Policy Number


Russell Independent Schools Russell Primary School

Policy Type (Check One)
Council Operations
School Operations


Budget and Purchasing Policy


Topic / Provisions / Timeline
Purpose / This policy tell how the Council will set an annual Budget for:
  • Personnel
  • Textbooks
  • Professional Development
  • Instructional supplies, materials, travel, and equipment.
That Budget shall be implemented through the Council’s policies on vacancies and on purchasing.
Definition / “Make copies generally available” means give copies to all members of the Budget Committee and the Council and post copies in the staff lounge and SBDM bulletin board.
Needs Assessment Research / The Budget Committee shall take the following steps to assess the school’s needs for the next school year. (It should be noted that the Budget Committee consists of the SBDM council with an invitation extended to all certified and classified staff wishing to give input.)
  • Review last year’s spending and this year’s Budget.
  • Monitor this year’s spending as it occurs.
  • Review this year’s Consolidated Plan.
  • Provide the school’s parents, volunteers, and other members of the public at least one opportunity to make written suggestions and one opportunity to make verbal suggestions on needs for the next year.
  • Monitor each step of the school’s Consolidated Plan process for next year, identifying possible needs for funding to implement the plan.
  • Take any other steps that the Committee believes would help it understand the school’s financial needs.
/ Start no later than October 1st.
Finish no later than March 1st.
Receipt of Allocation /
  • By March 1st, the school council allocation formula regulation requires the district to notify the Council of its allocation for personnel, instructional supplies, materials, travel, and equipment, and professional development.
  • The principal shall make that notice generally available within one school day after receiving it.
  • The superintendent will notify the Council of its share of state textbook funds and state professional development funds shortly after he or she learns of the district’s total allocations for those items. In the event that the Budget Committee has not received those notices by March 15, it shall prepare the First Draft Budget using either this year’s amounts or an estimate of next year’s amounts that it believes is reasonably accurate.
/ No later than March 1st
Date Adopted: September 16, 2008
Date(s) Amended: April 15, 2014 ______
Pamela Wright
Council Chairperson
Policy Number


Russell Independent Schools Russell Primary School

Policy Type (Check One)
Council Operations
School Operations


Budget Policy


Topic / Provisions / Timeline
First Draft Format / The Budget committee shall prepare a First Draft Budget using the form provided below:
In the column for “Person Responsible” the Committee shall identify the individuals, the Committees, or other groups it believes can make the most efficient and informed choice about that type of item. For professional development, the Budget Committee shall be listed. If no one is identified, the Council will make the selection or delegate it to a committee. The General Fund monies will be used without pre-approval of the Budget Committee. A monthly report will be given to the Budget Committee and Council on the general fund revenues and expenditures.
The chairperson of the Budget Committee shall make the First Draft Budget generally available within one week after its approval by the Committee. / No later than March 10th
Input Opportunities / The Budget Committee shall give the staff, parents, volunteers, and other members of the public at least one opportunity to ask questions and make verbal suggestions about the First Draft Budget is made generally available. Persons wishing to make written suggestions may give them to the chairperson of the Budget Committee. / No later than March 17th
Second Draft Budget (if needed) / After the input opportunity, the Budget Committee shall consider all suggestions received and review the latest available draft of the school’s School Consolidated Plan for next year. After considering that information, the Budget Committee shall prepare a Second Draft Budget for consideration by the Council.
The Budget Committee Chairperson shall make the Second Draft Budget generally available within one school day after the Committee approves it. / No later than March 25th
Council Action / The Council is free to direct the Budget Committee to prepare a new recommendation reflecting revisions the Council thinks necessary. However, meetings to consider those revisions shall be scheduled to allow the Council to adopt a Budget no later than April 1, because that is the deadline set in board policy.
By adopting the Budget, the Council delegates authority to pick specific items in each category, within the amount to be spent, to those persons, Committees, and groups named in the “Person Responsible” column of the Budget. Where no one is named in that column, the Council will be responsible for selecting the items or making a later delegation of responsibility in its minutes. The principal will authorize the purchase request. / No later than April 1st
Date Adopted: September 16, 2008
Date(s) Amended: April 15, 2014 ______
Pamela Wright
Council Chairperson
Policy Number


Russell Independent Schools Russell Primary School

Policy Type (Check One)
Council Operations
School Operations


Budget Policy


Topic / Provisions / Timeline
Amendment / The Council may amend the Budget subject to the following limits:
  • The Council shall ask the Budget Committee Chairperson to comment on any amendment before it is finalized.
  • The Council shall not make any amendment that would prevent payment for any item already requisitioned or any person already hired.
/ No later than April 1st
Date Adopted: September 16, 2008
Date(s) Amended: April 15, 2014 ______
Pamela Wright
Council Chairperson
Policy Number


Russell Independent Schools Russell Primary School

Policy Type (Check One)
Council Operations
School Operations


Purchasing Policy


/ The Council intends to delegate responsibility for selecting specific goods and services expertise or responsibility for making them useful to students, within the structure of its Budget. This policy describes how that will be done for textbooks, instructional materials, and professional development.
Definition / “Make generally available,” means give copies to all members of the Budget Committee and the Council and post copies in the staff lounge and the SBDM Bulletin Board.
Who is to select items / The Budget adopted by the Council shall identify the individuals, groups, or Committees responsible for selecting each type of item.
The Council itself shall be responsible for selecting each item for which no other individual, group, or Committee is designated as responsible.
By amending the Budget as allowed in the Budget Policy, the Council may change who is to select any type of item.
Process for Selection / Each person, Committee or group shall select the items to be purchased in the category and within the financial limits set in the Budget.
Requisition or reimbursement forms for all desired items shall be handled as followed:
  • If a Committee is to choose, the choice shall be recorded in its minutes, and the chairperson shall sign and submit the forms to the principal.
If an individual is to choose, he or she shall sign the forms and submit them to the principal.
Review by the Principal / At least once a week, the principal shall review all requisition and reimbursement forms to determine whether they:
  • Identify items in the category authorized by the Council.\
  • Are within the amount authorized by the Council (taking into account costs of all purchases previously submitted).
  • Are within any applicable legal limits, such as those Kentucky places on the use of textbook dollars and professional development dollars.
  • Have enough information to complete the purchase.
  • Have the appropriate signatures.
If any of these elements are not present, the principal shall immediately give the form back to the signing parties with a statement of what needs to be changed.
If the form meets these criteria, the principal shall sign the form and immediately begin all steps necessary to complete the purchase.
Date Adopted: September 16, 2008
Date(s) Amended ______
Debbie Finley
Council Chairperson
Policy Number


Russell Independent Schools Russell Primary School

Policy Type (Check One)
Council Operations
School Operations


Purchasing Policy


Record-Keeping by the Principal / The principal shall keep appropriate and complete records of all requisitions and reimbursement forms he or she signs and all payments related to them.
Spending Reports / At the end of each month, the principal shall prepare a Spending Report in the same format as the Budget, but listing in separate columns:
  • Amounts budgeted
  • Amount remaining to be spent.
The principal shall make the Spending Report for each month generally available no later than the monthly budget meeting. Each teacher balance will be available upon request to the bookkeeper. All teacher balances should be spent by April 1st. All unclaimed money will be put into the Contingency Fund unless approval is given by Budget Committee to be carried over.
The Budget Committee shall review each Spending Report at its next regular meeting and make recommendations to the Council when it deems necessary.
Instructional Supplies For Supply Room
  • Binding Machine Materials
  • Border (for school border)
  • Bulletin Board Paper
  • Chart Paper
  • Construction Paper
  • Copy Paper
  • E-Z Clips
  • File Folders
  • Laminating Film
  • Masking Tape
  • Note Cards
  • Paper Clips
  • Poster Board
  • Primary Writing Paper
  • Scotch Tape
  • Staples
  • Strapping Tape
  • Tag Board (colored)
  • Tempera Paint (Small Bottles)
  • Thumb Tacks
  • Transparencies
  • White Board Markers
  • White Out

Date Adopted: September 16, 2008
Date Amended: April 15, 2014 ______
Pamela Wright
Council Chairperson