Have you identified L3 as a strategy to support quality literacy teaching and learning in your school?
Rutherford LMG is currently seeking expressions of interest from schools in the Maitland, Newcastle and Cessnock networks who wish to participate in this locally delivered ‘opt-in’ professional learning for:-
L3 Kindergarten; and
L3 Stage 1
FIRST YEAR - training for Kindergarten and Stage One teams from participating schools will be required to:
- Participate in 12 half day professional learning sessions with other Kindergarten teams from a small community of schools.
- Participate in four collegial classroom visits (written feedback provided) with the trainer each year.
- Engage in between session tasks- including collaborating on Google apps.
- Implement all L3 components in their classroom teaching.
- Collect initial, medial and final student data- schools receive 10 weekly data comparison graphs for each teacher.
SECOND YEAR AND BEYOND - Ongoing Professional Learning (OPL) - training for Kindergarten and Stage One teams from participating schools will be required to:
- Have completed a minimum of one year of L3 training.
- Attend two full day training sessions
- Participate in two collegial classroom visits (written feedback provided) with the trainer each year.
- Engage in between session tasks- including collaborating on Google apps.
- Implement all L3 components in their classroom teaching.
- Collect initial, medial and final student data- schools receive 10 weekly data comparison graphs for each teacher.
Comprehensive information regarding L3 can be found in the L3 guidelines by following this link: Language, Learning and Literacy Guidelines (pdf552kb)
Associated costing -
FIRST YEAR of either L3 Kindergarten or L3 Stage One training will be $3300 per teacher for the year.
SECOND YEAR AND BEYOND (OPL) of either L3 Kindergarten or L3 Stage One training will be $1000 per teacher for the year.
Note: All casual relief to attend training is at the individual schools cost. Final costings will be based on each training group’s final numbers; the above prices are a guide only.
If L3 is what your school needs in 2017 please express your interest in this professional learning by filling out the attached submissions form and emailing it to:
Katrina Cameron L3 Lead Trainer
Please express your interest by Friday 28th October 2016.
EOIs after this date may mean that your school is placed on a waiting list for the available training positions.
If you have any questions concerning any aspect of the course please do not hesitate to contact our Lead Trainer Katrina Cameron on 0249325900.