Rules, Procedures and expectations
2014 -2015
Madame Heuer
Phone: (908-689-3050, Ext. 3581
E-mail -
Course Description:In French III, students expand their range of expression for both oral and written communication at an intermediate level which begins to prepare them for foreign language study at the advance level and for College and University level. This course is designed to improve the student’s efficiency in the four language skills, major emphasis is placed upon conversational proficiency of the student. The student’s knowledge of various French-speaking countries, their language and their culture is expanded through the use of technology, class discussions, and a variety of authentic materials. Contemporary literature is introduced and used as the basis for discussion about the intricacies of the respective cultures.
Goals: Goals for this course are the following:
1.Achieve Proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, which will allow the student to be able to speak the language and be understood by a native speaker, read and write correctly in French.
2.Acquire a firm Linguistic base, which is the foundation of effective communication and meaningful language proficiency.
3.To gain an understanding and appreciation of the French speaking world and its Culture.
Discovering French RougeToday! This is brand new book, so please take good care of it! An online copy of the book can be accessed at
Material needed:
- A three-ring binder
- One folder for your portfolio
- A one-subject notebook (three hole punched)
- A pen, a pencil, an eraser
- USB/ Drive for major projects/assignments
- Your textbook, French Discovery Rouge Today, McDougal Littell (must be covered at all time)
- Your school ID
- Your 2014-2015 student handbook
Responsibility and Classroom rules:
1.Respect yourself and others
2.Respect the class and the school rules, as outlined in your handbook. (No eating or drinking-except for water, no cell phones or electronic devices in class)
3.Bring all your material to class every day.
4.Be in your seat, ready to learn and hand in assignments that are due at the beginning of the class.
Consequences for not meeting your responsibility:
- Verbal warning
- Communication with parent/guardian
- Lunch detention
- Remove from class
- Office referral/write up
- Homework will be assigned frequently
- Late work will receive half-credit
- All missed work/assignments, quizzes, tests due to absences must be made up. It is yourresponsibility to check for missed assignments.
- Tutoring - I am available for help most days during lunch and after school until 4 pm; please check with me to schedule an appointment.
- Email me with specific questions at
Grades will be based on the following point system.
- Classwork 10 to 15 points
- Homework 10 to 15 points
- Quizzes - 30 points
- Tests - 100 points
- Projects/Journal– 100 points
- Presentation – 30 points
- Participation rubrics 5-10 points. There will be a daily class participation grade, the point value will vary depending on the day’s activities.
Infinite Campus:
Please check frequently for current grades, due dates, homework, and missing assignments.
Teacher Website:
See website for notes, study guides, and assignments/projects information. The website will be updated throughout the year.
Plagiarism is never tolerated and will result in a zero. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, copying another student’s work, copying material from the web, copying material from sources without attributing the material, and using online translators (to translate complete sentences and/or paragraph).
Classroom Expectations: Every student has the right to learn in a safe and positive environment. That means he/she has the right to be able to hear clearly, ask questions freely, and practice all skills without being disturbed or hindered by another student. Everyone in class contributes to creating an environment conducive to optimal learning.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I am pleased to have your child in French class this year. In this syllabus I have included the course description, evaluation information, the district grading scale, required materials, course expectations and consequences. Please review this document with your child. Students should come to class everyday prepared and ready to learn with the proper materials.
If you have any questions regarding classroom expectations or the progress of your child in French class, please feel free to contact me at any point throughout the school year via email at or at (908) 689-3050, Ext. 3581.
Thank you,
Mrs. Heuer, French Teacher
Please complete, sign below and return no later than Friday, September
Please complete, sign below and return to Madame Heuer, by September 5, 2014
●My daughter/son has access to a computer to complete assignments.
Initialed by parent:______Date initialed:______x
Many assignments will require computer and internet access. Please explain any limitations of access to a computer and/or the internet:
●I have read the syllabus and will abide by the expectations for Madame Heuer’s classroom.
Parent/Guardian SignatureStudent Signature Student’s Printed Name
Parent Daytime Phone Number Alternate parent phone number
Parent/Guardian email address (Please print legibly)Student email address (please print legibly)