R.M. of Britannia #502 June 10, 2015 Regular Meeting 6
Rural Municipality
Britannia No. 502
June 24, 2015
The Britannia Municipal Council convened their Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers of the Rural Municipality of Britannia Office at 9:02 a.m. Wednesday,
June 24, 2015 with Reeve John Light presiding.
Present: Reeve: John Light
Councilors: Ed Noble
Dale Forland
Jim Collins
Kim Schindel
Diann Tippe
Dale Crush
Administrator: Wanda Boon
405-15 Adopt Minutes
NOBLE - That the Minutes of the June 10, 2015 Regular Meeting of Council be adopted as presented.
Development Services Officer Riannon McVay joined meeting at 9:25 a.m.
Delegation Jimmy James attended the meeting from 9:28-9:45a.m
NW 25-50-28W3, Lot 1 Blk 1
406-15 2nd Approach Application
COLLINS - That the Municipality send the owner of NW 25-50-28 W3, Lot 1, Blk 1, a letter stating that his request for an additional approach be approved on the condition that he removes the original approach upon completion of the second approach.
NW 25-50-28W3, Lot 1 Blk 1
407-15 Dugout within 150ft Setback
NOBLE – That the Municipality arranges a meeting between the owner of NW 25-50-28 W3, Lot 1 Blk 1, the Municipal Engineer, the Foreman and the Division 3 Councilor, and a representative of the Water Security Agency, to determine the best course of action in regards to the dugout located on that property.
Development Services Officer Riannon McVay left the meeting at 9:48 a.m.
Assistant Administrator Frances Olson and Municipal Finance Officer Cindy Gorchinski joined the meeting at 9:50 a.m.
408-15 Financial Statements
SCHINDEL – That the Municipality accepts the Statement of Cash flows, Statement of Financial Activities, Statement od Allocated Surplus and 2014 audited Fincial Statements as presented and attached to these minutes.
409-15 Tax Abatement
CRUSH - That the following 2015 taxes be abated and that a credit for the
same amount be applied to the tax card:
LLD Municipal School Total
Sandy Beach Cabin #93 $85.85 $119.95 $205.80
410-15 Tax Abatement
COLLINS – That the following 2015 taxes be abated and that a credit for the
same amount be applied to the tax card:
LLD Municipal School Total
Lot 2, Blk 1, Plan 101933850 $765.38 $197.69 $963.07
Assistant Administrator Frances Olson and Municipal Finance Officer Cindy Gorchinski left meeting at 9:28 a.m
Council recessed for a coffee break from 9:28 – 9:43 a.m.
411-15 Concentrated Haul Billing
FORLAND – That the Municipality agrees to invoice all oil companies for previous billing errors on concentrated haul matters.
412-15 Human Resource Issues
SCHINDEL – That the Municipality hire Laurie-Anne Rusnak of LADR Consulting to conduct a human resources office review at a cost of $3000.00.
In favour: Noble, Schindel, Light, Forland Crush
Opposed: Tippe, Collins and Crush Forland
413-15 Human Resource Issues
CRUSH – That the Municipality agrees to hold a Special Meeting to discuss human resource issues on July 3rd, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in Council Chambers.
414-15 Policy Manual
SHINDEL – That the Municipality amend the phrasing of the Harassment Policy to agree with the amended Saskatchewan Employment Act as presented by Councilor Schindel.
Nigel Stapleton joined the meeting at 11:35 a.m.
Councilor Noble left meeting at 11:55 a.m.
415-15 Landfill Site
SCHINDEL – That the Municipality obtains an estimate on supplying three phase power to the existing landfill site.
Nigel Stapleton left the meeting at 12:00 p.m.
Councilor Collins left the meeting at 12:00 p.m.
Council recessed the meeting for a lunch break from 12:00 p.m to 1:20 p.m.
Foreman Dan Fedirko & Assistant Foreman Larry Walton joined the meeting at 1:20 p.m.
Greenstreet Alley
416-15 TIPPE – That the Municiplaity send letters the the property ownner’s of lots 1-3, Blk.2 Plan AP2196 in the Hamlet of Greenstreet, to determine a resolution for the removal of structures on the municipal back alley.
417-15 Dust Control
SCHINDEL – That the Municipality agrees to place a traffic counter at the entrance of to our medium or high density subdivisions in order to verify the traffic volume for determining the need for dust control.
418-15 SE-06-50-26W3
Road 675 Washout
NOBLE – That the Municipality agrees to repair the grade on Road 675 internally as needed.
419-15 Road 675 Construction Extention
SCHINDEL – That the Municipality agree to extend the asphalt on Road 675 covering the first mile into the R.M of Wilton at their expense, pending an investigation and agreement on costs.
420-15 450 JD Crowler
NOBLE – That the Municipality agree to purchase a 450 JD Crawler at auction at a maximum cost of $30,000.00.
Foreman Dan Fedirko & Assistant Foreman Larry Walton left the meeting at 2:25 p.m.
Nikki Jubenville from Synergy Credit Union joined the meeting at 2:25p.m.
421-15 Signing Authority
NOBLE – That the Municipality agrees to replace the signing authority with Synergy Credit Union from the position of Assistant Administrator to Municipal Finance Officer.
422-15 Credit Card
CRUSH – The the Municipality agrees to allow Cindy Gorchinski, Municipal Finance Officer to hold an R.M. Master card with an $5000 limit.
Councilor Noble left the meeting at 2:38p.m.
Foreman Dan Fedirko & Assistant Foreman Larry Walton joined the meeting at 2:38 p.m.
423-15 Soil Stabilizer Repair
CRUSH – That the Municipality agrees to repair the soil stabilizer at an approximate price of $10,000.00 for the repair of the teeth and $15,000.00 for labor.
Foreman Dan Fedirko & Assistant Foreman Larry Walton left the meeting at 2:50 p.m.
Council recessed for a coffee break from 2:50 – 3:03 p.m.
Development Services Officer Riannon McVay joined the meeting at 3:03 p.m.
424-15 NW 32-50-27W3 LSD 14
Subdivion Application
CRUSH - That the Municipality agrees to table the application for subdivision on the NW 32-50-27-W3M until the next meeting, due to the pending Zoning Bylaw amendment regarding permitted and discretionary uses.
425-15 NW-12-51-28W3 Par.A
Subdivion Application CRUSH – That the Municipality agrees to table the application for subdivision on the NW 12-51-28W3 until the next meeting, due to the pending Zoning Bylaw amendment regarding permitted and discretionary uses.
426-15 SE 32-50-27-W3M
Application to Subdivide - Servicing Agreement
SHINDEL– That the Municipality send a letter to the owner of SE 32-50-27-W3M approving his application to subdivide three parcels from LSD 8, SE 32-50-27-W3 Ext.106, identified as Community Planning File #0240-15S, subject to the following standard conditions:
· Applicant will be required to provide an expanded road right-of-way of an additional 17 feet along the entire east boundary of LSD 8-32-50-27-W3 Ext.106 adjacent to Range Road #3274.
· A Servicing Agreement is signed by both the property owner and the Rural Municipality of Britannia No. 502 regarding the construction and maintenance of the proposed internal subdivision road.
427-15 Lot 15, Blk 6 Greenstreet
Development & Building Permit – Detached Garage and Retaining Wall
TIPPE - That the Municipality send a letter to the owner of Lot 15 Blk 6 stating that their application to construct a detached garage and retaining wall that corresponds with the surrounding neighbors’ drainage structures be approved subject to the following conditions:
· All setbacks are adhered to
· Building Inspection approval
· Adherence to all local bylaws, provincial legislation and federal regulations
SE 26-52-27W3
428-15 Utilize Approach
CRUSH - That the Municipality agrees to the second revised plan for an approach on the SE 26-52-27 W3 that meets our 90 degree angle requirements and municipal standards.
429-15 50-28W3, 51-27W3 and 53-28W3
Road Crossing
CRUSH - That the Municipality sends a letter to SaskPower stating that they agree to table SaskPower’s request to upgrade electrical service in 50-28W3, 51-27W3 and 53-28W until Coucilors of those divisions have had a chance to review the plans presented.
430-15 Lots 4, 5 and 6 Hilmond
Approach Request
TIPPE - That the Municipality send a letter to the owner of Lots 4, 5 and 6 Hilmond stating that his application for a residential approach be approved subject to the condition that it meets municipal standards. CARRIED
431-15 SE 14 to SW 13-51-27-W3M
SaskTel Cable Crossing
NOBLE - That the Municipality send a letter to SaskTel stating that their request for cable installation between SE 14 and SE 13-51-27-W3 be approved subject to the condition that the crossings are bored to the maximum depth, and to a distance of 100ft on either side of the municipal road allowance. CARRIED
432-15 Hilmond Mailbox Lights
TIPPE – That the Municiplaity request that SaskPower install a street light by the mailboxes in the Hamlet of Hillmond.
Yard Complaints
433-15 Greenstreet and Hillmond
TIPPE – That the Municiplaity send a letter to the tentant and landlord of Lot17,18 and 19, Blk 1 Plan AQ2857 at the Hamlet of Hillmond and the owner of Lot 21 and 22, Blk 6, Plan 82B00728W3 in the Hamlet of Greenstreet requesting him to clean the yard and remove junked vehicals from his property.
434-15 Water Analysis Report
TIPPE- That Council has reviewed the Water Analysis Results, for the Hillmond and Greenstreet Treatment and Distribution Systems, and that the reports may be filed accordingly.
435-15 Resignation Gift
SCHINDEL – That the Municipality agrees to grant a resignation gift to Frances Olson in the amount of $700.00; $100 per year of employment.
436-15 Cabinet for Gopher Poison
SCHINDEL – That the Municipality agrees to the purchase of a cabinet to house gopher poison in the office storage room.
437-15 Hillmond School Newspaper
TIPPE – That the Municiplaity agrees to monthly donation of $25.00 per month to the Hillmond School Newspaper in exchange for monthly advertising.
438-15 Canada 150 Grant
NOBLE – That the Municiplaity agrees to investgate the possibilities of a second intake of the Canada 150 grant.
439-15 Bylaw 16-2015
Building Bylaw: A Bylaw Respecting Buildings
NOBLE– That Bylaw No. 16-2015, being a Bylaw Respecting Buildings be read a first time.
440-15 Bylaw 16-2015
Building Bylaw: A Bylaw Respecting Buildings
SCHINDEL – That Bylaw No. 16-2015, being a Bylaw Respecting Buildings be read a second time.
Bylaw 16-2015
441-15 Building Bylaw: A Bylaw Respecting Buildings
TIPPE - That all three readings of Bylaw No. 16-2015 be conducted at this meeting.
442-15 Bylaw 16-2015
Building Bylaw: A Bylaw Respecting Buildings
FORLAND – That Bylaw No. 16-2015, being a Bylaw Respecting Buildings be read a third time signed and sealed.
443-15 Center Line Locate
SE 25, NE 24-52-27W3 and SW 30, NW 19-52-26W3
SE 25, NE 25-51-27W36, and NW 30, SW 30-15-26W3
TIPPE – That the Municiplaity agrees to have an engineer locate the center lines of the road located between SE 25-52-27W3, NE 24-52-27W3, SW 30-52-26W3 and NW 19-52-26W3 SE 25-51-27W36, NE 25-51-27W3, NW 30-51-26W3, SW 30-51-26W3 SE 25-51-27W3, NE 25-51-27W36, NW 30-51-26W3 and SW 30-15-26W3 interesting Township and on Range Road 3271.
444-15 Colonial Days Parade
TIPPE – That the Municipality agrees to close the office during the Colonial Days Parade, July 8, 2015.
444-15 Accounts for Approval
NOBLE– That the following Accounts for Approval, a list of which is attached hereto and forms a part of these minutes, be approved for payment and signed by the Reeve and Administrator:
1. General Cheques #26307 - 26349 and Online Payments. #209-223, totaling $168,382.47
445-15 Adjourn
SCHINDEL -That this meeting be adjourned, the time being 4:26 p.m.
Reeve Administrator