Ethical Perspective 1

Running head: Ethical Perspective

Ethical Perspective

Ethical Perspective

Ethics are a very important aspect of the success of an organization. As ethical perspectives are explored, individuals in the workforce will have a better understanding of ethical awareness and be able to lead his or her organization to success. According to Webster’s dictionary ethics is defined by “the discipline dealing with what is good or bad and with moral duty and obligation (Merriam-Webster, 2005). In an effort to assist individuals with their development of a deeper understanding of what their personal ethical perspective is, the ethics awareness inventory was created. The inventory refers to a series of broad characterizations representing four prominent categories of ethical philosophy which spell out “CORE.” The survey enables individuals to learn more about their character, obligation, results, and equity (Ethics Awareness Inventory, 2008). The (C) character describes a person whom tends to base his or her ethical perspective on what it is to be good rather than what it is good to do. The (O) obligation perspective describes a person whom tends to base his or her decision to do what they think is morally right. The (R) results perspective tends to base their ethical perspectives on the results of their actions. The (E) equity perspective is based on the concern of the instability of knowledge, and lack of people who can qualify as true experts in deciding what is right and what is wrong (Ethics Awareness Inventory, 2008).This paper is designed to describe my ethical perspective along with my ethical style. I am sure a surprising outcome awaits me.

The most important factor in ethical awareness is the understanding of principles and knowing what it takes to make ethical decisions. Ethical awareness must be broken down into several steps for individuals to grasp a better understanding. The first step is focused on identifying one’s “CORE” beliefs. The next step involves top leaders establishing a plan to analyze the difference between right and wrong in a given situation (William, 2008). In the last step all leaders are to apply values and a commitment to be involved in a change. With these steps come a tolerance to dissent and a high level of trust (Williams, 2008).

The Williams Institute for Ethics and Management was established in 1993 by co-founders Linda and Jim Williams. The organization’s mission is to promote ethics in communities through research, education, and leadership by helping young people and adults to judge what is right, care deeply about what is right, and to do what is right (Williams, 2008). The company believes these are the ingredients to the recipe for moral maturity (Williams, 2008). The organization’s mission represents a vision of helping others in a way that would better a person’s behavior for years to come. With such a respect for ethical awareness, individuals can rely on the survey to release a new way of thinking about ethical philosophy.

According to the survey my ethical profile is closely aligned with “C” character. My ethical perspective describes me as the type of person whom believes that ethics should involve ways to help individuals achieve moral excellence. People with this type of ethical perspective look beyond the actions to examine someone’s character. The survey also goes into detail regarding ethical style based on character. My ethical style relies on the ability of making sound moral judgments (Ethics Awareness Inventory, 2008). This ethical style shows a person of wisdom and integrity. People with this ethical style value such qualities as honesty, wisdom, and integrity, and may also stress emphasis on putting these values into practice in his or her

everyday life (Williams, 2008).Individuals with the ethical style of (C) character do not believe in complying with some preset standard or principle of right and wrong to find the solution to a

complex ethical dilemma. (Ethics Awareness Inventory, 2008).

With every ethical style come ethical dilemmas. Individuals who are considered the (C) character may find it frustrating to realize that not everyone thinks as they do. Other individuals may not think as morally and this can also cause some frustrations. In my current organization I can see myself being faced with some ethical dilemmas. One example would be realizing that not everyone has the same values that I do. I believe in honesty in the workplace. Many individuals at my organization seem to do the minimum work required to obtain a paycheck and expect to advance within the company. My ethical style describes me as a person whom is honest and believes that hard honest work is what helps advancement in the business world. Another dilemma I may be faced with is realizing that others may not have the same moral judgment that I do. I believe integrity and hard work pays off in the end. I believe helping others is the right thing to do. Some individuals will do anything they have to, to get to the top of the ladder. My ethical perspective describes me as a person whom believes in honesty and hard work to reach the top of the ladder. One other example of frustrations I may encounter within my workplace would be the organization itself. Although I believe in integrity and honesty, the organization may base this belief solely on a system instead of practicing it as an organization (Ethics Awareness Inventory, 2008).

No matter what ethical perspective a person is, or what ethical style, an individual should always choose what is right for them. The most important thing is to understand that everyone is faced with situations which one may believe is right. An individual must develop a process to guide his or her struggle in making ethical decisions. Decisions that will allow a person to consider various aspects that may affect his or her immediate decision and the effect it may have on others. As I examine my ethical perspective and ethical style, I can work on ways to improve my frustrations in ethical dilemmas by considering who will be affected by my decision making, and who will be impacted on the decision that I make. Other questions I can consider would be to analyze what ethical perspective is reflected by my decision, and determining if I can justify my decision on ethical grounds (Ethical Awareness Inventory, 2008). Asking myself these important questions can help me to make the right choices as I go through my personal and professional life.


Ethic. (2008). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

Retrieved August 19,2009 from

Ethical Awareness Inventory, 2008

Resources/Students/Perspective Descriptions/tabid/195/Default.aspx

Williams, 2008 (Linda Williams)