Rules for Appointments to Associate Professorships (Habilitation)

1DOCUMENTS – to be submitted for assessment

Prior to submitting the application, each associate professor/docent candidate shall submit his/herresearch and teaching profile + annexes f) – l) to the Vice Dean for Research and Science or the Office for Research, Science and Doctoral Study.

The research and teaching profile form and the structure of annexesf/ – l/ are given in point 3– APPLICATION.

Beside these documents, external candidates from another university in Slovakia or abroad shall also submit:

acopy of the monograph they have published

alist of bachelor and diploma theses they have supervised for aminimum of the last three years (name of student, topic of thesis, field of study)

information in writing about the cooperation with the Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University in the area of teaching, publication and research.

After submitting these materials, the Vice Dean for Science and Research:

will forward the materials to the supervisor and co-supervisor of the relevant study field for assessment

after their approval,the materials will be submittedto the Commission for Science and Research

the Commission for Science and Research will decide if the candidate meets the requirements

if the candidate meets the requirements, he/she can submit the application for starting the associate professorship/habilitation together with other documents pursuant to UMB Directive 1/2013.

2PROCEDURE – before submitting the application

Prior to applying, candidates from abroad or candidates who completed their third degree of education abroad will proceed according to Act No. 422/2015 Z. z. on recognition of qualification. They will send a completed application (the form is downloadable at recognition of the diploma to the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas of the Slovak Ministry of Education. The decision of the Centre is one of the annexes to the written application to start the habilitation procedure;

External candidates will have to register their responses and citations in the database of publications and citations of their respective university library, candidates from abroad in the MBUUniversity Library following the regulations of bibliographic registration of publications and citations (UMB Directive 1/2013, Annex 2);

On completion of these things – submitting the decision of the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas on recognizing the candidate’s PhD diploma, registering his/her citations in the university library database, and submitting the decision of the Commission for Science and Researchthat the candidate has fulfilled the criteria – the candidate can apply for granting a“docent”/associate professor title and thus start the habilitation.


Docent/associate professor candidateswill submit the application for habilitation in writing, previously approved by the Commission for Science and Research, together with the required annexes, to the chair of the Scientific Board of the Faculty (Dean of the Faculty). Except for original documents and names, the documents must be in the Slovak or Czech language and in electronic form.

In the application, the candidatewill indicate the relevant areain which he/she is applying for the “docent”title. The application should be delivered through the registry of the Faculty, which will indicate the date of submission.

Candidates who are employed at the Faculty shall follow also Directive S-01-10 about the terms of providing compensations to the Faculty employees who are increasing and deepening their qualification. If they agree with these terms, they will conclude an agreement with the Faculty prior to the application via the Human Resources Office. Acopy of this agreement will be also one of the annexes to the application.

External candidates from another university will also submit an official application of their supervisor (dean or rector) for habilitation of the candidate at the Faculty of Economics addressed to the Deanof the Faculty.

Together with the application, the following documents are required:

a)Habilitation thesis – 4 copies in printed form andonecopy in electronic form (Pdf format)

b)Curriculum vitae (template in the annex)

c)Notarized copies of Master and PhD diplomas

d)Certificate of the length of teaching at university issued by the HR Office of the candidate’s faculty

e)Research and teaching profile + annexes f) – l) (the form is attached at the end of this file) –each annex should be submitted as aseparate document

f)An overview of the candidate’s teaching activities at university and the results achieved in this area (signed by the candidate’s head of department or dean of the facultyunless the candidate is employed by Matej Bel University) in the following structure:

units of study programme – lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratory work, excursions etc. – taught or supervised by the candidate (a list);

introduction of new units of study programme (a list);

creation of books and teaching aids;

supervising of bachelor and master theses (field of study and number);

supervising of rigorous works/papers (field of study and number);

membership in commissions for state and rigorous exams (field of study and place of work)

supervising and opposing of dissertations (if the candidate is the case or if the candidate is from an external environment; supervising of PhD students who have completed study – name and surname, field of study, topic and date of completion; with PhD students still studying it is necessary to distinguish between those before and after dissertation exam)

g)A list of original scientific and field-specific publications, works of art, books and study texts

In the case of co-authorship, the percentages of individual authors must be clearly stated. This list will be made as a report from the database of publications and citations of the MBU University Library verified by its staff with indication of the date. The list is drawn up on the date of application or later in case the habilitation procedure is interrupted. Candidates from other Slovak universities will submit alist of publications from the Central Register of Publications verified by the university library of the respective university. External candidates including those from abroad will have to register their publications in the MBU database of publications and citations before submitting the application.

h)An overview of proven citations (SCI and out of SCI) of and responses to scientific, professionaland artistic works. This overview is arecord from the database of publications and citations of the MBU University Library checked up by its staff with indication of the date. The overview shall be made on the date of application, and/or alater date in the case of interrupted habilitation procedure. Candidates from other Slovak universities shall submit areport about their citations and responsesfrom the database of publications and citations of their respective university, confirmed by its university library. External candidates, including foreign candidates, shall register the responses and citations in the MBU University Library prior to submitting the application.

i)An overview of research tasks and projects with indication of the function (coordinator or partner) and period of the projectin this format:

Projects of international grant agencies (RP, COST, ERC, JRC, EUROCORE, ESF, NSF and other), or other foreign research projects

Projects of domestic grant agencies (APVV, VEGA, KEGA)

Other projects involving basic or applied research

j)A list of works for practice, patents, copyright certificates, inventions and technical works

k)A list of other proven responses to scientific, professional and artistic works that do not belong to g), h), i) and j). This list should containespecially important lectures and study and research stays at home and abroad, membership in international organizations and editorial boards of journals, etc.

l)Aquantitative overview of fulfilled habilitation criteria approved by the UMB Scientific Board (the form is attached behind the text).

m)A proposal of three topics of habilitation lecture

n)The consent of the person concerned to process his/her personal data for the purposes of habilitation, pursuant to Act 428/ 2002 Coll. on the protection of personal data as amended (the form is attached behind the text)

o)Other specifics approved by the Scientific Board of the Economics Faculty and the Scientific Board of MBU, Art.1, para.1

-A qualitativeassessment of the candidate’s pedagogic, professional and research activities and the achieved results.(to be written and signed by the candidate’s supervisor)

-A licence agreement on the use of the habilitation thesis (to be printed from AIS)

p)Documents under b) –n) with the exception of original documents and names must be submitted in the Slovak language and in electronic form (CD).


After the meeting of the Scientific Boardof the Faculty, which appoints the habilitation commission, opponents and states the topic of the habilitation lecture, the Faculty will invite the candidate who is not employed at UMB to pay a habilitation fee. The fees are given in the UMB Directive on the fees for study for each academic year.

For the academic year 2016/2017 the fees were set as follows:

a) habilitation in the Slovak or Czech language€ 1450,-

b) habilitation in aforeign language € 2230,-


Curriculum vitae

First name and surname, maiden name, titles
Date and place of birth
Higher education and further academic qualifications
Further education
Professional experience
Teaching experience
Professional or artistic orientation
Publications with extent (number of standard sheets) and category (e.g. AAB by Regulation of Ministry of Education 456/2012 Coll.)
  1. monograph
  2. textbook
  3. study texts

Responses to scientific works / works of art
Number of PhD students:
(still studying and having completed study)
Contact address:


Research and teaching profile

  1. Surname, first name, titles: ......

Date and place of birth: ......

Address of candidate’s school: Department: ...... Faculty: ...... Street and number: ...... City/Place ......

Tel.: ...... Fax: ...... E-mail: ......

  1. Qualification:

Graduated from (Faculty, University):......

City/Place: ...... Year: ………......

Field of study: ......

CSc/PhD:Year ……… Field ……………………………….Place ……………………

Topic: ………………………………………………………………………...

Assoc. Prof./Docent:

Year ……… Field ……………………………….Place ……………………

Topic: ………………………………………………………………………...

Professor:Year ……… Field ……………………………….Place ……………………

Topic: ………………………………………………………………………...

  1. Current position:

...... from (year): ...... Field of study: ......

  1. Previous experience:

from – to: ...... Position, Place: ...... ………………………..

from – to: ...... Position, Place: ...... ………………………..

from – to: ...... Position, Place: ...... ………………………..

  1. Teaching profile:

Courses, supervising diploma and dissertation theses, lecturing in courses for other institutions, lecturing in aprogramme:......

Supervisor of astudy programme: ...... Supervisor of courses: ......

Lecturing at (institution, place): ......

Theme: ......

Lecturing in English: ......

  1. Research profile:

National and international research projects (name, number, coordinator/partner):

Projects of international grant agencies (RP, COST, ERC, JRC, EUROCORE, ESF, NSF and other), or other international research projects:

Projects of national grant agencies (APVV, VEGA, KEGA):

Other projects involving basic or applied research:

  1. Publications: (number for the whole professional life)

a)Independentresearch works and monographs:

b)Research studies and papers:

c)Textbooks, study texts:

d)Completed research and thematic tasks:

e)Presented papers and papers in scientific proceedings:

f)Professional articles:

  1. The most important publications (for the last 5 years):
  1. 10 most important works(e.g. monographs, textbooks, research studies, independent research work, patents, designs, international contributions, works of international importance):
  1. Citations and responses (number):

a)at home:


b)5 responses to the most important publications for the whole life

  1. Number of PhD students:

Number of students having completed study (give their first name and surname):

Number of students after dissertation exam

Number of students still studying

  1. Membership in national and international non-government organizations, editorial boards, ...

  1. Stays at foreign universities and institutions:

Year: University/institution: Place:

Year: University/institution: Place:

Year: University/institution: Place:

Date: ......


Candidate’s signature

Annex l/

Requirements for a docent/associate professor candidatein numbers

Candidate (first name, surname, titles): ......

Field of study of the habilitation:......

ACTIVITIES / docent / candidate
I. Teaching
Teaching at university (in years) no less than 50% of the weakly workload / 5
Time in years between granting aPhD –Assoc. Professor/Docent – Professor title / 3
Supervising of Bachelor theses (number) / 10
Supervising of Diploma theses (number) / 15
Introduction of anew course in aBachelor, Masters or Doctoral programme for the last 10 years / no
II. Supervising of PhD students
Number of PhD students having completed the study in the relevant or related field
Number of PhD students after dissertation exam in the relevant study field
III. Publications[1]
III. 1 Textbooks
University textbooks / number of standard sheets
Professional books, textbooks for secondary and primary schools, study texts / number of standard sheets
(BAA, BAB, BCB, BCI) / 3/10
III. 2 Scientific monographs, scientific papers, publications in journals, professional magazines and proceedings
Scientific monographs2 /number of standard sheets
(AAA, AAB, ABA, ABB) / 1/3
Scientific papers published at home
–in journals registered in WOS or Scopus databases and in CC journals (ADN, ADD)
–in non-CC journals (ADF)
–in reviewed proceedings and proceedings having the character of scientific monograph (AED, ABB)
–in professional magazines, non-reviewed non-conference proceedings (ABD, ACD, AEF) / 12
Scientific papers published abroad
–in impact journals registered in WOS or Scopus databases and in CC journals (ADM, ADC)
–in non-CC journals (ADE)
–in reviewed proceedings and proceedings having the character of scientific monograph (AEC, ABA)
–in professional magazines, non-reviewed non-conference proceedings (ABC, ACC, AEE) / 5
Papers published in reviewed conference proceedings (in total)
–scientific conferences abroad (AFA, AFC)
–scientific conferences at home (AFB, AFD) / 10
III. 3 Professional and other works (at home/abroad)
Chapters in textbooks and study texts (BCK), professional papers in CC and other journals (BDC, BDD, BDE, BDF), professional papers in journals registered in WOS aScopus databases (BDM, BDN) and other papers (BFA, BFB, BGG, EAI, EAJ, EDI, EDJI) / 3
III. 4 Minimum numbers of publications in category Afor granting a Docenttitle(based on the criteria of the Accreditation Commission)3
Scientific papers4 / 28
Publications in category A / 3
IV. Responses to publications – in total / 30
Citations in publications abroad and at home, registered in Web of Science citation indexes and Scopus database (category 1 and2) / 5
Citations in publications abroad and at home not registered in citation indexes (category 3 and 4)
Reviews in publications abroad and at home (category 5 and 6)
V. Participation in research projects and projects for practice5 in total / 3
out of that coordinator or deputy coordinator / 1
VI. Other6

[1] Candidates from the Faculty of Economics, MBU in Banská Bystrica, must enter all their publications in the database of publications of MBU in Banská Bystrica.

2 The minimum extent of scientific monographs and chapters in scientific monographs to be accepted in the database is 3 standard sheets (1standard sheet = 20 standard pages, 1 standard page = 1800 characters).

3 Category III.4 is achoice of publications from Category III.2, as required by the Accreditation Commission.

4 Out of the given number of publications, professor candidates must have at least 6 publications in category A, out of which 2 publications must be in journals withIF > 0.25, and candidates for assistant professor/docent 3 publications in category A, out of which at least 1 publication must be in ajournal with impact factorIF > 0.25;

Category Aincludes:

-papers in scientific journals registered in the international professional database Web of Science or Scopus as top international quality; top international quality is usually considered apaper in ascientific journal with Hirsch index HI ≥10 or impact factor IF ≥ 0.25,

-papers in proceedings from world congresses/conferences issued by renowned international publishers; usually registered in Web of Science or Scopus,

-monographs issued by renowned international publishers, such as Elsevier, Springer, Palgrave, Wiley, etc.,

-studies in scientific journals or proceedings having the character of scientific monograph issued byrenowned international publishers,

-chapters in monographs issued byrenownedinternational publishers.

5 Candidates from the Faculty of Economics, MBU in Banská Bystrica must have the projects entered in the database of projects of MBU in Banská Bystrica. The candidate will submit a certificate proving his/her participation in the project.

6 External candidates must prove active cooperation with the Faculty (participation in teaching, joint research projects and joint publications).