Rules and Regulations for Students of Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch

School Year—5771


The student must always keep to the exact schedule.

A talmid is permitted to miss seder for the following reasons: Bris, Bar Mitzvah, L’chaim, Wedding plus two Sheva Brachos and Upshernish for the immediate family only (i.e. not for cousins or extended family).

No talmid will be allowed to miss even a single seder to participate in family vacations or family gatherings under any circumstances.

When making Yom Tov travel plans please refer to our school calendar so not to miss seder.

In the event of lateness or absence, it is the student’s responsibility to bring a note signed by a parent that includes a clear reason, which is found acceptable by the Hanhala.

If the student needs to leave early, it is his responsibility to bring a note signed by a parent, which includes a clear explanation. If the reason is not acceptable, then the student must accept the decision of the Hanhala.

Although we don’t anticipate granting any exemptions to the above rules, if unforeseen circumstances warrant an exception it must be in writing and signed by the Mashgiach or Menahel in advance.


A student who fails any test will have to retake it, and learn all of the material by heart.

Absence is not an excuse to fail a test.

It is the student’s responsibility to hand in all of his homework on time.


Students must wear a hat and jacket (no windbreakers etc.) befitting a student in Tomchei Timimim, and should dress accordingly outside Yeshiva. Similarly all clothing must be appropriate for a student in the Yeshiva of the Rebbe.

* A bochur who trims (or shaves) his beard has no place in our Yeshiva.

* Tzitzis and Yarmulkes should be according to the custom of Lubavitch: wool Tzitzis with the fringes showing, and a large Yarmulke (no leather or suede).

* Haircuts should be short and even in both the front and back.

* Traditional Lubavitcher black hats only, without any unusual bulges, shapes or design.

* Only white button down shirts with white buttons and collar.

* Absolutely no pictures, slogans, or denim on any article of clothing. (ex: sweaters, sweatshirts etc.)

* No colored undershirts.

* Pants can be black, dark blue, dark gray, or brown. Absolutely no jeans or corduroy in any color.

* Plain simple black shoes only, without any white on it whatsoever.

* Blazer must be dark colored. Absolutely no corduroy or jeans etc.

Students who do not dress accordingly will be expelled immediately.


* Every Bochur is required to attend the Mikvah regularly - every morning.

* Newspapers, magazines, secular books, card games, roller blades, radios, beepers, cellular phones, ipods with videos, video/dvd’s or any electrical equipment that you can download or view visual material on are not appropriate for a student in Tomchei Timimim at all and more importantly they should never be brought into the Yeshiva. Item will be confiscated and will not returned

Internet – It’s preferable that it should not be in the house at all. If there happens to be, the student should not have any access to it whatsoever.

Sunflower seeds should not be brought to Yeshiva.

I am responsible to act in accordance with everything above, and I accept all the instructions of the Hanhala in the future, if I fail to comply with the above, Hanhala reserves the right to suspend me.

Student’s Name: ______

Student’s Signature______

Parent’s Name: ______

Parent’s Signature______