Rutherford Co., NC Deed Book 4-6, p. 135

No. 226 This Indenture this 27th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninty six, Between Robert McMurry of Cabaris County and State of North Carolina of the one part, and William Kannan of the County of Rutherford, and same state of the other part, Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds to him the sd Robert McMurry in hand paid by him the sd William Kannon in the currency of our state; the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged he the sd Robert McMurry Junr, hath granted, bargained and sold unto the sd William Kannon a certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in the afsd county on the Waters of Broad River on both sides of Catheys Creek including the mouth of bills branch below what was called Wrays land and bounded as follows, Viz: Beginning at a white oak on the south side of sd creek above the shoals, thence running North three west 200 poles to a red oak, thence North 87 East 200 poles to a Spanish oak, thence South three East 200 poles to a pine, and from thence to the beginning, containing two hundred and fifty acres; together with all the woods, waters mines minerals, hereditaments and appurtainances in anywise appertaining, to have and to hold, to the above named Wm Kannon his heirs & assigns forever, and he the sd Robert McMurry Junr. Doth covenant, grant and agree to and with the sd William Kannon himself & each of his heirs shall be in free and full possession of all the afsd tract of land and premises against him the sd Robert McMurry Jun. Or any of his heirs or any other person or persons whatsoever, from laying any claim thereto after the sealing and delivering of these presents unto the only use and behoof of him the sd William Kannon his heirs and assigns forever as free from all incumbrance subject, nevertheless to the payment of such sums of money yearly as our General Assembly from time to time may direct as a tax for the support of Government. In Witness whereof the sd Robert McMurry, hath hereunto interchangeably set his hand and affixed his seal the date and year first above written. In presents of the witnesses underneath named signed sealed and delivered in presence of

Andrew McMurry }

Henry Callahan }

Robert McMurry {Seal}

October the 18th 1797.
