Run-A-Mucca Motorcycle Rally

Regular Meeting

December 7, 2016

Board Present: Brian Stone, Cliff Ponsock, Ian Carvajal, Antoine Castillo, Pam Coats,Chris “Cash” O’Neill & Darrel Field

Call to Order

Darrel called the meeting to order at 3:06pm at the West Hall Convention Center.

Public Comment

No public present at the meeting

Bike Raffle

As of this writing we have received the Gaming Control Board Letter approving our Charitable Raffle.

Tickets have been delivered to:
Chester’s Reno Harley-Davidson
Model T

New Frontier RV Park


Winnemucca Inn

With the Christmas Holiday coming up, no one has room to display the bike at this time.


Vendor applications are coming back in.

Brian offered space for added vendors at the Sundance lot.

Cash offered to speak with the Dyna Tune Owner of Reno, a local pin striper, and other motorcycle related vendors about vending at our Rally.

We need to find another stitcher as one of the partners who has done our rally for many years has passed away. Cash notes that Gene, the remaining partner was especially rude to customers last year.


Brian reports that the Winners has no plans to produce a paid concert for 2017. He has offered to help fund a higher quality band for Saturday night.

Cash mentioned a group called “Cash Prophets” who may be available to play our rally.

The committee asked for bids on other bands. As of this writing, “Great White” is available for $12,500. We are currently looking for other bids.

Darrel pointed out that the Entertainment budget is about $9000 over budget if we were to hire “Great White”.

The committee discussed other bands who would play during the day or on Sunday Night to possibly include one or two of the following: “Jay Gordon”, “Savannah Blue”, “Bo and the Blues Drivers” and “The Greg Golden Band”.

Brian noted that the day time band placement at the Intersection of 4th and Lay Streets worked well last year.

Pins and Patches

The committee approved the pin design to include the Nevada background.

The committee asked if the pin design could be adapted for the patch. As of this writing, Darrel has forwarded the proposed Patch Design to Committee E-Mail.

Cash suggested contacting a vendor in Elko about the patches.


As of this writing we have applied to ESI Security to supply officers to keep an eye on our vendor lot(s).

Next Meeting

Please be prepared to select bands at our next meeting.

The committee agreed to meet on the Second Wednesday in January, January 11, 2017 at 3pm. The Winners has graciously donated their banquet room as the venue since the Convention Center is completely booked up.


Meeting adjourned at 4:15PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Darrel Field

Run-A-Mucca Regular Meeting

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