
Russian Language and Literature (Year 1, Three-year Course students; Year 1 and Year 2, Two-year Course students)

Professor Maurizia Calusio

Russian Language Practical Classes (Year 1, First-level Degree)

Dr. Maria Benedek; Dr. Elena Freda Piredda; Dr. Sara Mazzucchelli; Dr. Viola Sanvito

Russian Language Practical Classes (One-year Course students; Year 1, Two-year Course students)

Dr. Anna Esterovich

Russian Language Practical Classes (Year 2, Two-year Course students)

Dr. Anna Esterovich

Russian Language and Literature (Year 1, Three-year Course Students; Year 1 and Year 2, Two-year Course Students)

Professor Maurizia Calusio


The course sets out to give students a methodology-oriented introduction to the study of the fundamental phases of Russian literature and culture.


The course is divided into two semesters.

In the first semester the principal periods and themes in Russian history and culture will be presented, with specific focus on issues relating to the history of literature. The aim is to familiarise students with the key interpretive criteria and a methodological approach enabling them to subsequently study in greater depth on their own.

The second semester will study exclusively the poetry of the Puškinian era, a period of extraordinary cultural and artistic blossoming in Russia. We will map the historical and literary context and read and analyze the versified texts of, among others, A.S. Puškin, V.A. Žukovskij, and E.A. Boratynskij.


The reading list differs according to the course and curriculum and will be communicated to students during class and posted on the lecturer's web page (


Classroom lectures.


Oral exam.


Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.

Russian Language Practical Classes (Year 1, First-level Degree)

Dr. Maria Benedek; Dr. Elena Freda Piredda; Dr. Sara Mazzucchelli; Dr. Viola Sanvito;


The course will enable the student to develop solid language skills in written and spoken Russian at the basic level.


1.The Cyrillic alphabet

1.1The characters of the Cyrillic alphabet, in block letters and italics, capital and lower-case letters. Scientific transliteration.

1.2The Russian language’s key spelling and phonetic rules.

2.Nominal morphology an d formation of complements

2.1.Nominative case

2.1.1Gender and quantity of nominative nouns and adjectives; personal and interrogative pronouns.

2.1.2Interrogative, affirmative and negative nominal sentences.

2.2.Accusative case

Formation and use of the singular and plural accusative for nouns, adjectives and pronouns. Complements expressed in the accusative.

2.3.The prepositive

Formation and use of singular and plural prefixes for nouns, adjectives and pronouns. Complements expressed in the prepositive.

2.4.The genitive case

Formation and use of the singular and plural genitive for nouns, adjectives and pronouns. Complements expressed in the genitive.

2.5.The dative case

Formation and use of the singular and plural dative for nouns, adjectives and pronouns. Complements expressed in the dative.


Formation and use of the singular and plural instrumental for nouns, adjectives and pronouns. Complements expressed in the instrumental.


3.1.Cardinal numbers from 1 to 100 and the relative governments in direct cases.

3.2.Ordinary numbers from 1 to 20.

4.Verbal morphology

4.1.Conjugation of regular verbs and the main irregular verbs in the indicative, present, past and future tenses. Conjugation of reflexive verbs.

4.2.Conjugation and use of verbs of motion without the prefix идти-ходить, ехать-ездить.

4.3.Introduction to the concept of the aspect of the verb and its main uses.


5.1.Coordinate and subordinate propositions (declarative with что; relative with который; conditional with если; final and optative with чтобы).


E. Freda Piredda-N. Nikitina-M. Versace-S. Vianello,Materiali per il corso di lingua russa ILT, (course pack obtainable from the university’s Reprographics Department).

S.A. Chavronina,Il russo esercizi, Il punto editoriale, Rome, 2007.

A. Aloysio-A. Bonola-P. Dusi, La lingua russa, EDUCatt, Milan, 2005.

The lecturer will provide additional materials in class and on the Blackboard course page, which the students are encouraged to visit regularly.


Lectures and practical classes to introduce the student to written translation, from Italian into Russian and from Russian into Italian; to prepare them for dictation; and exercises to develop their ability to understand and speak Russian and to consolidate their grammar.

All students are expected to attend the cycle of lectures held by Dr. Elena Freda Piredda scheduled during the January and February exam sessions as an integral part of the course.


Students of the Russian Language Practical Classes will be assessed through written and oral exams at the end of the course. Classroom activities and home studies will be proved with intermediate tests throughout the academic year.

The final exams are organised as follows:


–first-level morphology and lexical test to check lexical, declension of conjugation, verbs on motion without prefix, function aspect knowledge: multiple-choice exercises;


–short translation from Italian into Russian to test the student’s knowledge of written production (lexicon and use of grammatical and syntactic structures);

–comprehension of a short text in Russian: different questions in Russian regarding the text given; students are requested to answer in written form.


The oral exam will test the student’s ability to read, translate and sum-up the texts read at home (about 30 pages in original Russian as indicated by the lecturer in class) and their ability to hold a brief conversation on everyday topics. In addition, the student will read and translate on-sight the first-level Russian text given to them at the exam and respond to questions on its content in Russian.


Students taking the grammar course will be split into groups according to their chosen field of study and therefore are invited to carefully check the timetable to ensure they attend the right classes.

Students are reminded that their learning of the course content will largely depend on how frequently they attend lectures and assimilate, along with their home study, what the lecturer teaches them in class. Therefore, regular class attendance and home study will be taken into account in the student’s final assessment.

Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.

Russian Language Practical Classes (One-year Course Students; Year 1, Two-year Course Students

Dr. Anna Esterovich


The course will enable the student to acquire a solid grasp of basic language skills in both written and spoken Russian.


–Reading and intonation.

–Reading and translation of basic Russian texts.

–Nominal and verbal morphology.


The reading list will be communicated at the start of the course.


Classroom lectures and practical lessons in the language lab.


Final oral exam in Russian to test the student’s ability to read, translate and converse in the language.


Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.

Russian Language Practical Classes (Year 2, Two-year Course Students)

Dr. Anna Esterovich


The course will enable the student to acquire a solid grasp of basic language skills in both written and spoken Russian.


–Complex morphology: declension of numbers, indeterminate and negative pronouns.

–Verbal morphology: the use of aspects in the indicative, imperative and infinitive mood.

–Meaning and use of prefixes in verbs of motion.

–Diathesis: reflexive verbs and passive forms.

–Syntax: subordinate object. Notions of the gerund and the participle.


The reading list will be communicated at the start of the course.




Final oral exam in Russian to test the student’s ability to read, translate and converse in the language.


Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.