Rules for Membership and use of the Fitness & Wellbeing Centre

The Fitness & Wellbeing Centre is the name of the Vodafone health club located in the basement of Edison House.

These rules are designed to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience each time you visit the Fitness & Wellbeing Centre and to allow the management to maintain a high level of service at all times.

The Fitness & Wellbeing Centreis operated by Nuffield Health appointed by Vodafone.


1.1Use of the Fitness & Wellbeing Centreand its facilities requires paid membership. You do not need to be a member of the Fitness & Wellbeing Centre in order to use therapy services. A limited number of memberships will be available. Vodafone permanent, fixed term employees and permanent contracted staff are eligible to join. Staff numbers or authorisation forms are required to prove eligibility.

1.2Nuffield Health reserves the right to verify the status of employment with the Human Resources department in Vodafone or contracting company.

1.3Nuffield Health reserves the right to reject an application for membership or refuse admission to the facility.

1.4Should a maximum membership level be reached, a waiting list will be put into operation.


2.1Membership of the Fitness & Wellbeing Centreentitles you to full use of all facilities, programmes and services during the Fitness & Wellbeing Centreopening hours. Your staff ID pass will be updated to provide you with access.

2.2Membership is only granted when all required paperwork has been satisfactorily completed and payment arrangements made.

2.3To terminate membership one calendar months notice is required and termination procedures are to be followed.

2.4Payment will be made via a monthly direct debit from your bank account. As of 1st April 2011 the membership fee is £20.50 per calendar month, paid in advance.

2.5Membership fees are reviewed annually. You will be given at least one month’s notice of any change in membership fees.

2.6A daily pro rata payment scheme is operated to account for membership payment for the period until the direct debit mandate is established with your bank. This pro rata fee is processed as an ‘add on’ to your first direct debit payment both of which will be debited from your account on the 1st of the following month.

2.7All memberships must be paid with a direct debit mandate. Payment by cash can only be accepted if you do not have a UK bank account and you must pay for 3 months in advance.

2.8If you have an outstanding payment for more than one month, Nuffield Health reserves the right to terminate your membership, subject to discussion.

2.9Membership fees are non-refundable other than on the grounds set out in section 3.

2.10Any outstanding balance owing must be paid by return or on your next visit to the Fitness & Wellbeing Centre. Access into the Fitness & Wellbeing Centrewill be denied until the outstanding balance has been cleared.

2.11All changes in membership details, including health status, must be communicated to Nuffield Health in writing.

2.12Memberships are non-transferable.

3Cancellation of membership

3.1If you leave the employment of Vodafone or contracting company please notify Nuffield Health of the change in your employment status.

3.2To terminate membership one calendar months notice is required and termination procedures are to be followed.

3.3Your last payment will therefore be one full calendar months payment. Pro-rated refunds from Nuffield Healthwill only be given on cancellation of membership as a result of long-term sickness, pregnancy, redundancy due to economic reasons and relocation of an individual by Vodafone or contracting company. In all cases of cancellation through medical reasons, a letter from a medical practitioner must be presented.

3.4If you wish to cancel your membership, you must complete the Membership Cancellation Form available at the Fitness & Wellbeing Centrereception desk. Completed forms must be submitted to Nuffield Health. You will receive an electronic confirmation of cancellation of your membership.

3.5NuffieldHealth reserves the right to cancel your membership for persistent breach of these rules.

4Suspension of membership

4.1The minimum length of membership suspension is one month.

4.2Membership of the Fitness & Wellbeing Centrecan be suspended due to medical reasons (a letter from a medical practitioner will be required).

4.3Membership suspension during extended business travel assignments will be granted on written confirmation to the Fitness & Wellbeing CentreProgramme Manager.

4.4Membership cannot be suspended for reasons of convenience (e.g. holiday).

4.5Membership Suspension Forms are available at the Fitness & Wellbeing Centrereception desk. Completed forms must be submitted to Nuffield Health. You will receive an electronic confirmation of suspension of membership.

4.6Nuffield Healthrequires a minimum of two weeks advanced notice in order to stop direct debit payments. If Nuffield are unable to stop the payment your membership will be extended upon return to the facility. Refunds cannot be given for suspended memberships.

5Induction Process

5.1You are required to participate in the Fitness & Wellbeing Centreinduction process prior to use. The induction process will include a mandatory Health Screen and Blood Pressure check with a WellbeingAdvisor to assess your suitability to exercise. This will be followed by an equipment and facility induction.

6Group Exercise

6.1Most group exercise classes are included in your membership fee.

6.2In the interests of safety, you will not be admitted into the classes after the warm up period.

6.3You are requested to put away mats, dumbbells and all other exercise equipment after use.

6.4The class schedules will be published in advance in the Fitness & Wellbeing Centre and on the intranet.

6.5Nuffield Health reserves the right to levy a penalty against members who repeatedly fail to attend a booked class.

6.6Fees for certain specialist classesmay be charged, and these charges will be advised in advance by Nuffield Health.

6.7Nuffield Health cannot guarantee the availability of classes and all bookings will be taken on a first come, first served basis.

7Personal Training

7.1In all cases the client must attend a consultation with a trainer prior to the commencement of any personal training sessions, with the aim of identifying factors like aims/goals, timescale of training, injuries etc.

7.2All payments for personal training should be made prior to the session, unless an agreement has been made at the trainer’s discretion.

7.3With regards to cancellations clients are expected to give 24 hours notice, failure to do so will result in a standard charge of 100% for that session. Exceptions can only be made at the trainer’s discretion. No-shows will also be charged at 100% of the session cost.

7.4If a trainer is unavailable for a personal training session due to illness etc, the client will be contacted as soon as possible, and the trainer will try to organise cover for that session. However should the client wish to cancel the session they can either re-book the session or claim a refund for the session (if it has been paid in advance).

7.5In order to be eligible for Personal Training, clients MUST be current members of the Fitness and Wellbeing Centre. Should a client make a bulk booking and not take all of the sessions prior to their membership expiring, the outstanding sessions will be non-refundable and can only be claimed once membership is resumed.


8.1Clients should arrive at least five minutes prior to appointment times.

8.2Clients will be required to complete either a Consent Form or a Patient Registration Form (dependant on the type of therapy) prior to their first appointment.

8.3Clients should provide 24 hours notice for any cancellation of Physiotherapy and Sports Massage appointments, and 48 hours notice for any cancellation of Beauty & Complementary Therapy appointments, otherwise a charge will apply.

9Health & Exercise Precautions

9.1You are advised not to increase your exercise programme beyond the progressions stipulated by the WellbeingAdvisor without first consulting them.

9.2Do not use an unfamiliar piece of equipment without consulting a Wellbeing Advisor.

9.3You should not exercise if you have been drinking alcohol, lost a lot of sleep, not eaten sufficiently, have a heavy cold or flu, or are under medication.

9.4If you have any form of lay-off from exercise, you are advised not to carry on with your previous exercise regime, but to move instead to a lighter workout and build up again gradually.

9.5In the event of pregnancy, injury or medical operation please consult with a Wellbeing Advisor before exercise and act on their advice.

9.6Listen to your body. If any exercise hurts or you feel unwell or light-headed, stop exercising and inform a member of staff.


10.1You are required to wear appropriate footwear whilst exercising (training or deck shoes) and suitable clothing (shorts, t-shirts, tracksuits, leotards and leggings). Tops must be kept on at all times in the exercise areas.

10.2Only clean non-marking trainers are permitted in the gymnasium or aerobics studios.

10.3Some classes may require shoes to be removed. Permitted footwear must be worn until the class is due to start.

11Changing Rooms & Lockers

11.1Lockers are available on a session basis only. Items left all day or overnight will be treated as Lost Property. Vodafone and Nuffield Health are not responsible for the contents once removed.

11.2For security reasons, all personal belongings should be stored in a coin operated locker. Vodafone and Nuffield Health are not responsible for valuables brought into the Fitness & Wellbeing Centre.

11.3Lost property will be kept for three months and then disposed of.


12.1Vodafone and Nuffield Health’s liability for loss, damage or theft to your property is strictly limited to any damage or loss suffered as a direct result of the negligence of Vodafone or Nuffield Health.

12.2Property in lockers is stored at your risk. Neither Vodafone nor Nuffield Healthshall be liable for any loss, theft or damage to such property stored in the lockers.

12.3You use the Fitness & Wellbeing Centreat your own risk. Neither Nuffield Health nor Vodafone accepts any liability for any loss or damage suffered on the premises, other than loss or damage that may arise from the negligence of Nuffield Health or Vodafone.


13.1The consumption of food is not permitted within the Fitness & Wellbeing Centre. Food and beverages with the exception of water should be consumed in the vending area opposite reception only.

13.2Please wipe down equipment in the gym area with the paper towel provided, after use.

13.3Disorderly conduct, or conduct which may or does cause offence to other persons, may result in the termination of membership.

13.4You are requested not to use your mobile phone within the gym or studio areas.

13.5Nuffield Health encourages you to be courteous to fellow members and to ensure that time restrictions on the equipment are adhered to.

13.6Please conduct yourself in a manner that does not disturb or endanger others.

13.7Smoking is prohibited in all parts of the Fitness & Wellbeing Centre.


14.1Opening Times: the Fitness & Wellbeing Centrewill be open Monday to Friday 06:30 – 20:00. The Fitness & Wellbeing Centrecan only be accessed during these hours. The opening times will be posted within the premises and on the intranet. Usage levels will be monitored throughout the day to help control numbers.

14.2NuffieldHealth and Vodafone reserve the right to vary the opening times. Advance warning of these changes will be posted within the Fitness & Wellbeing Centreand on the intranet.

14.3Nuffield Health and Vodafone may withdraw all or part of the facilities for any period when required for staff training, social activities, in conjunction with any repair attention or maintenance work or other issues beyond their control.

14.4Only personal trainers appointed by Nuffield Health are allowed to work within the Fitness & Wellbeing Centre.

14.5When accessingthe Fitness & Wellbeing Centreyou must swipe your employee ID card at the reception desk. Your attendance will be tracked, as this may determine future membership eligibility.

14.6Nuffield Health operates a “no card – no entry” policy.

14.7You are requested to leave the gym floor 15 minutes prior to the Fitness & Wellbeing Centreclosing and vacate the facilities by our closing time.

14.8Additional rules and guidelines may be required for specific use of areas, equipment, services or activities within the Fitness & Wellbeing Centre. Written notification of these will be given to you or posted within the Fitness & Wellbeing Centreor on the intranet.

15Car parking on the HQ site

15.1Car Parking at HQ is as per your normal permissions with the following exceptions:

  • Car park barriers will stay up until 8:30am for anyone wishing to drive in the morning.
  • If you wish to drive in the evening you can park onsite between 4pm and 7pm. Contact Security on your way out and explain you have been using the gym. They will take your name and registration for monitoring purposes to ensure this system is not being abused.

I have read and understood the above rules and guidelines and I agree to abide by them.

Applicant’s signature:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
