Work Activity:
Hydraulic strength test
Pneumatic tightnesstest
and Drying of vessels /
Thornliebank Industrial Estate Glasgow G46 8JW
Tel: 0141 638 7916 Fax: 0141 638 8111
Star Thornliebank Production Area
Those at Risk / Y/N / Comments - enter names or general groups
Star Employees:
Other workers:
General Public: / Y
N / Everyone in production area
Sub-contractors and visitors
Comments: No young person (under 18 years) will be allowed to carryout pressure testing unless a competent person closely supervises them.
- Rupture of pressurised system during hydraulic strength test.
- There is a danger of fire if combustible material is in the vicinity of the dryer burners
- Explosion of Nitrogen cylinders (as a result of toppling over or being struck). - (Pneumatic tightness testing)
- Burns
- Flooding of production
- Injury from rotating vessel while empting water
Control Measures(existing or planned)
Control / DetailsPPE: /
- Safety boots with a heel, good grip and steel toe cap (200 joule)
3.Ear defenders
4.Safety glasses/eye protection (for protection against projectiles and jets of high pressure water or gas)
Equipment: /
- OFN Cylinders (in bank or secured upright) Double check contents!
- Nitrogen pressure regulator suitable for pressures of 300 Bar on the cylinder side
- Calibrated test gauge (GS4 33)
- Vent hose (secured - for the venting of the test medium to a safe place if necessary)
- Suitable vessel supports will be provided to ensure vessel does not move during the test.
- Hydraulic pump and hoses - (Hydraulic Strength pressure testing)
- 210ST Polyflex (2308N-04V00) thermoplastic hose assembly c/w ¼” BSP female
- Gas burner with normally closed solenoid on the gas supply. This is to prevent the workshop filling with gas should the mains fail. - (Vessel drying)
Information, Instruction, and Training /
- Hydraulic & Pneumatic pressure testing shall only be carried out by competent personnel. See latest safety meeting minutes for register of competent personnel. (GS4 23)
- Only OFN will be used DO NOT USE ANY OTHER GAS
- Follow method statement detailed on SF445 Pressure Vessel Fabrication Record.
- Strength andtightness test pressures will be detailed on the SF445 Pressure Vessel Fabrication Record.
- Do not use the gas burner or hydraulic pump unless you have been trained in its safe use
- Clear the bunded area of other personnel and display do not enter signs.
- Clear the area of combustible materials - (Vessel drying)
- Support the vessel with the supports provided, to prevent movement during the test
- When filling a vessel overnight the person testing the vessel shall involve the production Manager or Production Supervisor to ensure that flooding doesn’t occur.
- Use crane to rotate the vessel when empting.
Control Measures Continued
Control / DetailsSupervision: / The production department will:
- Maintain a register of competent engineers.
- Ensure that only competent engineers carryout pressure testing.
- Ensure that nitrogen pressure regulators and test pressure gauges are regularly maintained, serviced and calibrated in accordance with BCGA GN2 code of practice CP7.
- Ensure that when apprentices are carrying out pressure testing as part of their training they are under strict and constant supervision by a competent engineer.
- Ensure that appropriate training is given in the safe use of the hydraulic pump and gas burners.
Environment; / 1.OFN cylinders may be pressurised to 300 bar. They must be kept upright, secured from falling and protected from accidental impact.
2.Do not discharge Nitrogen into a closed space
3.Do not enter a closed space if you suspect that nitrogen may be present following a leak or release
Procedures, documents etc /
- The Nitrogen pressure regulator, test relief valve and calibrated pressure gauge should have been inspected and certified within the last year.
Emergency action/procedures /
- First-Aiders to be made aware that Nitrogen is an Asphyxiant
Access: /
- The engineer performing the test should strictly control access to the area.
Risk Evaluation of Identified Hazards
Likelihood / Highly unlikely = 1 / Unlikely = 2 / Likely = 3Severity / Slightly harmful = 1 / Harmful = 2 / Extremely harmful = 3
(Likelihood x Severity = Risk level) 1 = Trivial, 2 = Tolerable, 3-4 = Moderate, 6 = Substantial, 9 = Intolerable
Identified Hazards (base scores on existing or planned control measures) / Triv' / Tol' / Mod' / Sub' / Int'
- Rupture of pressurised system during hydraulic strength test. 1x2
- There is a danger of fire if combustible material is in the vicinity
- Explosion of Nitrogen cylinders 1x3
- Burns 2x1
- Flood production area 1x2
- Injury from rotating vessel while empting water 1x3
2 / 3
Note:Moderate scores; Thought should be given to reducing risk, but the cost and time requirements of prevention
Should be carefully considered and limited.
Substantial: Work should not be started until the risk has been reduced, for work in progress, urgent
action is required. Considerable resources may have to be allocated.
Intolerable: If unlimited resources cannot reduce risk, work will be prohibited.
Is risk adequately controlled using the above control measures Y/N / YES / If "NO" State further action requiredState further action required:
Note : This risk assessment is only valid when all control measures are in place before the work or activity commences and will be reviewed 09/05/16or earlier if the nature of the work changes or there is a dangerous occurrence.
Assessor: / Chris Haslam Derek Barclay / (Sign) / Date May 11References:
Star Risk Assessment RA 003 - Pneumatic pressure testing
Star Standard Specifications No's 125 and 105.
HSE guidance note GS4 – Safety in Pressure Testing.