Rwanda Country Programme, Kigali Rwanda


Save the Children is the world's leading independent organisation for children. We work in 120 countries. We work together, with partners, to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. Save the Children works in thirty districts in Rwanda with a current staff complement of approximately 180 staff.

SC Rwanda Country Office seeks to hire qualified, committed and experiencednational staffto fill the following position:

Position: Midwife

Place of Work: Kirehe/ Mahama Camp
Reports directly to: Head of MCH SCI health center
Reports indirectly to: Clinical Lead
Time Frame: Open
Post: 2 / Pharmacy Coordinator

Tentative start date:ASAP


Level 3 – The responsibilities of the post may require the post holder to have regular contact with or access to children or young people.


The Midwife will work to contribute to an improvement in the overall health of the targeted refugee population of Mahama Camp through the provision of quality Reproductive health services.


  1. Antenatal care services.

•Welcoming all the pregnant women coming for the ANC services into health facilities.

•Conduct screening for all pregnant women in accordance with the ANC protocol and guidelines.

•Provide all services given in ANC including screening for all mothers.

•Identify all Risk factors associated with the pregnancy and refer appropriately and take actions.

•Provide Iron supplementation, and ensure the mothers are immunized with TT toxoid as per the protocol.

•Register all the required information on the ANC Registers and ANC cards as per protocol.

  1. Postnatal care services.

•Conduct screening for all lactating women attending Post- Natal care in accordance with the protocol and guidelines.

•Provide Vitamin A supplements as per protocol to lactating women.

•Provide and Reproductive health and Nutrition counselling and health education on importance of lactation.

•Send the caretaker to EPI department for immunization.

  1. Family planning and Post Abortion Care (FPPAC) services

•Provide Family planning services as per protocols and Rwandan guidelines.

•Explain to the FP clients all the methods available and allow them to make personal choices.

•Screening all the FP clients for STI and other medical complications

  1. Emergency Obstetric Care services

•Conduct Normal deliveries in line with all guidelines.

•Monitor labour using partograph in Line with all guidelines provided to monitor deliveries.

•Respond to all cases of Obstetric emergencies in line with the protocols in consultation with the doctor and other medical staff.

•Identify, stabilize and refer all cases of emergency obstetric complications with the help of the doctors and other medical staff.

  1. infection control and universal precautions services

•Adhere to international standards in infection control and waste management.

•Ensure aseptic techniques in provision of RH services.

  • Sterilize and disinfect all the instruments used during delivery and other obstetric services
  1. Health Education services

•Providing health education at the reproductive health waiting area.

•Participate in provision of one to one health education to all patients during consultation and services delivery

SKILLS AND BEHAVIOURS (our Values in Practice)


  • Sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves and their team, takes responsibility for their own personal development and encourages their team to do the same
  • Future orientated, thinks strategically and on a global scale


  • Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to; builds and maintains effective relationships with colleagues, Members and external partners and supporters
  • Values diversity and different people’s perspectives, able to work cross-culturally.


  • Develops and encourages new and innovative solutions


  • honest, encourages openness and transparency, builds trust and confidence
  • displays consistent excellent judgement


  1. A qualified Registered Midwife with 2 years’ experience, licensed National Council of Nursing and Midwifery (Rwanda).
  2. Have a recognized Midwife working license from the National Council of Nursing
  3. Excellent liaison abilities and good communication skills (French, Kiswahili and English preferred).
  4. Willingness to work in resource poor environment and be culturally sensitive.
  5. Ability to produce basic reports in English
  6. Ability to work in a remote area
  7. Experience of working in maternity /PMTCT programmes/ANC / PNC and FP-PAC
  8. Strong capacity in Mother and Child health – New born Care
  9. Strong experience and capacity un child birth delivery
  10. Knowledge of aseptic and sterilisation methods;
  11. Strong capacity of nosocomial infection prevention
  12. Organisation and hygiene skills, knowledge and behaviour.
  13. Computer knowledge (Microsoft office, M.S Word, MS Excel, …..


Any employee, consultant, contractor or the supplier undertaking an activity on behalf of SCI must sign the Child Safeguarding - Declaration of Acceptance Form] and comply with the SCIs Child Safeguarding Policy which is a statement of SCI’s commitment to preventing abuse and protecting children with whom it comes into contact.

  • This extends not only to children with whom SCI and its partners work directly, but also includes children whom staff are responsible for. SCI believes that the situation of children must be improved through the promotion of their rights supported and demonstrated by all members of staff. Save the Children International's Code of Conduct sets out the standards which all staff members must adhere to.

Interested candidates should send an application letter plus updated Curriculum Vitae in English, including 3 names of professional referees to . The deadline for receiving applications isMarch 27th 2018.

*Note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.