stated he would like to formalize a process for choosing coaches other than A level coaches. It was stated by the board we would welcome any input he has on this if he chooses to pursue this. Mr. Zmolek did state that he hopes to be more involved in this process on a larger scale. He has already begun this at the Squirt C level.

TRAVELING UNIT – Scott Schneider

Mr. Schneider reported on a recent meeting the Traveling Committee had. Items discussed included looking for commissioners for travel levels for next season as several of our current commissioners will be leaving or moving up to the next level. The committee will look at setting up parameters for teams requesting additional tournaments in the future. The committee discussed shutting down travel and game play, and organized practice over the Christmas season. They would look at ways to fill local ice time slots that would be opened due to this and provide skating opportunities to those who would like to participate.

Mr. Schneider introduced Ed Hruska, from the Amateur Sports Commission. Mr. Hruska expressed an interest in becoming involved in organizing a Girls Tournament at Thanksgiving time, when many of our local teams are out of town and more ice is available. The Commission would help organize and promote this event. Brenda will look into this and set up a meeting with Mr. Hruska to further discuss this.

HOCKEY ADVISORY - Doug Zmolek – Absent

No Report

TOURNAMENTS – Brenda Mackey

BOOSTERS – Lee Ann Furness

Betsey Reid reported on the Program Sales fundraiser at the Excel Center recently. A busload of youth and adult chaperones went to a Wild game and sold programs, then watched the game. She reported that everyone had a very good time and our Association will be receiving a check for $1000 from the Wild. Thank you Mrs. Reid for organizing this and attending as a chaperone.

The Winter Newsletter will not be mailed to our association members this year but we will provide each team manager with copies to pass out and also have some available at both the Graham Arena and the Rochester Recreation Center.



Mike McCormack presented a packet to the board outlining a proposal to add an additional board position a Girls Program Director. The board is in support of such a position and it was agreed that Paul Grinde, Mark Hickey, Bob Benner and Kathy Heightland would review needed changes to the Operating Procedures and By-laws in order to include this new position. This position would likely begin at the May meeting when the new board member terms begin. A formal proposal will be brought to the board for approval in the future.

