Rules of Engagement for the Sealed Knot Society


The Board of Directors have approved the following Rules of Engagement as at on the recommendation of the Performance Committee. They have been endorsed by the Lord Generals of the Royalist and Parliament Armies and are for immediate implementation.

All Foote, Horse and Artillery Units will abide by the Rules of Engagement at all musters, without exception. All officers are responsible for the implementation of these rules, with particular responsibility being laid on unit/formation commanders. Disciplinary action will be taken against any commander who blatantly or continuously disregards these rules.

General Principles

The Rules of Engagement are intended to cater for those parts of the battle where no specifically scripted outcome is required. Otherwise the battle script takes precedence in choreographing events.

Battle scripts must take into account the Rules of Engagement. Likewise the Rules of

Engagement can be used to support the script.

The Rules of Engagement recognise the wargame nature of SK battles.

The enforcement of the Rules of Engagement will be the responsibility of the unit/formation

commander. Tercio/Association, Horse and Artillery Commanders are responsible for the units under their command.

The safety of all participants is paramount and these rules are subsidiary with the policies of

the Board of Safety. Common sense should be applied on all occasions with due attention to safety.

A Civil War Foote Regiment consisted of Pike and Shot who worked in concert for mutual

support. Therefore the ideal is for all Foote formations to consist of Pike with accompanying

sleeves of Shot. Whatever the conditions on the ground all Foote formations should endeavour to demonstrate the two arms acting together and not as separate entities.

The script may require specific all shot/ dragoon actions and these will be the exceptions to Pike and Shot working in concert.

All combatant units on the battlefield that are within range can be engaged. Unless specified

in the script the Living History area is not deemed part of the battlefield. Units that do not wish to be engaged must retire to a safe distance or an area protected by other formations.

Unit/Formation Commanders should ensure a reasonable casualty rate when facing enemy musket and artillery fire, taking into account safety and the demands of the script.

These rules are intended to create an environment in which the Society can present an

approximation of Seventeenth Century Warfare in a free flowing manner. A dim view will be taken of those who attempt to misuse the rules to gain a tactical advantage.

Colours shall not be engaged in the fighting. No colour shall be taken unless by prior arrangement.


1.0 Shot versus Shot

1.1 Units loading can be fired upon but should not be engaged hand to hand. A loading unit that cannot hold its position because it faces a unit of equal or greater strength should retire unless it is obviously unsafe to do so.

1.2 Shot should work in concert with their supporting pike unless directed to work as a separate body for a specific reason. As circumstances dictate officers should reform their units on the supporting pike or shot.

1.3 Shot would not stand an assault by Horse unless supported by pike; therefore shot should retire to the pike or break and run to the nearest defensive position/formation.

1.4 Shot exchanging fire need to react to one another by giving ground and both dropping casualties as well as maintaining safe distances.

2.0 Shot versus Pike

2.1 Shot will provide fire support to pike engagements and therefore will not be ignored by opposing pike units. Pike unsupported by shot will be expected to take a higher casualty rate and give ground. When pike units are supported by shot their firepower will neutralise the opposing pike units shot to a greater or lesser extent depending on the numbers on both sides.

2.2 Pike should only engage shot at point of pike.

2.3 Pike can advance on loaded shot but must take into account and maintain safe distances. However once the shot have fired, a pike unit, having taken casualties, can engage the shot. The shot must either engage or retire if not supported by pike. If supported shot can maintain a continuous rate of fire, i.e. firing by introduction or extraduction, then the opposing pike unit must give ground unless supported by shot, as above.

Please note that musket commanders must NOT attempt to delay attacking pike by firing slowly or attempting to manipulate these rules in order to hold back attacks.

2.4 Shot Units should not use the loading process for tactical advantage against pike or other units.

2.5 Pike will not attack shot in the process of loading. Shot loading in an exposed position should retire unless it is unsafe to do so.

3.0 Pike versus Pike

3.1 Pike Units shall be no more than 4 to 6 ranks in depth and need to be at least as wide as deep. Wedge formations are not acceptable.

3.2 Pike Units may fight at either point or push depending on their preference and training. Units with a strong preference should indicate to the Brigade Commander and LG their requirement so that this can be taken into account in planning the scenario of the battle to ensure that all members are fully engaged during the re-enactment to the benefit of all.

3.3Pike must take into account the presence of shot supporting the opposing pike unit by keeping safe distances and taking casualties. A Pike Unit must either therefore use its own shot to neutralise the opposing shot, take ground or retire. Ignoring shot is not acceptable.

3.4 Pike Units when reforming should always consider safe distances to allow shot to be able to fire and manoeuvre safely.

4.0 Horse

4.1 All opposing combatant units are regarded as legitimate targets for Horse. Therefore Foote formations need to be aware of the opposing Horse at all times and be prepared to respond.

4.2 The Horse will respect the safety of themselves and others at all times.

4.3 Shot units should either fire and or retire to the protection of the Pike. A Shot unit on its own

would not withstand a charge by Horse. Isolated shot units loading must fire or retire to the protection of pike or a defensive position.

4.4 Horse are unlikely to break a Pike Unit that has formed "Charge for horse". A unit in such a

formation should be sufficiently tight to ensure there are no gaps by which horse may enter

and thus break the formation. Horse should not enter a Foote formation unless by arrangement.

4.5 A Foote formation that is caught unprepared for horse is a legitimate target and may be charged and entered.

4.6 The Horse in charging Foote formations must take account of firing shot, who may break the charge, cause casualties or force the horse to redirect their efforts elsewhere.

4.7 Non-combatant units such as Baggage will not be engaged unless by prior agreement and scripted.

4.8 Horse would not directly assault loaded guns. However they can assault unloaded guns and

considering all safety aspects, then the guns can be over-run and must cease firing.

Capturing of guns will be only by prior agreement and if scripted. Once the Horse has

withdrawn and it is safe to do so, then guns can recommence firing.

5.0 Artillery

5.1 Guns are dangerous therefore safety is a key factor in all actions of the gun captain and any

units intending to engage them. Failure to observe basic safety puts members at risk and may well result in disciplinary action.

5.2 No guns shall be captured except by prior arrangement and if scripted.

5.3 Considering all the safety aspects and with prior warning to the gun captain or battery

commander guns can be over run. If this occurs a gun shall cease fire until the opposing units withdraw.

5.4 Guns engaged by shot should expect to take casualties.

5.5 Safe distances must always be maintained across the frontage of guns. A unit crossing the

frontage of guns or positioned in the direct line of fire should take casualties unless the ground or range suggests otherwise.

6.0 Baggage

6.1 Baggage is regarded as non-combatant. Therefore they should not be engaged by

combatant units, nor must the baggage engage combatant units, unless by prior agreement

i.e. scripted cameo. Because of this, baggage should be to the rear of fighting formations and at sufficient distance not to be obvious targets.

Authorised by:………Paul Eaglestone………Dated:…01.04.2014……

(Lord General Army of Parliament)

Authorised by:………Simon Davies………Dated:…01.04.2014………..

Lord General Royalist Army)