RISK ASSESSMENT No / RA006-C / Page 1 of 2
Work Activity:
Hydraulic strength test
Pneumatic tightnesstest
and Drying of vessels / 
Thornliebank Industrial Estate Glasgow G46 8JW
Tel: 0141 638 7916 Fax: 0141 638 8111
Star Thornliebank Production Area
Those at Risk / Y/N / Comments - enter names or general groups
Star Employees:
Other workers:
General Public: / Y
N / Everyone in production area
Sub-contractors and visitors
Comments: No young person (under 18 years) will be allowed to carryout pressure testing unless a competent person closely supervises them.
  1. Rupture of pressurised system during hydraulic strength test.
  2. There is a danger of fire if combustible material is in the vicinity of the dryer burners
  3. Explosion of Nitrogen cylinders (as a result of toppling over or being struck). - (Pneumatic tightness testing)
  4. Burns
  5. Flooding of production
  6. Injury from rotating vessel while empting water

Control Measures(existing or planned)

Control / Details
PPE: /
  1. Safety boots with a heel, good grip and steel toe cap (200 joule)
2.Overalls/protective clothing
3.Ear defenders
4.Safety glasses/eye protection (for protection against projectiles and jets of high pressure water or gas)
Equipment: /
  1. OFN Cylinders (in bank or secured upright) Double check contents!
  2. Nitrogen pressure regulator suitable for pressures of 300 Bar on the cylinder side
  3. Calibrated test gauge (GS4 33)
  4. Vent hose (secured - for the venting of the test medium to a safe place if necessary)
  5. Suitable vessel supports will be provided to ensure vessel does not move during the test.
  6. Hydraulic pump and hoses - (Hydraulic Strength pressure testing)
  7. 210ST Polyflex (2308N-04V00) thermoplastic hose assembly c/w ¼” BSP female
swivel both ends. Stainless steel swaged ends. Outer cover pin-pricked for gas
  1. Gas burner with normally closed solenoid on the gas supply. This is to prevent the workshop filling with gas should the mains fail. - (Vessel drying)

Information, Instruction, and Training /
  1. Hydraulic & Pneumatic pressure testing shall only be carried out by competent personnel. See latest safety meeting minutes for register of competent personnel. (GS4 23)
  2. Only OFN will be used DO NOT USE ANY OTHER GAS
  3. Follow method statement detailed on SF445 Pressure Vessel Fabrication Record.
  4. Strength andtightness test pressures will be detailed on the SF445 Pressure Vessel Fabrication Record.
  5. Do not use the gas burner or hydraulic pump unless you have been trained in its safe use
  6. Clear the bunded area of other personnel and display do not enter signs.
  7. Clear the area of combustible materials - (Vessel drying)
  8. Support the vessel with the supports provided, to prevent movement during the test
  9. When filling a vessel overnight the person testing the vessel shall involve the production Manager or Production Supervisor to ensure that flooding doesn’t occur.
  10. Use crane to rotate the vessel when empting.
Most vessels mounted on a package in Thornliebank will not require pneumatictightnesstesting as this will take place during the unit testing. Vessels to be insulated then mounted on a package shall be pneumatically tightnesstested. This will be highlighted on SF445 Pressure Vessel Fabrication Record

Control Measures Continued

Control / Details
Supervision: / The production department will:
  1. Maintain a register of competent engineers.
  2. Ensure that only competent engineers carryout pressure testing.
  3. Ensure that nitrogen pressure regulators and test pressure gauges are regularly maintained, serviced and calibrated in accordance with BCGA GN2 code of practice CP7.
  4. Ensure that when apprentices are carrying out pressure testing as part of their training they are under strict and constant supervision by a competent engineer.
  5. Ensure that appropriate training is given in the safe use of the hydraulic pump and gas burners.

Environment; / 1.OFN cylinders may be pressurised to 300 bar. They must be kept upright, secured from falling and protected from accidental impact.
2.Do not discharge Nitrogen into a closed space
3.Do not enter a closed space if you suspect that nitrogen may be present following a leak or release
Procedures, documents etc /
  2. The Nitrogen pressure regulator, test relief valve and calibrated pressure gauge should have been inspected and certified within the last year.

Emergency action/procedures /
  1. First-Aiders to be made aware that Nitrogen is an Asphyxiant

Access: /
  1. The engineer performing the test should strictly control access to the area.

Risk Evaluation of Identified Hazards

Likelihood / Highly unlikely = 1 / Unlikely = 2 / Likely = 3
Severity / Slightly harmful = 1 / Harmful = 2 / Extremely harmful = 3
(Likelihood x Severity = Risk level) 1 = Trivial, 2 = Tolerable, 3-4 = Moderate, 6 = Substantial, 9 = Intolerable
Identified Hazards (base scores on existing or planned control measures) / Triv' / Tol' / Mod' / Sub' / Int'
  1. Rupture of pressurised system during hydraulic strength test. 1x2
  1. There is a danger of fire if combustible material is in the vicinity
of the dryer burners. 1x3
  1. Explosion of Nitrogen cylinders 1x3
  1. Burns 2x1
  1. Flood production area 1x2
  1. Injury from rotating vessel while empting water 1x3
/ 2
2 / 3

Note:Moderate scores; Thought should be given to reducing risk, but the cost and time requirements of prevention

Should be carefully considered and limited.

Substantial: Work should not be started until the risk has been reduced, for work in progress, urgent

action is required. Considerable resources may have to be allocated.

Intolerable: If unlimited resources cannot reduce risk, work will be prohibited.

Is risk adequately controlled using the above control measures Y/N / YES / If "NO" State further action required
State further action required:

Note : This risk assessment is only valid when all control measures are in place before the work or activity commences and will be reviewed 09/05/16or earlier if the nature of the work changes or there is a dangerous occurrence.

Assessor: / Chris Haslam Derek Barclay / (Sign) / Date May 11


Star Risk Assessment RA 003 - Pneumatic pressure testing

Star Standard Specifications No's 125 and 105.

HSE guidance note GS4 – Safety in Pressure Testing.