RUSA History Section Executive Committee Meeting I

Dallas Convention Center, A116

2012 Midwinter Conference, Dallas, Texas

Saturday, January 21, 8:00-10:00 a.m.

Attendance: Janice Schultz (president), Sara Morris (vice president), Susan Malbin, Nancy Bunker, Rachael Elrod, Shelly Arlen, Janalynn Moss, Agnes Widder, Dave Dowell, Charles Thurston, Heather Tompkins, Curt Witcher, Kathy Struass, Jenny Presnell (secretary), Mary Mannix, Bill Buckner, Mary Bogan.


History Section Minutes from Annual 2011 Conference Approved (Malbin moved and Morris seconded.)


Please submit meeting highlights and/or other committee discussion and activity to

Email Jancie ( and Jenny ()!


  • RUSA Membership Social, Saturday, 6-8 and the Adolphus Hotel, Century Ballroom A
  • Genealogy Dinner, Saturday 8:00 at Hofbrau Steaks, 311 N. Market
  • History Section Dinner, Sunday, 6:30 at Sol Irlandes, 1525 Main St.
  • RUSA Book and Media Awards Reception, Sunday, 5:15, at Fairmont Hotel, Venetian Room (changed)
  • RUSA Board of Directors Meetings
  • Saturday, 1:30-3:30, DCC A161
  • Monday, 1:30-3:30, DCC D161

Report on Genealogy Preconference of Friday, January 20 (Mannix)

It was discovered that charging for a preconference is not mandatory. As long as you have no staff assistance from ALA, the preconference can be free (see below). Fifty four (54) registered and thirty eight (38) people attended. The space was a bit small, but arrangements in Anaheim will be larger and in the central library. Proquest is the sponsor. Preconference went very well. For annual, we anticipate getting publicity out sooner.

Report on RUSA Board Virtual Meeting of December 14, 2011 (Schultz)

Discussed virtual webinar vs preconferences. Expressed concern that all preconference revenues are dwindling. Some sections had a free preconference which we can do for the Genealogy preconference in Anaheim. As long as we do not have RUSA staff participation in planning, we do not need to charge a registration fee. Genealogy preconferences are usually planned without RUSA staff help. Virtual webinars that sections offer do charge fees, but tend to cost less than pre-conferences. RUSA investigating offering CEU’s for a fee. To do so preconferences and webinars must have measurable outcomes.

RUSA will have new member orientation slide presentation on the association’s website. The Remote Technology Taskforce recommends using Blackboard collaborates for virtual meetings instead of what ALA is using. Adoption is anticipated. This will allow participation for those who can’t attend Midwinter. Strategic planning committee is setting guidelines for general information services as well as responses for medical and legal questions at the information desk. (Janice Shutlz)

Janalynn Moss was on committee that selected the Blackboard system for virtual conferencing. She can tell you about how the choice was made.

A question was raised if there was any discussion about Midwinter’s future. Discussion: This is 3rd year BRASS is not at midwinter. RUSA History Section can choose to do so, however that would mean the death of the discussion groups and the genealogy preconference. This needs to be a History Section discussion as a whole. Most sections still meet at midwinter, but various individual History Section committees could opt-out. Would seek 2/3 majority vote to opt-out of Midwinter for whole section. The Nominating Committee had trouble finding committee members that could come to ALA twice in a year. Many are not supported by their institutions. We need to keep talking and checking with each other. Do we want to give up that face-to-face contact?

Report on History Section Research Grant (Schultz or Widder)

Agnes Widder gave background for the grant. Idea developed that the section could provide funding to a history librarian to do research, plan an exhibit, etc.. The Grant will be treated as an award, but not given for a completed project. Agnes contacted vendors. Gale will fund $2500 (ALA takes 25%). The Librarian’s institution may also take a cut. Everyone needs to visit the Gale booth and express appreciation to Timothy Fusco Initially Gale will give the reward for three times once each in three consecutive years. After that they will re-evaluate the award. The selection committee will consist of the History Section members at large and past chair, will be leader of this subcommittee. We might consider having a rotating award say one year for genealogy, etc. RUSA Awards committee must pass this and then ALA. It’s hoped that the first grant will be awarded at 2013 annual meeting. (Lots of applause for Agnes! This has been a very long process. Thanks for pursing the vendors.)

Application process. Will develop a form that will ask for 1500 words defining the project and include other specific questions to answer. Included should be a résumé and budget. Anticipating the first set of applications in by Dec 15, 2012. Form to be linked on the RUSA page. Recipient must be History Section member or must join upon award. (We do have one dissenting vote for that membership requirement. However, we want to use this increase membership.) Application process will inform the applicant of the ALA reduction.

Will begin to encourage applicants after ALA annual 2012. Group brainstormed methods of advertising, including hstbibl, RUSA History Section web site history-l, face book page, RUSA blog and lots of word of mouth, including announcing at programs of our own section as well as other interested sections such as WESS.

ALA Annual Programs – update

  • Genealogy (2012) – David Dowell – Mining gold from the 1940 census. Presenters on panel may include Joel Weintrub and will have panel Kerry Bartels (U.S archives) Bill Forsyth – (Proquest/Ancestry) and David Rencher (Family Search) as providers of access. Might have a representative from The 1940 census indexing is interesting because of the competition to be first indexer. (It cannot be indexed until released.) There may be an online index by summer conference for smaller states. NARA will not provide an index, just other commercial vendors. April 2 is the release date and Ancestry will allow free access through 2013.
  • I & R (2013) – Nancy Bunker—Committee will meet tomorrow. Committee began by an email discussion. Several ideas focus on two topics – 1) doing reference and instruction on local people places and events (this would support both high school and college classes). Increasingly assignments are using traditional genealogy tools for assignments. 2) digital history and humanities and how new ways manipulating history can be brought into the curriculum. We might look at ways to combine these two.
  • Second possible program (each section is allowed two, we are thinking of having a “Past Chair’s Program”) -- Janalynn Moss is working on a 2013 program focusing on library engagement in history day activities. Ann Kotch, director of National History Day has tentatively agreed to participate. This program would bring in AASL, Rare Books, PLA. Due May 1 for 2013.

SWOT Analysis

This will be a topic of discussion at the RUSA board today and then later at the ALA board. Brainstormed suggestions were that RUSA has a small but commiteed membership base, can be incestuous, sometimes lacking new members and roatation of members, increased history and genealogy interest from all types of libraries.


  • People across different types of libraries come together (public, academic, special libraries).


  • website problems
  • division of history librarians between sections, for example RBMS, ACRL. We don’t work across divisions (but this also could be an opportunity to work together)
  • active participation. Need younger members. Right now we have many participants who have been active for a long time. How will this affect the longevity of the Association as a whole. Discussion ensued about why younger librarians don’t join the history section. Perceived reasons include:
  • financial consideration
  • child care;
  • need ways to bring in new members or interact with other divisions and sections; for example: support emerging leaders program, be a mentor, NMRT association; have an intern appointed;
  • Younger members don’t need professional in–person networking as in the past. Informal and online communities are easier to break into. We need to play up the mentoring aspect of the association.
  • Need to do a better job of communicating our value.


  • free conferences
  • opportunity to talk to stand alone sections in ACRL (WESS, RBMS);
  • webinars on the internet (academic courses in genealogy at library schools and in some other departments)
  • for example: plans/sponsor joint programs by connecting with history organizations that aren’t library focused
  • RUSA History Section website as a clearing house for courses and programs for all audiences. Something like a speakers bureau, list of experts and classes.
  • genealogy is a big draw for all. Program ideas show that this is beginning to come together and of broader appeal, esp. digital access; growth of ethnic studies departments. This is a good way to bring together the different types of libraries in RUSA.


General discussion about trying to fund a person for 2 years of participation in RUSA or History Section (that is full registration, travel, room, etc) and require them to be a member of a committee.

History Section Website

Laura Hibbler is our webmaster. The website uses Drupal and will be much easier to update. Talk to Janice on Monday about what we want the page to look like and email with ideas. Updates are easier so lets to do something. Suggestions included: put connections to history listserves, rss feeds, etc.


Sara Morris asks all committee chairs to check the appointments to your committees. Send changes to Sara as well as ideas on new members.

We need to rejuvenate Facebook page. Administrator should be who is in charge. Janalynn will work to resurrect it. Decided to start a new page with Sara and Janice having admin privileges. Will set up a history section gmail account and attach the Facebook page. Will also add twitter.

RUSA Publications Committee – Shelly Arelen

Committee creating an expert clearing house by collecting presentations from ALA sessions.

Highlighted programs of interest at Midwinter.

Discussion topics for discussion sections: Genealogy Section has Amy Crow. History Section topic Public History

Mary Bogan – passed around information about English section of ACRL and their“shadowing plan”

9:42 adjourned

RUSA History Section Executive Committee Meeting II

Dallas Convention Center, A116

2012 Midwinter Conference, Dallas, Texas

Monday, January 23, 8:00-10:00 a.m.

Attendance: Janice Schultz (president), Sara Morris (vice president), Susan Malbin, Nancy Bunker, Rachael Elrod, Agnes Widder, Dave Dowell, Charles Thurston, Kathy Struass, Chris Strauss, Jenny Presnell (secretary), Mary Mannix, Mary Bogan.


Please submit meeting highlights and/or other committee discussion and activity to

Reports from History Section Committees and Discussion Groups

  • Genealogy & Local History Discussion Group (Witcher) (no report submitted or given orally)
  • Genealogy Committee (Dowell)
    Nothing major to report. One change in presenter. Spent most time talking about publicity, etc.
  • Genealogy Preconference Planning (Mannix)
    Will pursue Anaheim Public Library as a location. Have 4 potential speakers for Anaheim. Some potential speakers for Seattle. Will confirm speakers shortly.
  • Historical Materials (no meeting)
    Janice did announce winners of Best Historical Materials at the awards ceremony last night.
  • Instruction & Research Services Committee (Bunker)
    Discussed program ideas for the 2013 program in Chicago. Narrowed to topic Digital Histories: New Methodologies Facilitated by New Technologies. Looking at digital info in instruction in a new way. Intend to have three speakers The committee decided to have a three person panel program with individuals representing a teaching faculty member, a librarian and a vendor or producer of digital history). Members will continue to discuss the program through email in preparation for a program proposal due to be submitted on May 1. Nancy needs application form and Sara will supply. Information Literacy Standards for Historians subcommittee met (Nancy, Jenny Michelle, Sara were present). Committee will push hard to finish and have draft for Standards and Guidleines by Anaheim. A small group should be able to work fast
  • Local History Committee (Malbin) <needs to be fixed, cannot figure my notes out>
    Sent in and will have committee with members. New incoming chair will have to join. Went to Washinton Update. Tompkins Co PL talked about how to mount local history collects on the web. At Genelog and Local Hist group talked aobut how to mount stuff on web. If you have too much burearocracy is problematic hard to get collection up. Cornell helped Tompkins. Using ONeka to mount collection. Discussion about how to put up a local collection. Defined OMeka. ( Can build a database with it.
  • History Discussion Group (Thompkins)
    We had 28 people, including public, academic, special librarians. We also had two students and some vendors from ancestry and family search. This seemed like a good mix.The discussion focused a lot around the issues and challenges of providing access to the kinds of sources people use when researching public history topics or researching that will result in some kind of public scholarship. We also explored some of the challenges of teaching the complexities of working with particular sources to our various publics. We ended the discussion with some thoughts about the definitions of public history and some thoughts about the perceptions of public history as a discipline.One of the resources mentioned that sparked a lot of interest is:
    Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace by Elizabeth Shown Mills
    One of the people from family search invited participation in the indexing project:

RUSA Board of Directors (Schultz)

Report from Janice – Directors held virtual town hall meeting for first 25 minutes. Included discussion about the website problems(Executive committee complained about the website problems and that this was sad for a professional library association.)

Had a big think to throw out ideas for RUSA future

  • Reviewed ala structure, section structure discussed putting non-functioning committees on hiatus.
  • Many things brought up from big think were here
  • Attract more non-academic librarians to RUSA;
  • To provide suggestions and guidelines to transfer from in person meetings to virtual meetings. Current decisionis left to be the individual committees. Tools -- Changefrom GoToMeeting to Blackboard for web conferencing. Blackboard is better across platforms. Go To Meeting will disappear in Feb. Chair must be the contact, schedule regular meetings and have attention to deadlines. Blackboard can combine a virtual and in-person meeting at Midwinter. Can do programming and instruction through Blackboard.
  • Build and maintain a support page for RUSA in ALA Connect
  • Explore joint programing from other divisions, groups, roundtable – some have added support. (PLA supportive too)
  • Increase efficiencies and duplications acrossdivisions and within in sections of RUSA.
  • Discounts for membership in other divisions

Other Activities: Discussion of a rumor that Midwinter will expand with numbers of programs and that individual session lengths at Annual will shrink. ALA acquired Neal Schumann and thinks this is a revenue source that will replace Midwinter. If the membership keeps coming to Midwinter ALA will continue to hold. Past attendance: Dallas est. attendance 4, 853 San Diego was 5, 000+. In general the History Section suggested that there has to be a grassroots movement. ALA still planning Midwinter 10 years out.

Passed around a RUSA satisfaction Survey. Compiled June 21, 2011. (Pass around report)

History Section Reps to RUSA Committees

  • RUSA Access to Information (Wyant, not present)
    No report
  • RUSA Conference Program Coordinating (Morris)
    Deadline is May 1 for programs. Changes: In the past, the Presidents Program was usually selected from the already a planned program. Each section is guaranteed two slots for programs. Janalynn Moss is planning a program for 2013 (past president will spearhead a program in the future). In an effort to keep up programming we need to be ready with a preplanned program if there is an open slot (i.e. shovel ready). Ideas for future included: Public librarians and how to do local history. Could also teach people how to do genealogy. Easy tips. Small universities also act as hubs for genealogical research. Uncertain if we have to have the speakers identified or if we just need a fully developed idea. Agnes Widder suggests developing a list of members’ skills, sort of a speakers bureau. Could also be put on a website for other outside agencies/organizations to identify. Mary Mannix and Sara Morris (Laura Hibbler can help) will work on this. is the public view and ALA Connect is the private website. This could go on either page. Could search this by state and other criteria. Specialized by genealogy (military, etc.) or local history or instruction design. Mary and Sara will decide where it will go (public or private)
  • RUSA Nominating (Morris)
    One person on RUSA ballot. Counselor, member at large are all good slots for us to think about.
  • RUSA Membership (Oberholtzer)
  • RUSA Organization and Planning (Widder)
    Discussed how often sections and committees be reviewed and with what question. CODES was reviewed and the review accepted. STARS will be reviewed next. The History Section will be reviewed 2015 and 2019. The section would turn in a self-report due the Feb. after Midwinter. The Committee worked a long time on revising the questions. Members of Organization and Planning are assigned to be liaisons to committees and to help with the review. Frustration that Access to Information Committee is not functional and that it cannot be dissolved. Reviews will be conducted every 4 years (had discussed 6 years, previously every 5 years).
    Mary Popp Vice chair looking for big name speaker for Chicago for presidential program. Looking for $10-$20,000 speaker and use the program for recruitment. Discussion in this History Section meeting included frustration over inability to use some of the funds for those who are already participating, charging for CEUs. Suggestions included discounts for divisional members or reduced fees for membership in PLA or ACRL. Some of us have dropped ACRL or PLA membership to be in RUSA.
  • RUSA Budget and Finance (Moss and Morris)
  • RUSA has a significant surplus in funds that need to be spent.
  • Buying 5 meeting rooms for up to 100 people each in Blackboard for virtual conferencing. Will use headphones and headsets. May have to make adjustments.
  • Discussion ensued about the funds surplus. Including:
  • Why does RUSA need to charge for preconferences if they have these funds?
  • Planning a “big named” speaker for the presidents program. Not sure this will be a draw to increase membership. Seems to be a disconnect between the ideas from the committees and the budget committee, who often says no. Could more money be put into programs? Now we have so many restrictions on funds that we can never really use them.
  • What about a structured dues structure – Society of American Archivists has 4-5 steps in membership based on salary gradations.
  • What about scholarships for others to attend. Could be member to win the scholarship.
  • Could use for interns.
  • Free ride for new member for two years with committee appointment. Not sure the speaker will actually be the draw.
  • Is there anything preventing History Section from putting on something at a historic site. Like a rental of a room. Generally you need a sponsor.
  • Earmark money for creative ways of membership recruitment. (Innovation Fund for Recruitment). Give to the chair of a committee to use and require a report back to RUSA. We need to identify who is opposed to what we want to do. Need to be familiar with the RUSA by-laws.
  • Webinars have become popular. Should we develop? RUSA wants them to pay for these.
  • Speakers Bureau -- could finance these speakers to go to other libraries.
  • Nancy offered to find a spot for activities/dinner, etc. in Seattle.
  • RUSA Professional Development Committee (Elrod)
    Did not meet.
  • RUSA Publications Committee (Arlen)

Shelly gave report on Saturday. See minutes